Qin Qi beckoned, Qin Jun solemn.

The 300,000 Qin army was like wings, surrounding Shu Mountain, and Ying Changze looked at the Shushan Valley, drew the long sword on his waist, and shouted: “Array!” ”

Xu Zhong and Zhang Han took the order, and the military flag in Zhang Handan’s hand waved, and four hundred of the 300,000 Qin troops came out with crossbows and crossbows on their backs, and the soldiers with a strong array came down from their horses, and then in front of the valley, they set up a position.

Xu Zhong led the soldiers of the Shenli Battalion out from both sides of the Shenji Battalion.

“Divine Power Battalion, fight!”

The soldiers of the Divine Power Battalion struck the knife in their hands on the shield, and the sound of the heaven-shaking jingo echoed in the valley.

Above the Shu Mountain, Yu Zizhi, Yu Sanbo and the Yu Clan Patriarch stood on the stone platform, and a person ran up from the bottom of the mountain and said, “Second Elder, the vine array has been arranged!” ”

A triumphant smile appeared in Yu Sanbo’s eyes, and he clenched his fists and said to the Yu Clan Patriarch: “Patriarch, you don’t need to worry, although this heavily armored soldier has great strength, it is definitely not my opponent of the Vine Array!” ”

Patriarch Yu fixed his eyes on the bottom of the mountain, but he always had a bad premonition in his heart.

Under the mountain, the heavily armored soldier stepped on a footprint and slowly approached the Shushan Valley.

When the heavily armored soldiers walked to a flat ground at the mouth of the valley, the ambushed Yu tribe members came out from a high place armed with poisoned arrows.


Countless poisonous arrows fell on the heavily armored soldiers from a high place, but they had no effect at all!

The poisoned arrow landed on the ground trampled by the heavily armored soldiers, and suddenly exploded, emitting a puff of smoke, and something in the soil seemed to be awakened by this smoke!

The ground under the feet of the heavily armored soldiers suddenly became a little muddy, and suddenly, a vine like a shooting star, suddenly surrounded by each other, tightly binding the heavily armored soldiers in place!

Countless vines scrambled out of the land, completely restricting the movement of the heavily armored soldiers! Yu Sanbo on Shu Mountain saw this scene and laughed with his beard.

“The Qin army uses heavily armored soldiers as the forward, although the heavy armored soldiers are extremely powerful and wearing heavy armor, ordinary weapons are incapable of them.”

“However, the heavily armored soldiers lack flexibility, and my vine can easily restrict their movements!”

“Second Elder is really powerful!”

Yu Ziji said, and saw hundreds of Yu tribesmen walking out of the valley, the Yu tribal people in the front row holding poisoned arrows in their hands to prevent the Qin army from approaching, and the middle clansmen holding machetes in their hands.

Win Changze outside the valley did not panic at all, he looked at the Yu people who walked out, and then said: “Shenji Battalion, prepare rockets.” ”

The soldiers of the Shenji Battalion answered in unison and replaced all the arrows on the crossbow with rockets.


Zhang Wei shouted, and the Divine Machine Battalion aimed at the roots of those vines and fired arrows in a volley! Yu Sanbo on Shu Mountain looked at the heavily armored soldiers who couldn’t move, and said with a bit of mockery: “These heavily armored soldiers can’t move, then it’s no different from a turtle!” ”

“Hmph, I look at this Third Prince Qin…”

Before he could speak, he was dumbfounded in place.

The Qin army’s crossbow was stained with flames and shot towards their camp like a pouring rain!

The Yu tribe standing in the front row took a bow and shot an arrow, and the arrow flew halfway and was broken in half by the rocket! The rocket stuck on the vine, and quickly led the vine!


Cold sweat fell on Yu Sanbo’s forehead, he expected that the Qin army would not dare to use rockets, but he did not expect the Qin army to be so bold!

The rocket is indeed the natural enemy of the vine array, but all around is mountains and forests, if one shot is not accurate, it will implicate the surrounding woods and affect the Qin army’s own army!

After all, many of the 300,000 troops of this Qin army were scattered among the woods.

Yu Sanbo wiped the beads of sweat from his forehead and looked at the rockets with some trembling, and the Yu tribe retreated amid his shouts, leaving the heavily armored soldiers standing in place.

The vines on their bodies have become ashes, and as soon as the heavily armored earth soldiers step on the burning flames, the flames disappear completely.

In that clearing, only some blackened arrows and ashes of vines remained.

Yu Sanbo remembered the intelligence of the Yu clan, the Mushen clan’s incomparable sharpshooter when he first contacted the Qin army! But the Shenji Battalion only made a few moves, and he thought that it was just a lie of the deep-eyed people!

Unexpectedly, this turned out to be true! Four hundred marksmen!

Third Uncle Yu sat down on the ground, and Yu Zizhi helped him up and said, “Second Elder, don’t be discouraged, my Yu clan is not a bully!” ”

Yu Zizhi took out a silver whistle in his arms, the whistle sounded, there was a movement in the valley, and countless poisonous snakes and worms densely covered the entrance of the valley!

“This worm can even get into heavy armor!”

Yu Zizhi’s eyes showed a bit of ruthlessness, this time Yu Yuan was bloody.

How many years of accumulation have been invested in this army of worms.

They Yu Yuan were small in number, adding up to not many thousands, and they were simply no better than the Qin army in terms of army battles.

However, Eastern Vietnam was able to survive under Daqin for a long time without being annexed, not by relying on the army, but on witchcraft! The Qin army has never been able to penetrate deep into the Shushan region in the Eastern Yue region, and Yu Zizhi gritted his teeth, this time, winning Changze will definitely lose! These things can’t be triggered by snakes!

This is the accumulation of his Yu Yuan for many years, and he will never easily lose under Win Changze!

“Win Changze, if you have the guts, you will come to break into my Yu Yuan’s worm array, and you will definitely be told to come and go!”

Yu Zizhi gritted his teeth and said, his eyes fixed on Ying Changze.

Before the valley, Win Changze calmly rode on his horse, the heavy armored soldiers withdrew, and Meng Yi and Zhao Tuo, who arranged the army to ride back to Win Changze’s side, glanced at the worm array.

Rao is a person like Meng Yi and Zhao Tuo who have been fighting for so many years, and when he sees this dense array of worms, he can’t help but get some goosebumps.

Meng Yi’s eyes were covered with the flowers and greens in front of him, obviously with highly poisonous worms, and he frowned and looked at Ying Changze.

This thing, he had heard of, Yu Yuan’s guardian array, the worm array! Each of these worms placed in other tribes can exist as a demon king!

The refining of the moth king is to pour the moth into the fixed pool for many years, until finally all the worms in the pool disappear, and the remaining worm is the moth king!

To put it in the analogy of human beings, every demon king is a killing god! And every bug in this worm array is a demon king!

It can be imagined, not to mention the heavy armored soldiers, even if an elephant walks here, it will be gnawed into white bones in an instant!

Meng Yi was a little eager to say something, he looked at the Shenji Battalion in front of the formation, even if these soldiers saw such a lineup, they did not mean to retreat at all, and their eyes were full of determination!


However, can the speed of the Divine Machine Battalion’s arrows catch up with the speed of these worms rushing over? Once the worms are provoked, the 300,000-strong army will not be enough to eat!

Thinking of this, Meng Yi took a deep breath and said, “Gongzi, the Shushan Worm Array is extremely dangerous, and please ask Gongzi to withdraw his troops!” ”

Zhao Tuo and Meng Yi had the same idea, and the insect array in front of them was not something that the Qin army could resist at all!

Even if the armor is cast well, there will be gaps after all, these worms will drill when they see the cracks, and these 300,000 soldiers are all flesh and blood, and it is impossible to defeat these worms!

What’s more, if you don’t evacuate in time, maybe winning Changze will also be in danger!

Zhao Tuo’s forehead sweated coldly, Gongzi had an accident, how could he bear this kind of big thing!

On the side of Shu Mountain, Yunzhong Jun stood with Da Si Mei and Shao Si Mei, Da Si Mei held his chest, looking at the worm array, and there was a little interest in his eyes.

“Yu Yuan even took out these treasures, but it was really bloody.”

Yunzhong Jun smiled fiercely and said, “This is a worm array, it seems that we don’t need to make a move, this person is also going to die.”

Although Yunzhong Jun is not good at yin and yang art, he is good at alchemy, and he will also use these poisonous insects when refining pills, and he can be said to be very familiar with Yu Yuan’s witchcraft.

This stuff, he hasn’t heard anyone crack it.

Before Shu Mountain, countless worms made a crackling sound, and the air seemed to resonate together, under the sun, those worms were densely stacked together, shining with oil, and the stench of insects was overwhelming, making people very uncomfortable.

Meng Yi had a bitter face, and wanted to persuade Win Changze two more words, so he listened to Win Changze and sneered.

“No matter how bugs are, they are still bugs.

General Mon needs nothing to worry about.”

Win Changze looked at those worms, just right, come and try his Heavenly Thunder Camp! Two.

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