Under the prompt of Meng Yi’s gaze, he suddenly saw the emperor and almost jumped in fright.

Quickly knelt and kowtowed.

“Minister Zhang Duo, knock on the emperor!”

The other officials were a little confused, and they didn’t have time to think about it, and they knelt down and kowtowed together.

Win Che was in a good mood and did not blame.

“Let’s all get up.”

Zhang Duo hurriedly got up, personally led the way in front, and returned to the county guard’s mansion.

Although Zhang Duo was removed from the position of Jun Shou, he remained to succeed Jun Cheng. He knows the most about the situation in Shu County.

When I received the documents of the officials demoting officials earlier, I already knew that the reason why I was demoted was that I did not understand and control the public sentiment of the Shu people.

So these days, I also hurried to do some homework.

After Yingche came to the county guard’s mansion, he didn’t rest, and directly asked people to take out the map of Shu County.

“Zhang Duo, you talk about the people of Shu County.”

Zhang Duo knew that this was a test for him, and it was related to his future future, so he got up and stepped forward.

“Your Majesty, Shu County used to be the land of Baipu. Dozens of people live together, and the situation is complicated. Chen investigated in detail these days and found that Langzhong County was indeed a sign of unease. ”

Langzhong County, the capital of the country.

Hearing this location, Yingche understood that things were not as simple as he had thought.

This place is indeed a little more complicated.

Full, strictly speaking, is not actually a Shu person. The state of Chong was destroyed two years earlier than the state of Shu, but it was not destroyed by Qin, but by the state of Ba.

There are grievances and grudges entangled and chaotic.

The State of Qin took advantage of the time when Ba, Shu, Chong and Tho attacked each other and turned into a pot of porridge. Sent troops to destroy the four countries in one fell swoop.

Chong, Shu, and Tho, and are Shu County.

More than a hundred years.

The location of Langzhong County is extremely complicated. There are many mixed people living in the territory of the Ba, Shu, Fu and Chong people.

Hearing Zhang Duo say, the source of uneasiness lies in Langzhong. Yingche immediately thought of countless possibilities.

Filling people to contact and provoke everywhere?

Or is Xiang Yu sending a fine work and operating in Langzhong County?

Or did the Qiang people secretly fill the people, and then provoke the resistance of the people of Bashu to Daqin?

Or, the Shu people entered the flood and contacted the Dian Kingdom?


But whatever the possibility, there is the same simplest solution.

Win Che spoke.

“Zhang Duo, the situation in Langzhong is complicated, why don’t you send troops to suppress it first, and then investigate it carefully?”

Zhang Duo was asked by the emperor like this, and he broke out in a cold sweat.

Yu Le of Shu became king in Langzhong.

Zhang Duo only learned about this situation in the past two days, and the documents for degrading officials had long been received, how dare he mobilize the army without authorization?

In any case, in the end, he was derelict in his duties.

“Your Majesty, it’s the incompetence of the minister!”

Yingche didn’t want to delve into it at this time. Look at the two young generals next to him.

“Bai Wu, Wei Ping. Which of you has troops stationed in Lang? ”

A young general stepped forward, clenched his fists and said, “Chen Baiwu, there are 10,000 people stationed in Langzhong. ”

Win Che nodded.

“Grandson of the God of War, let’s see if you can reproduce the wind of Naizu this time. Listen, now immediately mobilize 20,000 horses and rush to Langzhong, arriving in five days. ”

Bai Wu was stunned.

Five days to arrive?

In fact, if you hurry, you can arrive in two days.

There is a mystery in this statement.

Seeing that Bai Wu didn’t understand, Ying Che nodded him again.

“First hurry up and the Langzhong garrison know. Let’s just say that as soon as the army arrives, it will immediately recruit the pseudo-Shu king Yule! ”

There is nothing special about this order either.


After Bai Wu took the order, he pondered it carefully. That’s when I figured out the disagreement.

“Your Majesty means that you want your subordinates to write secret orders and attack them?”

Seeing that Bai Wu finally understood what he meant, Ying Che nodded, but did not speak.

Bai Wu’s experience in fighting wars was a little less, and he could not understand this strategy at once. But it is also a soldier, so I can think of the trick.

It’s a forgeable material.

Shu County is in turmoil, and this is just beginning.

Yingche’s purpose was to train these two young generals, so he didn’t explain much to them. Let them figure it out on the battlefield themselves. What you realize is your own ability.

Ying Che said to another young general: “Wei Ping, immediately mobilize all your soldiers and horses and garrison in Bo Dao County. Go all out to guard against Xiang Yu in the south. ”


Wei Ping took the order.

Meng Yi was always by the side, quietly listening to the emperor’s deployment, while calculating in his mind.

At this time, he opened his mouth and asked: “Your Majesty, the army is used in the east and south directions. Yandao County, the Qiang people also have to guard against ah! ”

Yingche glanced at Meng Yi.

“Where is Yan Dao?”

Meng Yi was stunned by the rhetorical question, knowing that he had overlooked something. But I can’t figure out what I overlooked?

I can only answer respectfully: “Yan Dao is the fiefdom of the former Huiwen Wang Zhi County, Yan Junli Li Qiang. ”

Yingche smiled slightly.

“Yan Dao is a special place, and there are still Yi soldiers left. Yan Junli was revered as a feng shui grandmaster. You can’t resist the Qiang people when Yan Dao? ”

Zhang Duo immediately echoed.

“Your Majesty Shengming, being in Xianyang, still knows so well about Shu County. Yan Dao County is indeed very special, and the Qiang people never dare to use troops against Yan Dao. ”

Meng Yi understood this.

Not only admired the emperor’s thoughtfulness, but also suddenly filled with admiration for this sage.

Yan Junli is known as a wise man, capable of culture and martial arts. Fine ventilation water, best at looking at the veins.

Using some Yi soldiers, and feng shui learning, you can deter the Qiang people. Such invisible feats are often overlooked. It is not until you put yourself in one’s shoes that you understand the greatness of the human being.

Moreover, although the Qiang people have a huge territory, their number is extremely large. However, among their internal tribes, there was no harmony and their forces were scattered. It was never possible to gather a large army, and there was no major threat to Qin, only constant minor harassment.

There is an emperor sitting in Chengdu, and everyone is determined in their hearts.

Before, when Zhang Duo knew that Shu County had shown chaos, he felt that the sky was about to fall. There were only two major legions in Shu County to guard it, and once the hundred pu was chaotic and suppressed on all sides, the troops were not enough.

What’s more, there are Xiang Yu tigers in the south, and the Ximen Qiang people are also watching all the time, and when they see cheap, they will rush up and take a bite.

Put Zhang Duo’s anxious sleep, and it is difficult to swallow.

Now that the emperor has personally arrived, in a few words, he has arranged the situation in Shu County refreshingly. Let Zhang Duo have a feeling that the small chaos in Shu County is just a disease of ringworm.

Comparing the two in one stroke, I have to admire the emperor’s heroism and martial arts!

Bai Wu and Wei Ping led the order, and there were still four people left in the county guard’s mansion.

Ying Che looked at Zhang Duo with blazing eyes.

Zhang Duo bent down weakly, staring at the emperor’s feet, waiting to hear the emperor’s reprimand.

“Zhang Duo, do you know where you are wrong?”

Zhang Duo’s back was cold and sweaty, soaking through his heavy shirt.

“The minister knows the mistake! The minister was negligent. ”

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