Now that the country is in danger, all personal grievances and interests have been put aside for the time being.

The Peacock King temporarily gathered the nobles together and formed an army to rescue Qutuo City. In addition, a large army was urgently recalled from the northwestern border.

At all costs, it is also necessary to ensure the smooth flow of Qutuo City!

One south and one north, two rescue armies marched towards Qutuo City at the same time.

It’s just that this news, Bai Wu, Li Zuoche, and Fu Su don’t know about them.

Xiao Nanhuachi is very important, Fusu and Li Zuoche, still stuck there.

Bai Wu was still stationed twenty miles outside Qutuo City. Here, his army is safe, and it can still make the Mauryan Dynasty uncomfortable. He was also happy to stay longer.

None of them noticed it, and it was Wei Ping of Mandu City who was the first to notice that something was wrong.

The location of Mandu City is in the northernmost part of the Poison Continent, near the Xuelaya Mountains. To the west from Mandu is the northwestern frontier of the Mauryan Dynasty.

Wei Ping has not been harassed since the last defensive victory.

He did not sit idle, but threw out a large number of scouts. The range of reconnaissance is very large.

His scout discovered the movement of the northwestern frontier army of the Mauryan Dynasty.

A large number of troops began to retreat and march inland.

The situation on Bai Wu’s side, Yu Ping also knew. It is suspected that the destination of this army is Qutuo City.

While informing Bai Wu, the situation found here. On the one hand, Wei Ping also began to organize the army.

The situation on Bai Wu’s side was critical, and he sat idly by.

The strategic structure of the land of Tianzhu is the domain of the three cities. Fang, each one is important.

If Bai Wu was caught by the Mauryan Dynasty’s big bag, he was damaged because of it. Even with him, the Golden River he occupies may not be safe.

Losing the Golden River, Tianzhu’s roots are unstable. All previous efforts may have to be in vain.

Mandu City is also a very important point.

Together with the Golden River, a blockade was formed to guard the area between the Sierra and the Ganges.

Out of prudence, Wei Ping only dispatched 10,000 light horses to aid Bai Wu. Leave an army of 20,000 and hold the capital city to death.

Bai Wu received the news from Yu Ping and began to worry.

He now has only 10,000 light horses. I don’t know how many troops there are in total when the enemy comes to support? Even if one of them goes all the way, the number of people has reached 100,000!

There are too many enemies, even if Bai Wu’s army is elite, it is completely unable to resist!

The problem is that he can’t retreat yet.

If you retreat, you will let the golden river be directly exposed to the enemy.

The place in Jinhe is not a city, just a military camp. You can’t even do it with danger.

How can we use the limited forces in our hands to drag the enemy here to death?

Faced with such a situation, there is nothing anyone can do.

Wei Ping personally led a light horse to come to support!

The two places are not too far apart, and they can be reached in a day.

As soon as Bai Wu and Wei Ping met, they immediately began to discuss the current situation.

The army of the two together, it is only 20,000 light horses. There are no heavy armaments, not even an array of arrows of longbowmen, no strong crossbows. If you want to use this bit of people to stop the army of the Mauryan Dynasty, it is simply impossible!

To discuss it again, it is nothing more than a strategy such as harassment by rangers and robbing food at the opportunity.

Bai Wu never imagined that he would force 10,000 soldiers and horses to Qutuo City for a while, even if he stabbed a hornet’s nest. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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