The wooden healer turned around and saw that he was about to hit the pillar, but then the crowd suddenly quieted down.

The insults around him disappeared, and the wooden healer was already full of tears, he looked at the crowd, Deng Xin and Feng Qubing walked into the crowd under the protection of the county soldiers.

When Deng Xin saw the appearance of the wooden doctor, he shouted at the soldiers behind: “Hurry up, help the wooden doctor down.”

The soldier stepped forward, and the wooden healer waved his hand to signal that he did not need to, and then stood behind the examination table and bowed his hand to Deng Xin.

As soon as Deng Xin arrived, the people who were booing around were silent, after all, Deng Xin was a county guard, and if they really did something, the first person to punish them was Deng Xin.

Deng Xin looked around and saw that the woman was sitting in her aunt’s arms and sobbing silently.

“What happened?!”

Deng Xin asked.

He glanced at it and knew that someone was making trouble, and this group of guys had nothing to do when they were full, and they became making trouble around here, which was really daring!

Deng Xin looked around, and a sharp-mouthed man behind him stepped forward, leaned beside Deng Xin, bowed and said: “Adult, it’s this healer, saying that this girl is going to die, but she also has a little red dot on her, he is clearly deliberately deceiving this girl!” ”

The man’s words are very inflammatory, putting all the responsibility on the wooden doctor, you see that this healer is useless, so we are excited, after all, we are escaping justice for that girl, not doing nothing!

When the people around heard what the man said, they shouted in response.

“Yes, it is!”

“Sir, you are in charge of us!”

“This quack doctor is clearly trying to harm us, why is everyone else okay, just him?”

“That’s it, how can other healers not see it!”

Deng Xin frowned, these chatters made his head hurt, he raised his hand and shouted loudly: “Silence! ”

Deng Xin’s voice was a little angry, after all, this is the county guard of Surabaya County, so the people gathered around gradually all quieted down, Deng Xin glared at the people around, and then looked back at the sharp-billed monkey-cheeked man.

“Did this official tell you to speak?”

Deng Xin was full of momentum and looked extremely majestic.

The man’s trembling legs, smiling, did not dare to speak.

Deng Xin waved his hand, waved the man away, and then walked in front of the woman and asked, “You tell this official, what is going on?!” ”

Deng Xin frowned and glanced at the woman, who didn’t look like the kind of person who would talk nonsense everywhere.

With tears in her eyes, the woman looked at Doctor Mu with some confusion, and then at Deng Xin.

She was also a little confused, but the words that Doctor Mu just said were clearly a notice of death for herself, she had lived well these days, and suddenly she was said to be dead, and her heart was extremely uncomfortable…

The wooden healer in the woman’s mind had been influenced by everyone’s fishing boat, she saluted Deng Xin, and then said: “Junshou, we just came to see the doctor, this healer said that I am going to die, and said that he would grab medicine for me.”

“That’s it, my lord, don’t be deceived by this healer, you see that he looks like a human, maybe there is some bad intentions, isn’t this girl a little eczema, as for saying that people are going to die?”

“I also have to collect medicine for others, I’m afraid that I don’t see that this pharmacy doesn’t have oil and water, and I want to sell medicine at a high price!”

The aunt who was holding the woman said, as soon as she opened her mouth, there was no stopping trend, and she kept saying Balabala, and there were many echoes behind her, and Deng Xin felt a headache when she heard it.

“Okay, okay, this official knows!”

Deng Xin said, the aunt stopped her mouth, with a bit of unhappiness in her eyes, but this unpleasantness she did not dare to face Deng Xin, so she had to stare at the wooden doctor, quite a bit of unforgiving posture.

Deng Xin looked at a few healers standing on the side, and as soon as there was movement on the side of the wooden healer, he attracted several healers nearby.

Wu Ren stood aside, saw Deng Xin’s gaze over, and before he could speak, he heard Deng Xin look at Doctor Mu and asked, “Doctor Mu, what’s going on in this matter?” ”


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