“Dare to ask where Mr. is from and who he is from?”

“No, a native of Bai County, Julu County, the ancestor Zhao General Li Mu, learned from home.”

“Li Mu?”

Han Xin was so shocked that he almost jumped.

Of the four famous generals of the Warring States, the last one is Li Mu. It is claimed that Li Mu is not dead, and Zhao Guo is not dead.

Before the unification of Qin, he single-handedly ensured that a country would not die.

Even the veteran Wang Yi felt unsure when facing Li Mu with superior forces. In the end, he made a counterplot to get rid of Li Mu before he dared to send troops.

This person in front of him turned out to be Li Mu’s grandson!

No wonder there is such an extraordinary temperament.

Han Xin re-saluted Li Zuoche.

“Because I didn’t recognize the general, my subordinates were snubbed just now. Han Xin is here to make amends to Mr. ”

“Where? Lord Han used his troops like a god, defeated Xiang Yu in a battle, destroyed Anyang, and cursed Xiang Liang. Li Mou is also very impressed in his heart! ”

The two held each other, and the atmosphere became more and more enthusiastic.

Han Xin took the opportunity to ask: “Sir taught me, for now, Baiyue has guarded the pass to Boluo. What am I going to do? ”

Li Zuoche was indeed strategic, and after a little thought, he immediately said.

“Baiyue was also a defeated army, and he was deeply afraid of the excellent armor of Daqin. It was suggested that Lord Han transform the catapult to throw firebombs. The defenders of the hundred Vietnamese will retreat out of fear. ”

Han Xin thought about it carefully.

Throwing a fireball has limited damage, and if you force it, you may not be able to hit the pass.

However, if catapults are used to drop bombs, it will form a psychological deterrent to the Baiyue people. The Baiyue people may really collapse without a fight.

Since the target is the psychology of the other party, it is better to make a big splash.

Han Xin got this clever plan and immediately ordered his craftsmen to build more catapults. Don’t ask for range, as long as it looks like that.

In Daqin, generals who can use psychological warfare are very rare.

Most of them are by courage.

Understanding psychological warfare shows that this person has extremely high cultivation in strategy and tactics!

Han Xin knelt down on the spot to serve tea.

“Han Xin, I am willing to worship Mr. as a teacher and learn the profound art of war!”

Li Zuoche himself was also surprised, originally thinking that as a general of the defeated army, he was arrested. Even if they don’t die, they will be sent to hard labor.

I didn’t expect to encounter such a situation?

What a great honor it is to be taught by Lingnan Chincha!

Even if it was normal, he quickly agreed. Not to mention that it is still a prisoner in the hands of others.

Li Zuoche happily picked up Han Xin.

“Lord Han is polite, let’s discuss together.”

With Li Zuoche’s clever plan.

Han Xin spent several days building a large number of fake and shoddy catapults. Mixing real catapults inside, a stream of brains was pushed to the front pass.

After a few fire bombs were fired, the Baiyue people were stunned.

They are stationed at the pass, and it is the woods that rely on stealth.

Although the climate and soil in Lingnan are wet, the woods are not so easily ignited.

You can’t stand the other party’s catapults!

From a distance, a large area, at least a thousand catapults, are slowly pushing towards the pass.

The hundred Vietnamese soldiers are in a hurry, this is impossible to defend at all, it is better to retreat quickly. They can also harass them on the road and sabotage their catapults.

The hundred yue guards also beat the drum in their hearts, thinking only about their own people, which is not enough for others to bombard in one round.

Think about it, wave your hand, and retire.

Baiyue is simple, they didn’t expect that the people of the Central Plains are good at tricks!

Han Xin smiled evilly and waved his army over the pass. The target is Borough County.

The Holy Lady of Baiyue remained in Longchuan.

Receiving the news that the pass was lost, he sighed faintly.

I am afraid that the hope of building a hundred yue countries will be dashed again.

Of course, it is the blame Qin people who come to invade. But also blame yourself, weapons, armor, and ordnance are not as good as Daqin. Most importantly, there are not so many generals who are good at commanding.

Lose in culture!

Elder Yu Luo is in Boluo.

After he learned that the pass was lost, his expression was similar to that of the Holy Lady of Baiyue.

It is also a sigh that Baiyue is inferior to Daqin everywhere.

But in his heart, there was actually a latent, faint pleasure of relief.

Tried, but it seems to be to no avail.

Daqin is too strong!

There is no suspense. After Han Xin passed the pass, he took Boluo all the way.

Elder Yu Luo died in battle!

The army advanced to Longchuan, and the Holy Lady of Baiyue surrendered without a fight.

When Han Xin arrived at Longchuan, he saw the Holy Daughter of Baiyue, with more than a hundred guards. Holding the Hundred Yue Holy Relic in his hand, he was waiting outside the west gate of Longchuan County.

Han Xin himself likes to cheat, but he is most afraid of others cheating.

He was afraid that this scene put down by the Holy Lady of Baiyue was a trap. Just wait for him to pass, and then cut off his head with a knife.

Han Xin asked one of his strongest female warriors to bring the Hundred Yue Holy Girl over in the past.

The female warrior went over and reached out to pull the arm of the Holy Lady of Baiyue.

The guards around the saint were anxious and drew their knives one after another.

Han Xin thought that it was really a trap, and immediately asked his three hundred crossbowmen, arrows wound, ready to launch.

The Hundred Yue Holy Lady stood in the middle, the focus of everyone’s attention.

She raised her right hand high and shouted something.

The guards behind her put away the knives together.

It’s just that the female warrior doesn’t dare to touch the Hundred Yue Holy Girl again.

The holy girl followed her and came to Han Xin.

“Lord Chincha, Baiyue is willing to surrender, and the holy relic is offered. But please spare the hundred people! ”

Han Xinduan sat on his horse and looked at the Hundred Yue Holy Girl condescendingly.

I know that this holy girl in front of me must have the appearance of falling into the country.

But now it’s a winner moment. What Han Xin enjoyed was this feeling of victory.

A hand reached over and gently pulled Han Xin.

Han Xin turned his head and saw Xinbai’s teacher, Li Zuoche.

Li Zuoche said, “Lord Han, why don’t you sacrifice this woman to Your Majesty?” ”

Gently nodded, did not say for any reason.

But Han Xin was shocked into a cold sweat.

I am indeed too inflated!

What is the benefit of being alone in charge of an army of 300,000, actually thinking only of himself, not His Majesty!

If it goes on like this, I’m afraid it’s not far from death.

Do not think that an army of 300,000 can do anything?

They are all Qin people!

Because I can’t get used to eating rice, I have to eat rice noodles every day. The thing of rice noodles was originally thought up by Ren Yao, because there was only rice, and he had to eat noodles for the soldiers, and he was in a hurry.

Han Xin comprehended quickly and decisively.

“You don’t have to take off the veil, take it with you.” Bring the relics, and you come with me. I spared all the hundred people. ”

When the saint heard Han Xin say this, she still had an extra heart.

“My soldiers were originally civilians. They lay down their arms and are the people. Please also ask Lord Chincha to agree and let it all go. ”

These Baiyue soldiers who had taken up arms to resist Daqin, if they were all released, would also be a hidden danger.

But now, in the face of this request of the Hundred Yue Holy Girl, Han Xin could not refuse.

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