Guanyinwu is going to put this news on the emperor as soon as possible.

The emperor must be able to clearly know what the Spartan mercenaries can bring after entering Daqin?

For now, hold Thutmose first and give him hope. And then slowly analyze the usefulness of the Spartans.

Qu Zheng and Tao Tong took Thutmose and came to the map of Daqin.

Pointing to the area around Daliang County and Dongdu County, he said: “Tut, you asked this matter at the right time. Daqin had just decided to dig a river channel here to divert the water of the Yellow River and prevent flooding. This is a big project, no matter how many people you find, you can arrange it all! ”

Hearing Qu Zheng say this, Thutmose was very surprised.

He has been pondering this matter of the Spartan mercenaries for a long time. Many Western countries will be afraid of Macedonia and dare not take it in.

Only Daqin, so refreshing!

Moreover, there is a big project ready-made, waiting for them to do it.

This…… It must be providence!

“Thank you Lord Qu, Lord Tao, thank you Daqin! Then trouble you, go back and negotiate with the engineering superintendent, I will immediately summon those Spartan mercenaries to work!” ”

Qu Zheng and Tao Tong had no intention of making small talk with Thutmose. After giving him a definite answer, he immediately got up and prepared to send him out.

“Tut, don’t worry about calling them here. The project supervision over there, you don’t have to worry, it will definitely give you the right wage. ”

This matter, for Thutmose, was just finding a way to house his group of friends.

But for Daqin, it may mean many other things.

After sending Thutmose away, Qu Zheng and Tao Tong immediately left for the palace to bring this matter to the emperor.

Hurried to the palace, it was almost dark at this time, and a little later, it was the time of the palace ban.

Qu Zheng and Tao Tong ran all the way out of breath.

At this time, the emperor was no longer in the Emperor’s Hall. Just happened to go to Ganquan Palace for dinner.

Afang Palace is adjacent to Ganquan Palace, and the door is also opened from the side.

However, where the two palaces meet, the gate leading to Ganquan Palace is also built as a city gate, with a long door hole. The defense is no looser than the main entrance of the palace.

Qu Zheng and Tao Tong chased here, and finally chased the emperor.

Ying Che had already passed through that gate and entered the Ganquan Palace.

Hearing that Qu Zheng and Tao Tong had urgent matters, they stood here at the palace gate and waited for them for a while.

According to the rules, the two ministers of the dynasty were absolutely not allowed to enter the Ganquan Palace.

The three monarchs talked in the doorway.

“Your Majesty, the ministers and others have something to start.”


Qu Zheng took a deep breath, stabilized his heartbeat, and began to talk about what Thutmose went to the Ministry of Commerce today to say.

“Spartan mercenaries?”

Win Che was indeed surprised.

He did not expect that the Spartans would enter his field of vision in such a way?

You actually want to go to Dongdu to dig a river channel and do coolies to survive?

I can’t think of it!

Sparta was fierce and was thrown into the mountains since childhood, fighting wild beasts alone. Every Spartan mercenary is an extremely ferocious fighter.

However, who would have thought that Sparta was destroyed by Macedonia, and a group of warriors were left in exile, to a miserable point where no one dared to take them in?

It’s just Macedonia, Daqin doesn’t care about this Western power.

“Then let them go to Dongdu County first and dig a river channel!”

Ying Che waved his hand lightly and turned to enter the Ganquan Palace.

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