As long as Li Xinken supports it, the follow-up business route can be opened.


Hearing Li Xin’s words, Tu Limo’s heart suddenly rose again. He looked at Li Xin with his eyes open, seeing what he couldn’t think?

“I heard that under the June Mountain of the Yue Clan, there is a big gold mine? I happen to have some gold mining talents here, and I want to send them to help Tugun Mamoru pan for gold together. ”

Li Xin smiled like an old fox.

It’s just that Tulimo now has a request for someone, knowing that this is a condition put forward by Li Xin as a price for helping him.

Tu Limo was a little distressed, but immediately agreed.

Anyway, the gold mine is large, there is a lot of gold sand, let Li Xin’s people mine some, and there is nothing. For Tulimo, this is not much loss.

Gold, all of Daqin’s gold!

The trade route from Yueshi County to the hinterland of Daqin was completely guarded by Shuangjing. And Yue’s own does not have the ability to produce itself.

The original specialties of the Yue clan, such as horses, camels, and cattle and sheep, are also relatively popular things for the Central Plains. The same needs to go through the double.

Therefore, no matter whether you enter or leave, you have to look at Li Xin’s face.

Li Xin now made a small request, and Tu Limo naturally only agreed to it happily.

What Tu Limo didn’t know was that in Zhangye there was a coin casting workshop of the Gold and Silver Division. When this gold arrives in Zhangye, it is not just some gold.

After being purified by the gold and silver division, it was then minted into Daqin gold coins. Its value is going to increase fivefold!

This thing is much easier and happier than the hard business of Bala.

This is also not complaining about Tu Limo, he is not very knowledgeable about doing business, how do he know that there is such a big trick in the coin?

Li Xin said just do it.

This matter happened to be with Kuantong, the chief merchant of the western region who had just taken office. He is a lobbyist by training, and eloquence is his forte. He is the only one who set up a caravan and sent it to the Western countries.

Not long after taking office, Kuantong has been familiar with all aspects of the situation in Zhangye.

Doing business here is still a little different from the hinterland of Daqin.

When doing business between Qin people, just look at the goods, look at the price, and look at the reputation of the business. But in Shuangjing, here the Wusun, Qiang, Yue, and some merchants from the small countries of the Western Regions gathered. It’s a lot of work to manage.

Li Xin came to him and explained his intention to form a caravan to send to the Western countries.

After hearing this, Kuantong was very excited.

“Li Junshou, you really know my heart very well! I was thinking of finding an opportunity to take the caravan out to see it. Now I don’t know about various situations, and I don’t know where to start if I want to plan. So where did you decide to choose your destination this time? ”

Li Xin was originally worried that Kuantong was unwilling to travel long distances. Seeing that Kuantong was so active, his heart was also down-to-earth.

“Mr. Quan, that’s what I thought. The West doesn’t have to go too far, just an open country that understands everyone. I think the Rest Empire is a good fit. ”

The Rest Empire, formerly the once powerful Persian Empire.

During its heyday, the Persian Empire occupied large areas of the continents of Europa and Afrikaans. The people under the rule of the empire are also of all kinds, all kinds of races.

Although it has declined, it has become a dormitory empire in a shrunken corner. But contacts with people from other places have always been maintained.

As long as you go to the Rest Empire, you can understand the needs of the Western countries.

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