The knighthood of the Iron Eagle Army has a strong attraction to the soldiers of the major legions.

“Your Majesty, in this way, the elite soldiers in the legion have all been picked by the Iron Eagle Army, what should the major legions do themselves?”

Win Che laughed.

They still don’t realize how much damage such a special army can cause in war? When I see it clearly later, I am afraid that I will not be able to wait to form such a special team in the legion.

To win Che is to let the Iron Eagle Army do it to them.

With the demonstration of benchmarking, the overall combat effectiveness of the Qin army will be rapidly improved.

“The selection criteria of the Iron Eagle Army are very strict, and the number of people should not be too large. It won’t have much effect on other clans. ”

Li Cunxiao heard Yingche’s words and fell into deep thought.

The Iron Eagle Army is now under his command, and it may always be him. In which direction is he going to take the Iron Eagle Army?

The soldiers of the Iron Eagle Army must have a good martial art. The difficulty of training is very large, and the loss of one is distressing.

How to fight a battle without battle damage?

Yingche didn’t want to explain too much to them, believing that if they fought a few more battles, they would feel the direction themselves.

He took out a black stone.

“Sima Qing, all five thousand captives of Buyeo have been handed over to you. You direct them to dig this thing. ”

Sima Xin took the black stone with a confused look and looked at it, but he couldn’t see any fame.

“Your Majesty, this stone is darker, brighter, and lighter than ordinary stones. What to dig this thing for? ”

“This is charcoal, it can be burned.”

Sima Xin still didn’t understand how simple it was to cut down so many trees in this place and burn them into charcoal. Why bother digging this charcoal?

But he didn’t dare to say this.

Yingche said, “You go and dig it.” When the time comes, I will teach you with my own hands. With this thing, you can directly smelt steel! ”

“Direct steelmaking?”

Sima Xin exclaimed.

Steel is not so good, it is a luxury!

It is also them, the commanders of the legion, who use their positions to allow the blacksmiths in the army to create a pure steel sword for themselves.

A piece of pig iron must be repeatedly burned red and forged dozens of times to become steel. The steel produced is less than one-third the original volume.

A blacksmith wants to create a pure steel sword, let alone a month’s work.

Direct refining? Just kidding!

No one here believes it!

How is it possible to make steel directly?

The reason why most of the weapons in Daqin’s army are still bronze. It is because of the requirements for the speed of weapon casting.

When the Six Kingdoms were destroyed, the Six Kingdoms of Qi, Chu, Yan, Han, Zhao, and Wei had all been replaced with iron weapons. Continuing the consistent process, it is still mass-produced by sand mold casting.

However, the cast iron weapon is obviously not as durable as bronze.

Although it will be sharper, it is quite fragile on the battlefield and breaks easily. This puts considerable pressure on logistics.

Day and night open furnaces cast iron guns and iron knives, the speed still cannot keep up with the consumption of the battlefield.

In the later period of the war to destroy the country, the number of people invested in the war was unprecedentedly huge, and it was a chaotic battle of hundreds of thousands of people at every turn. In this huge war of attrition, the bronze weapons of the Qin State defeated the iron weapons of the Six Kingdoms.

This slapped the face fiercely and repeatedly in the face of those who shouted about innovation all day long!

So much so that now, the generals of the Qin State did not dare to easily propose to replace iron weapons.

The root of all this lies in the quality of pig iron.

If steel can be made directly, if steel weapons can be mass-produced. Then, Daqin’s army will be unprecedentedly sharp. When the time comes, crush all enemies, it is not a problem.

Although several major generals, for the matter of direct steelmaking, out of instinctive doubt.

However, this is the words spoken by the emperor Chrysostom, and he still believes it intellectually.

Think of the scene where all the soldiers are armed with steel weapons.

Several generals couldn’t help but get their blood boiling. They all became interested in this magical stone charcoal.

Chen Qingzhi even began to urge Sima Xin.

“General Sima, go and find the location of this charcoal. When the time comes, I’ll ask you to dig together. ”

Li Cunxiao is not far behind.

“The steel weapon created, let’s give us the Iron Eagle Army a trial first, right? I’ll help you test the effect! ”

“General Li, you are too unkind! Good things can’t be taken up by you alone, right? ”

“Of course, steel weapons are, whoever casts them, who uses them first!”

Looking at the generals, you say something, and I argue with a word, and the interest is high.

Yingche began to think about another question.

This time, the battle against Buyeo ended. Immediately afterwards, it was necessary to go to war with Donghu.

How much steel weapons can be forged before the start of war? I don’t know yet.

In addition to this killer skill, the Daqin cavalry actually had no advantage when facing the Donghu cavalry.

In this era without horse pedals, war on horseback requires quite high riding skills.

If the Qin people want to compete with the Donghu people in riding, there is no doubt that they are on the inferior side.

“Chen Qing, Xu also gave you a task.”

Hearing that there was another task, Chen Qingzhi stared at the two big expectant eyes and looked at Yingche.

“Your Majesty, what mission?”

“The steel of the first furnace, after training, you immediately create a batch of gadgets for Xuan.”

“What gadget?”

Wincher took a pen and drew the style of stirrups on a white cloth.

stirrups, not that no one has thought of. This thing is used occasionally in the folk. Can help people, ride steadily on the horse.

However, it is not practical on the battlefield.

The main thing is that the material from which stirrups are made is not suitable.

Bronze is too soft and easy to deform, and once deformed, it will get the foot stuck inside.

Pig iron is easy to break, and on the battlefield, if you step on the air, you will probably die.

The weight of the cavalry itself, plus the armor and weapons, is not to mention two hundred catties. Using that stirrup not only does not help much, but it is also easy to put yourself in danger.

But now with steel, the problem of stirrups can be solved.

This is also the reason why Wincher has not proposed to build horse pedals until now.

Chen Qingzhi thought through the key and happily took the order.

“Li Qing, select 300 good riders from your Iron Eagle Army and train first. There are important tasks to be given to them in return. ”

Li Cunxiao looked at Yingche expectantly.

“Your Majesty, what type of mission is it? I want to do targeted training. ”

“Surprise assassination of Donghu Great Khan!”

Hearing this, a circle of people were dumbfounded.

300 people, assassinate the Great Khan of Donghu! How is this possible?

Win Che also knew they didn’t believe it. After all, people’s minds are stuck in what they know at the moment. There are some things, until they have not seen it, they would not have thought that it would be like that.

This time, though, Wincher doesn’t plan to explain in advance.

Just said lightly: “Let you pick 300 people, for the future planning.” If it was just to assassinate the Great Khan of Donghu, 100 people would be enough! ”

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