After dawn.

When Chen Qingzhi got the news, he couldn’t believe the good news.

Observing close to the snake cave, I saw that the Ezo people had retreated into the canyon and guarded the mouth of the valley with their archers.

The snake cave canyon is not large, and more than 20,000 people from Ezo have entered it, and it is already full.

They are good at using poisonous snakes and also have their own unique snake repellent. Apply the medicine to your body to avoid being bitten by snakes.

Seeing their appearance guarding the canyon, Chen Qingzhi sighed.

Some grieve for them.

If you don’t learn the art of war and don’t look at battle examples, this is the end in front of you!

This battle is coming to an end.

Chen Qingzhi let the crossbow shield hand step forward and press the Ezo people at the mouth of the valley back.

Then, the soldiers sprinkled large sheets of sulfur on the mouth of the valley, and piled up firewood to set a fire.

Put the valley entrance at both ends, and block it tightly.

30,000 troops together, fill in the soil!

Chen Qingzhi wanted to bury more than 20,000 Ezo people alive in their holy place.

Ezo people never dreamed that there was still this trick!

The Ezo people, similar to the Kuyi people, believe that the land is sacred and cannot be dug up.

After the Ezo people died, they were never buried, they were all buried at sea. Lost something into the sea.

Using soil is their thinking blind spot.

The Ezo people even considered that the Qin people would attack with fire!

There are many small caves in the Snake Cave Canyon where you can hide temporarily. Moreover, once the fire starts, the snakes are frightened and will rush out of the valley and eat people madly.

If the Qin army dares to set fire, the Ezo people can use the snakes to create chaos and fight a beautiful victory.

But no one thought that soil could still be used!

At this time, at the mouth of the valley, there was a fire to seal the road, and there were crossbow shields guarding it. Can’t rush out at all.

More than 20,000 Ezo people panicked, and many accidentally stepped on poisonous snakes and were bitten to death by snakes.

The huge agitation alarmed the alien snakes in the depths of the cave.

The serpent came out of the canyon and angrily swallowed a dozen Ezo people.

The valley entrance is full of fire, and there is no way for the snake. And it was enough.

The 30,000-strong army filled in the soil and moved quickly. It didn’t take long to fill in half of the canyon.

Ezo people, all buried alive!

On this day, it is Qingming Day.

But snakes are not afraid to be buried alive, and the snakes in the snake cave are still alive.

Chen Xiao came over and asked Chen Qingzhi.

“General, what about this snake cave? If I keep it, I’m afraid that another Ezo tribe will emerge in the future! ”

The Ezo people are not dead, and there are many more scattered on Fuso Island.

The snake cave is indeed a scourge to remain.

Moreover, the big unspeakable snake is still alive.

Chen Qingzhi seemed to have a look of bamboo in his chest.

“Snake cave, the reason why snakes gather is because of the geothermal heat and humidity.”

Chen Xiao nodded, when he was looking for a snake cave, the first thing he wanted to find was a hot and humid place.

Seeing that Chen Xiao did not understand, Chen Qingzhi continued: “Where there is geothermal heat, there must be sulfur springs nearby!” ”

Chen Xiao suddenly realized.

“General, you mean, bring sulfur spring water and pour these snakes to death?”

Chen Qingzhi nodded with a smile.

At the beginning, when he was in Buyeo, Chen Qingzhi was unwilling to set fire to the mountain. For this reason, he was also ridiculed by Zhao Tuo, saying that he was a woman.

However, in the face of enemies and poison. Chen Qingzhi’s performance is even more iron-blooded and cold than Zhao Tuo!

This is also the place where the soldiers are most incomprehensible to him.

I can never guess, what kind of person is Chen Qingzhi?

Therefore, I was deeply attracted by his charm and was willing to obey.

The army of 30,000 people has been busy here in the snake cave for two days.

During this period, there were still some scattered Ezo people, rushing over to guard the snake cave. As a result, they were all wiped out!

The snake cave became the most painful wound in the hearts of the Ezo people.

Not only did they kill the holy snake, but they also buried their 70,000 uncles and nephews!

Sweep the snake cave.

Chen Qingzhi divided his 30,000 men into 30,000 squads and attacked from all sides to clean up the remnants of the Ezo people.

It is said that it is a remnant, but in fact, all the old and weak women and children are counted, and the number is enough to be more than a hundred thousand.

These people are scattered and are no longer able to resist.

Fate is unexpected, sooner or later it will be death!

Fuso Pingding.

Xianyang thousands of miles away.

At this time, Yingche was most worried about farming.

Daqin must be rich and strong, only when the grain grown in the field is enough to feed all the people of Daqin. It makes sense to develop business.

Since Xiao He became a Hubu Shangshu, he put the matter of selecting grain seeds in a very important position.

Yingche mentioned to Xiao He that there are many excellent grain seeds in this world, but there is a lack of discovery and blending.

Xiao He should personally follow up the selection of excellent grain seeds and be responsible for the deployment of various places.

Previously, only Lingnan had scattered paddy fields.

The yield of rice in paddy fields is much higher than that in dry fields.

The Lingnan Maritime Trade Road was opened, and Yingche’s first order was to send experienced rice farmers to the counties in Jiangnan. Guide the places in Jiangnan where water is convenient, and the dry land is converted into a paddy field.

At the same time, double-cropping rice is promoted.

Double cropping rice, called double cropping. There are actually two rice varieties, one heat-loving and one hardy. Alternately planted, two crops can be harvested a year.

And the cotton seeds exchanged from the Mauryan dynasty last fall.

Say it was changed, in fact it was robbed. Because later the Mauryan Dynasty, twenty-one messengers, were all beheaded.

There are not many cotton seeds, and they are first planted around Xianyang.

When the seeds are harvested, they will gradually spread to all parts of the north.


Xiao He went to work.

“Your Majesty, the replacement of grain seeds in various counties and the conversion of dry land into paddy fields are proceeding smoothly. It’s just that some county orders have poor water control, and there have been incidents of large-scale armed fights to grab water. ”

This is nothing new, even in Xianyang, several people are killed every year because of water grabbing and fighting.

When the Qin Kingdom had not yet unified the world, there was even an incident of a weapon fight and thousands of deaths.

Two townships, several miles participated in the water grab, men, women, and children went into battle to beat each other. As a result, the upstream dam was broken by a few fools, and the water rushed down, drowning thousands of people at once!

It became the most painful lesson in the history of the Qin State.

In some places, no matter how strictly controlled the county order, it is inevitable that there will be fights over water grabbing.

Ying Che asked lightly: “This year, where did there be a weapon fight in Guanzhong?” ”

Xiao He said: “Back to Your Majesty, no!” ”


There was no fight, which surprised Yingche.

But then I thought of why.

Guanzhong is known as Tianfu, and it has always been smooth and rainy, and successive Qin monarchs have also attached great importance to water conservancy. This is the foundation of Daqin’s domination of the world!

What’s more, Li Jue’s new Shangshu of the Ministry of Works will naturally put Guanzhong Water Conservancy in the first place.

Not only because it is Tianfu, but also because it is under the eyes of the emperor.

Yingche looked at Li Jue.

“Li Qing is attentive! However, it is also necessary to take into account the world’s water conservancy. Especially south of the Yangtze River, it will be necessary to change a large area of paddy fields in the future. Lack of water is not okay! ”


Li Jue seemed to want to say something, but he was a little hesitant.

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