“So consider, you can’t leave too much profit margin to the rest caravan. Do you think so? ”

This is obviously a set, Li Xin has been a county guard for so long, how can he not hear it?

But he didn’t know what Kuantong’s purpose was, so he could only make peace first.

“What Chief Manager Kuang said is, do you have a way to let Daqin take a part of this profit?”

Kuantong smiled.

“I was about to ask you, do you want to open another market in Dunhuang?”

Li Xin understood what Kuantong meant.

But if you want to open another market in Dunhuang, it will no longer be in the territory of Shuangjing County. No matter how much trade there is, it is also the meat in the Yue’s bowl.

Li Xin shook his head.

“Chief Quan, Dunhuang is actually not far from Zhangye. And why bother? ”

Quantong foresaw in advance that he would be asked this question and was already prepared.

“Li Junshou, in fact, letting some of the benefits to the Yue Clan is also a great thing for Shuangjing.”

“Oh? How do you say this? ”

Li Xin did not understand what Kuantong meant. It is said that lobbyists are good at reversing black and white, but there must always be enough reason, right? You can’t always talk nonsense with your eyes open.

Kuantong clenched his fingers and calculated for Li Xin.

“Shortening the journey is just one thing. The market was moved to Yue’s County, and for the merchants who rested in peace, the psychological distance was much shortened much greater than it seemed. As a result, the total number of transactions will rise significantly, which goes without saying. ”

The reasoning of what Kuantong said was also very easy to understand, and Li Xin nodded in agreement.

“And what?”

“In addition, the Yue people have one more business to do, that is, from this section to Dunhuang. These profits come from the rest side and will not affect the two sides.”

Li Xin nodded, it was indeed a reason.

“And what?”

“The biggest gain is the last piece. After the Yue people become rich, they will spend more on daily life. This part is hidden and is not visible now. However, it is foreseeable that the trading volume after the double is in the future, will increase significantly! ”

Li Xin thought about it, and Kuantong really did not fool him. Everything that is said, very reasonable.

Li Xin is not an unreasonable person, and when he said this, he simply nodded and agreed.

“Okay then. But there is one point, Dunhuang must cooperate with Zhangye’s business policy. Collect more gold and red copper back to Zhangye, smelt and mint money! ”

See, it’s winter again.


The Taifu Temple also led the one-horned white rhinoceros into the warm room.

This white rhinoceros has been in Xianyang for more than a year. This is preparation for the second winter.

Over the past year, several other rhinos have been offered elsewhere. But it’s all ordinary two-horned gray rhinos.

Tai Servant Qing believes that white rhinos are different from their species and should not be touched, so as not to mix bloodlines.

But it’s hard to find another one-horned white rhino to match.

This matter had to be dragged on like this.

Win Che has leisure today, just to see the white rhinoceros.

He rarely rides this rhinoceros, and only rides the white rhinoceros at the time of major sacrifices. So that the people can remember that the emperor’s mount is a beast.

Seeing that the white rhino lives worry-free, but it is always raised like this, and its body is slightly fat.

A little fatter is more powerful and domineering.

Wincher rides a white rhinoceros and walks in the Afang Palace.

“Emperor, Lord Worm Da has a secret report to be delivered.” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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