Yu Zizhi looked at Win Changze outside the valley, his eyes full of anger.

It was this man who kidnapped his sister, and he knew that he had a haunted shadow guard under him.

Then let him take a look, whether it is his Yu Yuan’s blind eye, or his shadow guard is powerful!

Outside the valley, the vines had been settled, and with an order from Ying Changze, the heavily armored soldiers withdrew, and fifty light horses dressed in light armor and armed with spears came out of the column.

The Yu tribe guarding Yu Yuan walked out of the valley, light horse holding a spear rushed over, dark blue thunder and lightning flashed ominous light on the spear, only to see the spear slashed, like thunder, those Yu Yuan people in the frontier, all cut under the gun.

Yu Zizhi was even more angry, he put on a mask and said, “Take his life as I please!” ”

Several teenagers behind Yu Zizhi responded, and then disappeared in place, and a leaf slowly floated down.

This is a blind eye of Yu Yuan, able to confuse the enemy and hide his figure.

Outside the entrance of the valley, Ying Changze turned over and dismounted, and Xu Zhong led this heavily armored soldier to sweep the worms to the side, and then stood outside the entrance of the valley and guarded the entrance.

Six hundred light horses dismounted and followed behind Win Changze with spears in hand.

Meng Yi and Zhao Tuo also turned over and dismounted and walked beside Win Changze.

A gust of wind blew, green leaves fell, and Yu Zizhi, who had hidden his figure, locked his eyes with a little excitement to win Changze.

The blades in the hands of those young men all went towards Win Changze, but before they reached Win Changze, they all stopped moving!

Behind them, a pair of poisonous snake pupils appeared behind them!

The leaves floating in the air fell, the figures of those teenagers appeared, Zhang Wei waved his hand, and the soldiers came from behind and suppressed the teenagers.

Meng Yi looked at these teenagers, their faces were the same horror, and the sweat beads on their foreheads were like flowing water, dripping down continuously.

This is a reaction that only comes from being frightened, are they afraid of this worm all over the ground?

Meng Yi frowned, this was absolutely impossible, he looked at Ying Changze who walked forward calmly, and there was a bit of exploration hidden in his eyes.

This third prince really hides too many things, so he can’t help but be a little curious and want to find out.

Ying Changze looked at the Yu Clan Patriarch who was not far away, with a slightly pale face, and said in a loud voice: “If you take a step further, Ben Gongzi doesn’t know what will happen!” ”

Yu Zizhi, who was secretly preparing to make a move, sneered secretly.

When he said this, in his opinion, he was just shocking him, Ying Changze was just an imperial prince, how could he see through his Yu Yuan’s blindness! Yu Zizhi’s figure moved, and the sword in his hand went straight towards Ying Changze, with a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth.

Big-talking guy, I’m going to die here today!

But before he reached Ying Changze’s side, his mocking smile froze at the corner of his mouth.

Around him, countless pairs of poisonous eyes instantly locked on him, Yu Zizhi broke out in a cold sweat, and the fear in his heart grew bigger and bigger.

Before his figure reached Ying Changze, he appeared because of the fear he couldn’t bear and knelt on the ground.

Yu Zizhi’s face was pale.

In the short distance that rushed towards Ying Changze, he seemed to see a pair of huge vertical pupils in the darkness.

It was the vertical pupil of the poisonous snake, with incomparable fierceness and despair that made the scalp tingle.

Those eyes locked on him, and as soon as he made any movement, the poisonous snakes hiding in the shadows would swarm up.

Yu Zizhi looked up at Ying Changze, his eyes full of shock.

He didn’t understand how a mortal could use the power of thunder and lightning, and the power of poisonous snakes! Huan Changze walked past Yu Zizhi and said:

“Grab it.”

Yu Zizhi’s body trembled slightly, and he felt a person appear behind him.

The man dragged him away from the battlefield, Yu Zizhi was shocked, he looked at Ying Changze, used his greatest strength in his life, and shouted: “What kind of person are you!” ”

Win Changze ignored Yu Zizhi and walked to the Yu Clan Patriarch step by step.

The Yu clan patriarch stood in front of the clansmen and looked at Ying Changze, with a little helplessness in his old eyes.

“I’ll give you two options.”

Win Changze said, he looked at Shushan and continued: “Tell me Yu Yuan’s secret, or die.”

Patriarch Yu held the wooden staff, and there was a bit of struggle in his eyes.

Their Yu clan exists to guard this secret, and now you let him choose between the secret and the clan…

“Yu Yuan’s secret involves this world, do you really want to know?”

Patriarch Yu opened his eyes in pain, and among the secrets and clansmen, he chose the latter.

Ying Changze looked at the Yu patriarch, and then said, “The one who knows the time is Junjie.”

Meng Tian and Zhao Tuo were a little curious, and Ying Changze looked at the two and said, “The two generals also ask Changze to clean up Yu Yuan for Changze.”

The meaning of this sentence is that you should not follow.

Meng Yi and Zhao Tuo took the lead.

Zhang Wei and Xu Zhong followed behind Ying Changze and the patriarch, and then guarded the entrance of the Shushan cave.

As soon as he entered the Shushan cave where the Fuso Divine Wood was hidden, Ying Changze faintly heard a magical chant.

“Fuso Divine Wood, through the heavens and the earth, there is heaven outside the sky, and there is earth outside the earth…”

Hearing this chant, Win Changze had already understood the secret of Fuso Shenmu.

Patriarch Yu Yuan sighed, cut his fingers, and wrote a few words in the air, and golden light instantly bloomed from the Fusang Divine Wood and descended on Win Changze.

Patriarch Yu Yuan hid the shock in his eyes, and then said, “I hope that you can keep your promise.”

Ying Changze tilted his head to look at Patriarch Yu Yuan and said, “Naturally, not only will my Qin Kingdom not harm the Yu Clan, but it will also send someone to guard Yu Yuan.”

Patriarch Yu took a deep breath and nodded, such a result was already the best.

He sighed and looked up at the red Fuso sacred tree.

After all, he still failed to live up to this mission, but compared with the lives of thousands of people in the Yu clan, this is nothing…

[Successfully attacked Shushan and obtained 5,000 merit points]

【Obtaining the Secret of Yu Yuan】

【System Upgrade】

[Obtaining gene superposition to upgrade to the most advanced gene legion can superimpose other gene overlays up to 3 times]

【Obtaining the Body Protector Divine Phoenix】

The sound of the system sounded, winning Changze laughed, it was really not in vain…

Outside the cave, just outside the cave, Yunzhong Jun appeared above the valley of Shushan Mountain.

He laughed disdainfully, threw a pill in his hand into the air, the pill exploded in mid-air, and the medicinal powder was sprinkled in the air.

“Let the old man come and see your true face!”

In the valley of Shushan Mountain, the soldiers of the Heavenly Thunder Battalion guarding both sides suddenly felt a wave of mountain shaking.

The surrounding scene became a little irrelevant, and it seemed that there was a thick fog everywhere!

Gou Zhe held the sword, and the alarm bell in his heart was loud.

It seems like a fantasy!

As a native of East Vietnam, Gou Zhe is still somewhat familiar with illusions, but such a large-scale illusion cast is still a little surprising.

He shouted to the side, only to find that he couldn’t speak at all.

It seems that this illusion is not a simple illusion!

Six hundred light horses looked around, their eyes full of doubts, but there was no wavering.

They are the soldiers of Win Changze, and they are the subordinates of the prince with divine power!

will not be shaken by anything.

There were vibrations from all directions, and everyone was a little unsteady on their feet.

“Here, you can’t use that strange power, let me see, what the hell are you!”

As soon as those words fell, six hundred light horses saw it, and countless beasts surged from all directions!

Those beasts had red eyes and seemed to be about to arrive in front of everyone! Boom!

Suddenly a phoenix sound sounded from not far away, the cloudy light in Gou Zhang’s eyes dissipated, he turned around, and saw Ying Changze coming out of the cave.

A golden phoenix flew out from behind Ying Changze and headed towards the cloud jun in mid-air, its red eyes emitting a hot light.

The soldiers of the Heavenly Thunder Battalion who fell into the illusion of the Cloud Sovereign all woke up, and as soon as they woke up, they saw the golden phoenix flying into the sky and shouting towards the Cloud Jun.

The crisp phoenix sound resounded in the sky, and Yunzhong Jun took two steps back.


There was a little surprise in his eyes, it was rumored that Yanfei Wind Soul Dragon You could conjure up a three-legged golden crow, could it be that this Ying Changze also understood Yin Yang Technique, and had reached a high realm like Dongjun!

The phoenix red eyes locked on Yunzhong Jun, and with a mouth, the hot red flame instantly rushed towards Yunzhong Jun.

Yunzhong Jun Canghuang retreated and fell on the cliff to barely avoid the flames, but his robe was burned in many places.

Yunzhong Jun’s expression was complicated, and Concubine Yan’s strength was even above the Moon God and Star Soul, so that such a person could summon the Golden Crow.

But now an imperial prince actually has a divine phoenix!

Looking at the power of the Divine Phoenix, it was obvious that there was some mercy in dealing with him.

What is the origin of this win Changze, and he can even summon a divine phoenix! Yunzhong Jun collected all kinds of thoughts in his heart.

While he was still stunned, he heard a voice.

“Why, Yunzhong Jun didn’t come to salute when he saw Ben Gongzi?”

Huan Changze said, Yunzhong Jun looked at Ying Changze, and a hot flame came towards Yunzhong Jun!

Seeing that the flame was about to burn to Yunzhong Jun’s body, suddenly countless green leaves blocked Yunzhong Jun’s body, and the flames instantly burned the leaves to ashes, and the ashes fell on Yunzhong Jun’s body, making him look extremely down.

Win Changze waved his hand, and the golden phoenix fell on Win Changze’s hand.

“The young master also wants to intervene?”

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