The surname Win has been running the Qin State for so many years, and the clansmen plus foreign relatives are an extremely large group.

There are hundreds of brothers, cousins, sisters, and cousins within three generations. Not to mention those distant relatives three generations away.

These people, and their relatives, were entrenched above the court. A very large force has been formed.

However, Yingche did not come to Xiao He, Qu Zheng, and Tao Tong to talk about this.

“The three Qing families, Xu has also announced tax cuts now, for the development of business, let’s propose a plan to Xuan.” Wincher voiced the requirements.

This is also expected of them.

After all, they are not familiar with business, and they do not expect to have a deep understanding as soon as they take over.

Xiao He is Shangshu of Hube, and he was the first to stand up and speak.

“Back to Your Majesty, after the tax reduction, the burden on the people is only one-fifth of the original. The first thing is that I am afraid that I will give up a lot of cultivated land…”

Xiao He’s reminder is indeed very important.

In the past, taxes were high, and people had to rent more land in order to survive. It is a state of desperation under difficult life.

Now that the pressure has suddenly decreased, who will continue to work hard?

On a macro level, people demand comfort. No one wants to work hard when there is no need to work hard.

Arable land is abandoned, that’s inevitable!

Win Che asked lightly.

“Xiao Qing, what countermeasures do you have?”

“I’m ashamed, I haven’t thought of it yet.” Xiao He said honestly.

At this time, Qu Zheng picked up the wat board and stood up.

“Your Majesty, this is not a bad thing! The people can be freed from the heavy agricultural work, so that they can have more energy and participate in business. ”

“Your Majesty, Lord Qu is right. The premise of business is to first loosen the people from the land and give them more time and energy. Tao Tong also came out to echo.

Ying Che looked at Xiao He with a smile.

“Xiao Qing, did you hear that? Only by following the trend can the country be full of vitality. The matter of idle land, when you turn back, you go to the captain of the military department, and he will give you ideas. ”

Ying Che nodded like this, and Xiao He suddenly realized.

“Your Majesty, are you saying that these idle lands will be rewarded by the military department for those meritorious soldiers?”

The rewards are different from the food. The reward is land ownership, and taxes are still collected.

It is not only the ownership, but also the people of this land, everything belongs to the lord. Before the Shang Martingale Reform Law, the lord even killed the people who wanted to eat his own food.

Xiao He is not a pedantic person, but his thinking is not divergent enough.

Yingche attaches great importance to Xiao He, and his steadiness is his most valuable place. Therefore, I would like to mention him more.

“It’s not just about distributing land. The land can be concentrated and given to the local garrisons. It is also possible to form farms, house displaced people, or house prisoners of war. ”

“Your Majesty’s words, Chen Mao suddenly opened! Your Majesty Xie advised! Xiao He’s mind was opened, and the whole person was in a state of excitement.

Ying Che glanced at Qu Zheng and Tao Tong again.

“Do you have the idea of developing business specifically?”

“Back to Your Majesty, the minister hasn’t had time to think about it. The general idea is to encourage more people to participate. The minister intended to establish a fixed bazaar in each county. ”

Wincher interrupted him directly.

“You don’t have to do this, just let the officials be included in the performance appraisal.” The bazaar naturally exists. ”


Qu Zheng and Tao Tong were very nervous, and they couldn’t keep up with the emperor’s thinking rhythm at all.

I finally want to roll up my sleeves and do a big job. The result was easily solved by the emperor with a word!

“Minister… I really don’t have a clue. ”

Yingche found that he put too much pressure on them. Their own thinking, they really can’t comprehend. Can only give a little more guidance.

“The role of the Ministry of Commerce is to plan and lead. Set a few examples and tell the people what to do to make money. ”

Qu Zheng and Tao Tong came to an understanding.

Going to Ashhada to sell cattle can make money, but Qu Zheng and Tao Tong have always been worried that the journey is too difficult, afraid that others will not be able to do it.

What the Ministry of Commerce has to do is not not to say this news, but to help businessmen solve difficulties!

Qu Zheng also felt a little abrupt, and seized the opportunity to continue to consult the emperor.

“Your Majesty, there is a businessman who once mentioned it to his ministers. I want to follow His Majesty’s practice and go to various counties to hold clothing exhibitions. Chen does not understand, what is the significance of this move? ”

Win Che laughed.

He put a lot of effort into a costume exhibition. A lot of money was spent, but no direct benefits were seen.

In the eyes of many people, this is really not understood.

“I ask you, who will like those women’s clothes that Xu has shown?” And who will buy it? ”

“Back to Your Majesty, those clothes are very beautiful and there are many styles. Every woman will love it. But only Zhongfu House is likely to buy. After all, women still like to buy their own cloth and make it themselves. ”

Qu Zheng’s worry is very realistic, ordinary people, who does not make their own clothes? If you don’t do it yourself, you will definitely be laughed at, and you don’t understand female red.

Only the family of the super-rich will show off which famous tailor made their clothes.

Win Che hinted further.

“What if, it is a ready-to-wear dress from the harem, and each piece is labeled with the harem?”

“Then I’m afraid everyone in the world will pay a high price to grab it!”

Qu Zheng did not expect that the emperor would really let the harem make clothes to sell! This, this, this… Why does it feel so weird?

“Qu Qing, Tao Qing, you go and pick ten big businessmen. Tell them that there are only ten ready-to-wear sold to them in the harem. And also, with their font size, embroidered on clothes. ”

Qu Zheng and Tao Tong were stunned after hearing this, and they were immediately surprised.

“Your Majesty really has an unpredictable mind! These ten words, stained with imperial spirit, will definitely sell well in the world! ”

Yingche really didn’t bother to explain the brand to them. Let them do this first, and slowly they will always find out.

“About Ashhada.”

Qu Zheng and Tao Tong, including Xiao He, immediately pricked up their ears.

They went there to sell cattle once, and they still have a lot of affection for the place.

Wincher threw another shocking decision.

“Assign the Tenth Legion to the Ministry of Commerce, and you go to Ashhada to form my first logistics team in Daqin. Undertake the transportation of goods entrusted by merchants at a reasonable cost. ”

The Ministry of Commerce suddenly has soldiers!

Moreover, it is a legion at once!

But if you think about it, you can understand that the legion escorted the goods, which completely solved the merchants’ concerns about safety.

At present, there are still some sporadic bandits in various parts of Daqin. This is a mortal threat to merchants who transport goods to and from them.

The commander of the Tenth Legion, Feng Yu, the son of the Prime Minister, is now the Shangshu of the Criminal Department, and the Tenth Legion is temporarily under the custody of the Governor’s Office.

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