“The great affairs of the country are in worship and Rong!”

“Today is a very important day for Daqin. However, the envoys of the Peacock Dynasty, regardless of the etiquette of diplomatic relations, openly mocked my Daqin’s sacrificial activities! ”

“A small country can still keep manners. The Mauryan Dynasty, but willing to be cheap! ”

“Tonight, pray to heaven with their blood. Daqin, will be the cultivation of the heavens. Those who disobey my Great Qin Kingization will be destroyed!” ”

Li You was already ready on the side.

Only to wait for Yingche’s voice to fall, he took the lead and shouted: “Those who disobey the king of Daqin will be destroyed!” ”

The honor guards who saw the quick opportunity also shouted together: “Those who disobey the king of Great Qin will be destroyed!” ”

Soon, all civilian and military officials.

Soldiers on the periphery, and civilians on the periphery.

Everyone shouted together: “Those who disobey the king of Great Qin will be destroyed!” ”

Li You shouted while scanning with his eyes to see who else didn’t open his mouth?

When I saw the envoys from various countries watching the ceremony, my eyes widened.

Most of those messengers were not familiar with the Qin language.

It’s just that now being stared at by Li You like this, and having the experience of the Peacock Dynasty envoy, I am afraid in my heart.

He had to clench his fists and shout along with him: “Those who disobey the king of Great Qin will be destroyed!” ”

Many people felt the changes in Daqin in this loud slogan.

Last time, when he killed the Xiongnu khan Touman, he shouted the slogan: “Whoever violates my Daqin will be condemned from afar!” ”

Although it is also domineering, it embodies a strategic thinking of defensive counterattack.

However, not long after that, when the moon festival was held, the slogan shouted became: “Those who disobey the king of Great Qin will be destroyed!” ”

Domineering and exposed, ambition is obvious!

The envoys from various countries who were watching the ceremony were even more concerned. The Yue clan, in particular, is friendly with Daqin, just for political needs.

Now they have seized a lot of territory from the Xiongnu, and plan to attack Wusun and Daxia to the west to expand their territory.

However, will Daqin sit back and watch the Yue Clan continue to be strong?


Just after the Mid-Autumn Festival, after yesterday’s sacrifice scene, all the officials were in high spirits.

This collective uplifting is reflected in the whole country, and it becomes the vitality and vitality of the country.

As soon as Yingche went up, he felt that atmosphere.

This is an indescribable feeling, only that there is an intense aura floating in the air.

Zhang Cang was the first to play in class.

“Your Majesty, the first batch of gold and silver divisions, issued a total of 1,255 Qin tickets.

Each one takes a whole number, 10,000 dollars. All sent out and used to settle accounts with big merchants.

As of yesterday, about 40% had been cashed out. ”

Yingche listened to this series of numbers and probably counted it in his heart. The situation was better than expected.

After all, this is a thing that breaks the rules, and it is impossible to get started smoothly.

“Zhang Qing, well done. Did you go to Qu Zheng and Tao Tong for help? ”

Zhang Cang grinned. Although he is very old, he is well maintained and there is no walnut skin.

“Your Majesty’s eyes are like a torch! Qu Buzheng and Tao Bucheng went to explain the interests to the merchants, and the big businessmen all expressed their trust in the imperial court. However, there are too many business opportunities at the moment, and merchants need money turnover and have to cash in. ”

There was a certain moisture in these words, and Yingche heard it and understood it.

To say that the merchants trusted the imperial court was impossible!

No matter how good the reputation of the imperial court, merchants could not be willing to take the initiative to lend money to the treasury. Unless you see the profit inside.

Yingche thought slightly.

“From now on, all officials and knights in Xianyang, rank Lu, and Jue Lu will all be issued Qin tickets.”

At this moment, a commotion began above the court.

The point is that most of the officials have not heard of Qin tickets, and they don’t know what Qin tickets are?

Whispering to each other.

Until I heard that if you have a Qin ticket in your hand, you can receive an additional ten percent of the profit every year. Everyone was happy.

Now that the tax has been reduced, farmers will pay so much tax for one year’s worth of farming.

Holding a Qin ticket in his hand is equivalent to collecting taxes from the national treasury!

Thinking about it like this, many people can’t wait to see what this Qin ticket looks like?

Most of the civil and military officials are not poor in money at home. There is always a whole bunch of money, piled up in the warehouse.

I don’t usually use it, so I have to find someone to be in charge of guarding. And worry about stealing!

Now it’s okay, change it to Qin tickets, put them in a small box, and you can sleep with them. Safe and worry-free!

While everyone was whispering and discussing, the emperor said another word.

“The people encourage the use of Qin tickets for trading, and the gold and silver divisions of the six major cities should also be opened as soon as possible.” Let Qin Ticket bring practical convenience to the lives of the people. ”

This remark made everyone see the prospect of Qin Ticket.

Others see immediate benefits.

There are also those who see potential dangers.

Wei Yi stood up.

“Your Majesty is wise. But if the prince of the hereafter, does not know moderation. Keep issuing Qin tickets to satisfy their selfish desires. The minister always felt uneasy, and one day, the finances would collapse. ”

Win Che nodded.

“Wei Qing is right, Qin Ticket is a double-edged sword, easy to use, but also know how to be moderate. Let’s set a rule today. ”

After thinking for a while, Yingche said again.

“It’s just that the rules don’t work yet, it’s an iron law! In the treasury, how much money there is, as many Qin tickets as you want, and you are never allowed to exceed the quota! ”

In this way, there will be no random increase.


Zhang Cang lowered his head and did not speak.

He knew the cause of Qin Ticket best. Isn’t it because there is not so much money in the treasury?

Ying Che saw Zhang Cang at a glance, his head was lowered there, and he looked tangled.

Wincher was a little funny.

“Zhang Qing, do you think that if you issue Qin tickets, there is not so much money in the treasury? Think you broke this iron law first? ”

Zhang Cang hurriedly surrendered his hand and hugged the wat board tightly.

“Back to Your Majesty, the minister understands the meaning of moderation. The household department collected tax money, and then made up for the current deficit. ”

Win Che waved his hand.

“No, you all forgot one thing. There are also twelve golden figures placed in Sima Gate. ”

Each golden man can mint about 2.4 million dollars. Twelve golden people, that is, 28.8 million money.

This method is also very good, you don’t need to destroy the golden people, you can use their value.

Zhang Cang had nothing to say.

Such an iron law is necessary, and it has always been adhered to to ensure that Qin Ticket maintains its credibility in the people for a long time.

Speaking of these twelve golden people, it made Yingche think of the legendary Wanqu Kingdom.

According to legend, it was in Didao that the First Emperor met twelve giants who were five feet tall.

During this period, I also talked to them, and they said that they were from the Wanqu country, and this legend was spread exaggeratedly.

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