Seeing the emperor swear by a pig’s tooth, the envoys of the major tribes believed.

In their hearts, they were more inclined to the emperor.

Quickly, a large army was formed. All the major tribes gathered, full of 18,000 soldiers and horses! With the leader of the Zhaoyi tribe, as the leader.

This is a great battle that has never been seen in the history of the Watarin.

This confrontation attracted the attention of all the people.

Everyone knows that there is a deep antagonistic relationship between the emperor and this new angel.

The onlookers were also curious, who corrected the unity between the emperor and the angels?

Perhaps both parties have divine powers?

Then take a look, who has the stronger divine power?

Whoever can achieve the final victory is the more true High-Heaven Origin Divine Envoy!

Xu Fu, the last thing he wanted to see was this kind of evenly matched scene in terms of numbers.

If you continue to fight like this, you will only increase the number of sins.

He felt that he should find Lu Jia and Zhang Wei to have a good talk. See what can be done to avoid this?

In fact, Lu Jia and Zhang Wei are still quite satisfied with the current situation.

The original intention of setting up the banner was to trigger a civil war among the Yan people and let the Yan people kill each other.

It’s just that Xu Fu doesn’t know.

He was worried and came to find Lu Jia and Zhang Handan.

“General Zhang, Lu Angel, originally what we discussed was only to deal with a tribe of Zhaoyi. Now, the major tribes near Mount Fushi are all involved. That’s a bit of a big deal, right? ”

Lu Jia glanced at Zhang Handan.

Zhang Wei understood what Lu Jia meant, and wanted to have a showdown with Xu Fu. However, he shook his head slightly at Lu Jia.

“King Qin Fu, do you have any better way?”

Xu Fu did not notice their intentions.

Looking at the map carefully, he pointed to a place and said, “Actually, the heart of the people has been a little shaken. This can be seen from this close match. We should take this opportunity to crack down on the authority of the emperor again. Destroy the emperor and we will have a monopoly! The best way is to take it quickly. ”

Lu Jia and Zhang Wei came over and saw the point that Xu Fu was referring to.

It is a place next to the Imperial City of the Kingdom of Wakoku, but it is not the Imperial City.

Zhang Wei asked curiously, “What is this place?” Why attack here, but not the imperial city? ”

Xu Fu said: “The Imperial City is the residence of the Emperor, and there are heavy defenses. The Imperial Castle is dedicated to Amaterasu, and this place is called Ise, and it is dedicated to the god Tsukiyomi. Amaterasu and Tsukiyomi can never be imagined, so it is enshrined here. This is a place to stock up on food and is also important. ”

Although Zhang Wei couldn’t figure out those gods, he still understood Xu Fu’s words.

Ise is next to the Imperial City, and it is a granary. Capturing this place will definitely make the enemy panic!

Zhang Wei understood the meaning of Ise, but he couldn’t understand the consequences of taking this place? Will it make the filial piety pseudo-emperor slump from now on?

If the emperor is in a slump, will it be more beneficial to their mission, or will it become an obstacle?

He looked at Lu Jia.

The relationship between this is intricate. Lu Jia couldn’t figure it out for a while, and was looking down and pondering.

Xu Fu is anxious, so clear that the big bargain, let it be taken up? Did this matter take that long?

“General Zhang, Angel Lu, what do you want to do? Can you say it clearly? ”

After all, Xu Fu is old and refined, and it is not so easy to hide. From their attitude, it can be seen that something is hiding from themselves.

Zhang Han let out a long sigh and said, “King Qin Fu, since you have returned to Qin, I will not hide it from you. The task given by the emperor this time is to slaughter the Yin clan! ”

Slaughter the Wan people?

Xu Fu couldn’t believe his ears.

There are more than a million people, say slaughter is slaughter?

Of course, Daqin is not without precedent. The God of War was white, and he killed 400,000 people in Zhao Guo in one go. A million people, no more than one and a half times.

Xu Fu just couldn’t understand it.

It is clear that the wajin are not completely resistant, and it is clear that there are still many wajin who support them. Why, must we slaughter all the good and bad?

He looked at Zhang Han and then at Lu Jia, and from the eyes of the two, he saw the same affirmation.

That’s right, this is what His Majesty the Emperor meant!

Xu Fu was a little gaffe. Let him make up his mind to slaughter millions of people at once, his heart is really very resistant.

“Can you tell me why?”

“Your Majesty means that even if the people are obedient for a while, they will inevitably rebel in the future. It’s better to slaughter clean at once! ”

Xu Fu suddenly understood.

The so-called Liwang, confronting the pseudo-emperor of filial piety, is just to create a killing pit. The ultimate goal is to bury all the people in it!

No wonder at the beginning, it was said that he only did it against the Zhaoyi tribe, and deterred the people with this achievement. In the end, so many big tribes were summoned in one go.

It turns out that the purpose is not to seize the throne, but to divide!

“King Qin Fu, do you have any doubts about His Majesty’s will?”

Zhang Han pressed the handle of the knife and asked coldly.

Xu Fu was woken up by Zhang Wei and shivered.

“The minister swears to obey His Majesty’s will to the death, and does not dare to question it!”

Hearing these words, Zhang Handan’s hand did not move away from the hilt. Instead, he asked again.

“King Qin Fu, what do you think about slaughtering the bony people, the speed is relatively fast? Give a good way, I will naturally ask for credit for you in front of Your Majesty!” ”

Xu Fu was forced to go the only way.

He knew that if he didn’t show enough dedication. Not only did King Qin Fu not have to do it, he might be executed by Zhang Wei at any time!

He had been away from Daqin for too long, and the emperor no longer trusted him.

“General Qi Yuzhang, slaughtering people is actually very easy. The Yan people are severely undernourished, and their greatest enemy is hunger. As long as power is seized and heavy taxes are imposed, most of the people will naturally starve to death. If you resist, you can kill them. ”

When Lu Jia heard this, he seemed to be inspired by something, and his eyes lit up in an instant.

“We will take Ise, and then expel the pseudo-emperor and seize power!”

Zhang Wei still hadn’t figured it out, what strategy did Xu Fu say just now? How do you think, he didn’t say any strategy?

How the hell did he hear that he was going to attack Ise?

Emperor Xiaoling’s 18,000-strong army is already extremely large in the eyes of the Wajin, and it will be invincible.

However, compared with Zhang Handan’s men and horses, it is still a little inadequate.

The first head-on battle with Emperor Takarei.

The people of the people put out 18,000 people in one go. It also looks like a large group of Wuyang.

Lu Jia and Zhang Wei also received some Yan tribes.

However, this battle is a show of force.

You need to fight in person!

Otherwise, the Yonoya would still have doubts when they could not see their force.

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