Moreover, the unimpeded sea route does not only solve the problem of logistical supplies. It is also possible to constantly transport the spoils obtained in the Mauryan Dynasty through the port.

If you stay for a long time, Segan City is a strategic place that must be occupied!

Wei Ping raised his head and looked at Bai Xin.

“Do you know what’s going on over there in Nale? How many people are stationed in the Lingnan Legion? ”

Bai Xin said: “The Lingnan Legion has a total of 10,000 people stationed there. ”

Yu Ping’s brows furrowed.

“So little! It would be difficult for them to take Segan City alone. ”

Bai Xin asked with a wink.

“General Lieutenant, will you send troops?”

Wei Ping smiled and nodded his finger at the location of Mandu on the map.

“Do you think I can send troops? I have to withstand all the pressure of the enemy army in Mandu City, I’m afraid not a single soldier will come out!” ”


Bai Xin’s brows furrowed.

He didn’t think the situation was that difficult before. But after listening to Wei Ping’s fighting, it felt not only difficult, but also urgent!

Wei Ping wanted to hold Mandu and not a single soldier would come out.

All the things east of Mandu can only be solved by Bai Wu himself.

Bai Xin didn’t have the heart to linger any longer, and hurried back.

But Wei Ping did not do nothing, he wrote a letter. Let Bai Xin take it back and give it to Bai Wu.

A hundred miles away, Bai Xin galloped on horseback, and arrived in half a day.

Before Bai Wu, he didn’t understand the entire battle situation, so there would still be some worries.

After reading Wei Ping’s letter, he confirmed what Wei Ping was going to do next.

Bai Wu was calmed down.

The grand strategy of the triangular layout gave Bai Wu a lot of confidence.

As long as Wei Ping remained firmly entrenched in Mandu, it would be impossible for the enemy to bypass him and encircle him. This provided a solid barrier for Bai Wu.

The last point of the triangular layout is the city of Segen at the mouth of the Ganges.

Now, the Baiwu army and the small city of Nale are thousands of miles apart. I don’t know what Zhou Bo planned.

However, from Bai Wu’s point of view, if you want to stay in Jinhe for a long time, it is necessary to occupy Segen City.

After figuring out this verse, Bai Wu immediately ordered Bai Xin.

“Gather the army immediately and prepare to go!”

Bai Xin was stunned, didn’t he say that he would be stationed in Jinhe in the future? Where is this gathering army going?

If it were someone else, maybe they wouldn’t dare to talk much and go directly to the order.

But Bai Xin is Bai Wu’s younger brother, and he doesn’t have so many scruples in his heart.

“Brother, where are you going? Don’t want this place? ”

Bai Wu glared at him.

The younger brother was still young, and Bai Wu brought him out just to experience.

Although he glared at Bai Xin, Bai Wu still held back and explained it to him briefly.

“You take a thousand people and stay! If you want to encounter a large number of Mauryan Dynasty troops, don’t fight hard. When I came back, this place couldn’t run again. ”

When Bai Xin heard that he was asked to stay, the boss in his heart was not happy.

However, the military order was like a mountain, and he did not dare to say anything.

He asked again: “Brother, where are you going with the army?” Mandu City? ”

Bai Wu was packing his bags. Hearing this, he knocked Bai Xin’s iron helmet with a horsewhip.

“Mandu City already has Yu Ping’s 30,000 horses, so we don’t need to go. I’ll take Segan! ”

Bai Xin reacted and slapped his helmet in annoyance.

Why didn’t you think of it?

Although Jinhe is important here, it is not so urgent. You can go to the city of Segen and come back to continue to station.

If the Lingnan Army increases its troops, it can use Segan City as the cornerstone to sweep in all directions.

Before leaving, Bai Wu repeatedly instructed Bai Xin.

“You have to send more people to patrol and beware of them secretly uniting, after all, they have 20,000 people!” Don’t take it lightly. ”

Bai Xin nodded and suppressed twenty thousand primordial villagers with one thousand Great Qin elites. It’s still a bit challenging.

“Brother, don’t worry, I know how to do it. As long as they are not united, they are not my opponents. ”

In fact, Bai Wu was not worried about Bai Xin at all.

Specially gave him this opportunity to exercise. Even if it can’t be suppressed, it doesn’t matter. With a thousand Great Qin elites, it is still very simple to break through.

There will be no danger in Bai Xin.

Bai Wu led the army along the banks of the Ganges and headed east.

On both sides of the Ganges, it was the most densely populated area of the Mauryan Dynasty. It’s just that for those farmers who cultivate the land, Bai Wu did not plunder with the troops.

A small city in the middle had been destroyed before going to the Golden River.

This time the sudden invasion of Segan City was made without warning and without hindrance along the way.

Three hundred miles of road, the army only marched for two days.

As a result, when the Baiwu army went there, it was already hit.

Zhou Bo was really powerful, and he completely gave up the small city of Nale!

With 10,000 Lingnan sailors, from the port of Segan, launched an attack.

On the battleships of the Lingnan Navy there are giant crossbows. On the deck of a tall battleship, give a slight elevation angle, and you can directly attack the head of the city.

The powerful penetrating force of the giant crossbow caused great psychological pressure on the defenders of the Peacock Dynasty!

Zhou Bo left an eye on it, and there was no desperate siege wall. Instead, it uses the perfect suppression of the Great Qin longbow in the range, constantly attacks on the periphery, and kills and wounds enemy troops from a long distance.

The purpose of this is to break the morale of the enemy little by little.

Wait until the enemy army is completely demoralized, and then attack the city at that time, and the drum can be dropped.

The defenders of Segan City are being beaten miserably. There were still elephant soldiers and cavalry in the city, but they did not dare to let them out.

Daqin has a crossbow, and the elephant can’t withstand a crossbow!

Segan City was beaten to the point of no temper at all, and could only pray for heaven’s rescue.

Just as the defenders of Segan City were gradually desperate, they saw the west from afar, raising dust in the sky. Another army arrived.

The defenders of Segan subconsciously thought that their own reinforcements had arrived.

The cheers of the city greatly boosted the morale for a short while.

However, when the flag was clearly seen, it was still the time of the Great Qin army. The defenders of Segan, the last remaining hope was dashed.

Morale plummeted.

Bai Wu is also an experienced general.

When I came here, I saw that the city of Segan was at war. Immediately observe and analyze the state of the armies on both sides.

By the time it was seen that Segan’s defenders had gradually fallen into malaise. Bai Wu directly launched a large army and began to attack the city.

This is a pre-battle decision and a manifestation of the quality of a general.

The division from afar, the soldier is tired. And the siege equipment is behind and has not yet kept up. At this time, the siege of the city began to be very lossy.

However, now is the time when the morale of the enemy army is at its lowest, and it is possible that adding a straw at will will lead to the complete sinking of the enemy.

If this fighter is delayed, the enemy may fight to the death after recognizing its desperate situation.

In short, it is a delicate decision.

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