At a distance of fifty steps, he penetrated six Qiang people who added fuel to the fire. Six arrows, without exception, were nailed to the brain, shooting through the hard skull, and arrows emerged from the back of the head.

This divine technique stunned the Qiang people.

The scene quickly calmed down.

At this time, groups of strong crossbowmen also appeared on the battlements at the head of the city. Crossbow arrows pointed at the city.

The Qiang people do not have the guts to make trouble.

They just spontaneously gathered here out of a sense of righteous indignation.

Facing tens of thousands of soldiers of the Qin army, strong bows and hard crossbows. Even the anger of the previous commotion was pressed back into solitude.

Li Guang stood on the execution table, calm and calm.

It was only fifty steps away from the Qiang people at the front. But no Qiang dared to look him directly. The bow in his hand is terrifying.

Seeing the riot in the crowd, Li Guang was suppressed and continued to pronounce the verdict.

After the verdict was announced, a corpse was dragged out first.

Mengdu had been seriously injured earlier, and died within two days.

Even if you die, you will be tortured.

The one pulled out was Mengdu’s corpse. Pulled onto a stake by two pawns. The executioner slashed down.

After a while, the head of Mengdu was hung on the city gate.

This is a warning to all Qiang people, don’t try to challenge Qin Law!

Next, there was the execution of the entire Mondo tribe.

Cut too many people, everyone will look numb.

Every time a group of people is cut, the qiang people’s anger is vented by one point. After the six rounds of chopping, they came to watch the punishment of the Qiang people, and they all felt as if they had a serious illness. It was as if I felt that something was wrapped around my body, and if I looked closely, there was nothing.

Since the Great Qin army entered the land of Qinghai, this was the first time that the Yi tribe was truly informed.

Let the Qiang people go from anger to shock. In the end, after watching the execution, I felt that the Qin people were so tough and said nothing. Qin Fa that thing, it is better not to touch it in the future, so as not to bring disaster to the whole clan.

Public execution ends.

The Qiang people left one after another, and when they left, they all looked a little lost.

Li Guang and Bu Linghou did not dare to let their guard down, and kept watching carefully until all the Qiang people were gone.

Li Guang is not afraid of going to war with the Qiang, even if the number of Qiang people gathered today is the largest in history. And not yet an opponent of the salt pond garrison.

If the Qiang people dare to start a war, they are looking for death!

It’s just that Li Guang spent so much effort just to publicize the Qin Law and educate the Qiang people.

Once the war starts, all this is in vain.

Moreover, the new construction of Yanchi City also requires a lot of labor to work. Building cities, building roads, mining salt, and transporting all require a large number of manpower.

Farming is harder than killing.

Only when this place is well managed can this be regarded as his merit.

As long as the Qiang people are willing to obey, Li Guang is also willing to give them a chance.

After this public execution.

Kunlun Ji was deserted for several days.

The Qiang people always seem to feel that there is something terrifying here, and they are easily afraid to come.

However, I have already used some of the things brought by the Daqin merchant, and I still like it very much in my heart and want it. Women and children are also accustomed to picking up some strange dry bones and returning to grind ornaments.

Accessories piled up at home are completely useless.

When they thought of these things, they could exchange them for some good things in Kunlunji, and their hearts were a little uncontrollable.

Finally, three, three, two.


Kunlun set prospered again.

Li Xinyuan was in Zhangye County, and when he first received a message from Yanchi, he was very worried about the matter here.

He was afraid that Li Guang would not handle it well.

But I am not in the salt pond, and I don’t know the situation over there. Intervene rashly, only for fear that things will be worse.

You can only sit and wait for the results.

Li Xin prayed for one thing, and the amount of salt collected must be guaranteed. Don’t cut production because of the war!

Li Xin opened a special salt pond shop in Zhangye. Just sell salt cubes.

The news has gradually spread among the countries of the West. Merchants from all over the world came to Zhangye to buy salt.

Now there is a situation where demand exceeds supply.

Li Xin gave salt merchants in various countries a quota and was not allowed to buy in excess of it.

In order to prevent salt merchants from hoarding and raising prices, private traders were also prohibited from selling salt in the city.

In this way, a lot of money rolls in.

There is too much money and I am very worried.

Li Xin has always encouraged businessmen from Western countries to bring more special products to Zhangye to trade. So that he can spend his money.

Daqin copper coins, therefore, are also widely circulated in Western countries.

Zhangye County also established a new gold and silver division.

Zhang Cang, the household attendant, also came to see it in person.

For the Daqin copper money, a large amount of outflow abroad, Zhang Cang’s heart was actually worried.

To this end, he also wrote a long music sheet and reported this matter in detail to the emperor.

The outflow of copper coins from Daqin will lead to an increase in the purchasing power of copper coins.

In the past, a bucket of rice was sold for thirty dollars, but now it has fallen to five dollars.

Cultivating cattle used to be 10,000 dollars a head, but now they have also fallen to 3,000 dollars.

The magnitude is terrifying!

For most people, this is a good thing, making it easy to feed and eat.

But for people who farm and raise cattle, this is a bad thing. How can the same diligent and conscientious be poorer?

Zhang Cang just discovered this situation, but did not know what the principle was.

Later, the emperor also replied with a long letter to Zhang Cang.

A little explanation was explained and a solution was also proposed.

In fact, the solution is very simple, that is, there is not enough copper money. More minted copper coins.

Other products are increasing rapidly, but if the copper money does not increase, it will cause this change.

In this way, Zhang Cang understood.

Copper money is just the thing in the middle of the bartering process. Its essence is still a thing!

According to the emperor’s orders, the outflow of copper money from Daqin is actually a good thing. Don’t stop, push.

After receiving the emperor’s instructions, now that Li Xin spends money, he is even more unscrupulous.

He even formed the Shuangjing Chamber of Commerce.

Shuangjing County, because of salt made a lot of money. And with this money, I bought back a lot of Western items.

Through the Shuangjing Chamber of Commerce, these items were transported back to the Central Plains to be sold.

Coming and going, money is spent more and more.

Shuangjing, Zhangye, has become the most famous “road to attracting gold” in Daqin.

More and more businessmen, after hearing the news, moved their families to Zhangye.

Daqin’s copper coins, like famous thorns, spread throughout the West. So that in more distant places, those countries that have not heard of Daqin also know Daqin because of copper money.

In the farther west, those with Daqin copper coins in their hands. They all feel that Daqin is the most powerful and rich country in the world. It is a country full of copper money.

Even in Rome, there were merchants who traveled far and wide, holding Daqin copper coins in their hands, showing off in taverns.

Whenever people boast, there is another empire that is a hundred times more powerful than Rome, in the easternmost part of the earth. The people there are rich and the best place to do business.

In Rome, the slave business flourished at its best.

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