Angrily questioned Yingche: “The short bow you showed me today is for this?” You Qin people, you are really despicable! ”

Scolded again …

Win Che slapped hard and pumped Zora in the face.

“You should be glad that these things are not used on you Buyeo people!”

In a word, let Zora begin to ponder.

Her identity is still the messenger of Buyeo.

In the face of such a strong Daqin army, even the Eastern Hu army was on the verge of collapse!

Why did they fight with Daqin?

The Iron Eagle Army under the mountain hit a blow and immediately retreated.

The white-robed army went up and covered the successful withdrawal of the Iron Eagle army from the battlefield.

However, the white-robed army did not withdraw. They took advantage of the chaos of the Donghu army and rushed forward unscrupulously.

In the blink of an eye, the menacing Donghu army turned into a group of defeated troops.

The white-robed rank tail chased and killed. After harvesting countless heads, the pursuit was voluntarily terminated.

Another complete victory!

After the war, I counted the gains of this battle. A total of more than 25,000 Donghu cavalry were killed and more than 20,000 war horses were captured.

Those tattered equipment of Donghu, the Daqin army simply did not look at it. But the whole vehicle is still moved back, and how much money is sold is also a harvest.

In the evening, a celebration banquet was held.

Several generals were very excited, and they kept praising the emperor.

“Your Majesty is really far-sighted! Killed the Great Khan of Donghu with lightning speed! Li Guang sighed.

“The minister never thought that the battle could still be fought like this?” Sima Xin said.

“The plate armor heavy horse is really the king of the battlefield! There is no solution! Chen Qingzhi sighed!

“The long-range riding bow is also powerful, and I caught Donghu off guard today!” Meng Tai probably didn’t understand until he died, how could Daqin’s riding bow shoot so far? Li Cunxiaole closed his mouth.


Facing the praise of several generals, Yingche’s heart actually enjoyed it.

But he knew he couldn’t indulge in this feeling.

“Daqin’s weapons must be updated, and it is always necessary to maintain an overwhelming advantage over all countries in the world! You still need to work together! ”

“The ministers and others are willing to bow down for my Great Qin and create the foundation of the Great Qin Thousand Autumns!”

Horse farting is a necessary officialdom survival skill, and no matter how good people are, they have practiced a few words.

There is only one exception!

That person was Han Xin.

Han Xin and Zhou Bo were authorized by the emperor to follow them.

At this moment of everyone’s joy, Han Xin stood up and said: “If you can use the method of improving the short riding bow to improve the individual crossbow.” In the future, the single crossbow will have the power of a strong crossbow! In the future, there will be no more barbarians who dare to provoke my Great Qin Empire! ”


No one wants to tackle such a dull topic at such a time.

At this time, a herald ran over and knelt down in front of Yingche.

“Your Majesty, that Buyeo messenger is tied up in a tent and asks us for food. We did not dare to make a decision on our own, and specially came to ask Your Majesty. ”

Only then did Yingche remember.

Today Zora did not perform well, so later people tied her up.

In the evening, everyone was celebrating and forgot about her for a while.

“Let’s go and see for yourself.”

With five points drunk, Winche walked towards the tent where Zora was being held.

Zora was tied up with twine and left alone in a tent.

The gate was guarded by two soldiers.

Yingche carried a roast leg of lamb into the tent.

It was a little funny to see Zorra’s appearance. She was like a child who was throwing and losing her temper. His hair was scattered, his face was full of tears, and he was sitting on the ground crying.

Win Che sat down next to Zorra. Take out a steel dagger, cut off a thin piece of lamb shank meat, and feed it to Zola’s mouth.

Zora’s hands are tied behind her back, but her feet are still free.

She gambled and moved to the side, refusing to eat the meat that Yingche fed her.

Yingche didn’t care about her and ate it herself.

“Do you know why I want to tie you up?”

“Because you’re a tyrant!” Zora said indignantly,

Win Che smiled and didn’t care.

He had heard the word tyrant too many times, but Yingche did not take this title to heart. The king of the Holy Ming has two sides, one is the love of the people under his rule; The other side is cruelty to the enemy.

If you are not cruel to the enemy, should you sit down and reason with them?

Well…… The truth is not impossible to tell.

For example, at times like this.

“Princess Zora, where do you think the future of your Buyeo people is?”

After all, Zora is still on the task of sending Buyeo, and it is impossible to ignore this important issue.

“We help the rest of the people, plant the land, hunt, and herd cattle and sheep. As long as no one comes to bully us, life can be good. ”

“But what if there is a white plague?”

This sentence asked the point.

White plague is indeed the Buyeo people, the most terrifying natural enemy!

Occasionally, winters can be particularly cold in a given year. In a heavy snowstorm, cattle and sheep will freeze to death, and prey will disappear. At this time, a large number of Buyeo people will starve to death.

Win Che raised his hand and helped Zora remove the grass from her hair.

“Buyeo people, in fact, can have another way of life.”

“What way?” Zhuo La was a little confused, not knowing what Qin Huang was going to say.

“Join the shipyard and build a warship for my Daqin. You can have a fixed large house to live in, work every day, and you can get a stable income. “Wincher threw the bait.

Zora thought about it seriously.

There are also fishermen in Buyeo who fish for a living. I usually drive a small fishing boat one or two feet long to catch fish in the river.

Zora had never seen a larger boat, and subconsciously thought that the Qin Emperor wanted to build this kind of small fishing boat.

I can’t imagine, how much does Daqin need for such a small broken ship?

Zora blinked a pair of big confused eyes.

“But we have 300,000 people in Buyeo! If you go all to build ships, it won’t be long before the whole river is stuffed! ”

Ying Che smiled slightly and said, “The ship you want is not so easy to build!” It was a sea ship thirty feet long and ten feet wide!

In the future, I will be sent to explore overseas.

Don’t you want to know what’s on the other side of the sea?

Are there any immortals?

Is there a house of Hades? ”

Zora was intrigued by Wincher’s words.

The vision of the Great Qin Emperor was something they could not compare with Fuyu. The angle and height of thinking about the problem are different.

“Is there really a big ship like the kind you are talking about? Can I take a look? ”

Yingche cut a piece of lamb shank and fed it to Zola’s mouth.

“Eat this piece of meat, and I promise to take you to see the big ship.”

Zora had been making trouble for so long before, and she was hungry for a long time. Just now, he deliberately didn’t eat it, but also to gamble with Qin Huang.

Now that the anger has subsided, I will eat this piece of meat into my mouth.

“Good! Not only will he take you to see the big ship, but he will also take you out to sea to see the strange blond barbarian! ”

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