On this side, Ying Changze was still observing the mountain, but the bandits who were sentry in the distance had already seen this black-pressed Qin soldier from a distance, and hurriedly rushed into the camp to report the situation.

“Report! The leader, the Qin soldiers, gathered again and prepared to attack the cottage. ”

A one-eyed man leaning on the top position took a sip of wine and laughed.

“Hahahahahaha, this Cui Yuan is really stupid, it’s almost dark this day, he came to beat me, hahahahaha, don’t bother, wait for that group of useless Qin soldiers to come up, brothers do a good job with him, and it’s a big fortune!!”

“That is, the Qin people, what is there to fear!”


The laughter and alcohol in the village were full of laughter, and when the little soldier saw this, he had to go out.

What he didn’t say was that it didn’t seem to be Cui Yuan who led this time.

When he looked at the leader, even from a distance, he could feel the momentum in the eyes of the man riding on the tall horse.

It was a suffocating feeling as if you were locked in your throat and couldn’t move.

On this side, after Ying Changze observed the terrain, he said to Xu Zhong: “Just let the Shenli Battalion go up the mountain to clear it.” ”

Xu Zhong took the order, turned around and shouted at the array: “The divine power camp is out!” ”

A hundred heavily armored warriors armed with knives and axes walked out neatly from the array.

“Order! Clear out the mountain bandits! ”


One hundred soldiers of the Divine Power Battalion, one after another, entered the mountains and forests, like Pangu giants, standing next to those big trees, and then pressed the big trees with both hands, like pulling out a small grass, gently lifting the big trees up!

I saw that each tree, which was enough for two adults to hug, was easily uprooted!

Shi Yu and Cui Yuan gasped.

How powerful these people should be, pulling trees and onions!

Shi Yu looked at Ying Changze, who smiled and said, “Shi Xianling, stand back, be careful.” ”

Shi Yu said yes, and then took two steps back, only to see the soldiers lifting the trees above their heads with two hands, and aiming the trees at the bandit camp in the forest like a catapult.

Shi Yu thundered in his head and asked himself.

Is this tree very light?

No, this tree, the county martial arts have to carry at least four or five people, but looking at the looks of these heavily armored soldiers, it is like holding a chopstick himself.

There is no strenuous performance at all.

Everyone stood on the official road, like a great enemy, staring at every scene in front of them.

I saw those soldiers lifting the big tree, one by one.




Like a small cannonball, the big tree was instantly launched to a height of 10,000 meters, and then smashed towards the bandits’ camp like a meteor!

The bandit, who was intoxicated with wine, was awakened by the movement of pulling out the tree, and someone walked out of the house and wanted to look outside, but saw a black spot suddenly appear in the sky.

Then, countless black dots suddenly appeared in the sky full of red light like stars in the night sky.


Before the bandit could finish his sentence, a large tree fell from the sky, squeezing him into meat mud in an instant, and a bottomless pit appeared on the ground, and a few leaves fell on the side of the hole.

After that, countless black dots fell like meteors, blowing up the original bandit village into a hornet’s nest.

The sound of consternation and earthquake-like violent shaking came from a distance.

The ground under his feet was like a drum, constantly shaking, Shi Yu’s legs were soft, and he sat directly back on the ground, and his heart was shocked!

He really couldn’t imagine how much strength these heavily armored soldiers had to be able to shake the entire ground with these hundreds of big trees!

By the time Shiyu recovered from his shock, the hundred soldiers had returned to the official road.

After a long time, Cui Yuan led people to check.

Shi Yu also went with him, and as soon as he arrived at the place, he once again weakened his legs.

Seeing this, the earth in front of me was like a broken honeycomb coal, with hundreds of holes connected to bottomless cracks.

The stone camp had been completely destroyed, and as it was getting dark, only countless broken arms and shattered skulls could be seen, as well as a strong smell of blood in the air.

These heavily armored soldiers didn’t enter the mountain at all, just stood in the forest and wiped out all the six hundred bandits!

Shi Yu was helped up by the soldier behind him, his brain was buzzing, and it took half a day to find what he was thinking, and only one sentence kept echoing.

Is this human?

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