After a simple conversation, after asking for the thin lips after the Son of Heaven won the agreement, he went to say goodbye to his two sisters…

“Bo Ji, why didn’t you come back last night, what happened?”

As soon as he saw the appearance of the good sisters, Tao Qiji, who was not much worse than Bo Ji, who was the more famous Mrs. Qi in history, quickly greeted him.

“Qi Ji, I…”

Where would Bo Ji say it directly, it was difficult to speak.

If the person in front of her is not a sister who has been friends for many years, no matter how she asks, she will not say it easily.

“Strange, why did Bo Ji blush?”

Noticing the obvious redness, Tao Qiji raised her eyebrows slightly, feeling that Bo Ji who came back was very strange, but she couldn’t say what it meant.

Every time I come back, I basically don’t see anything wrong, but today there is an abnormality.

“Bo Ji, if you have something to say, let’s find a way to solve it together.”

Another Miaoling woman, Guan Shu’er, who was the original historical Mrs. Guan, asked with concern.

“Last night, the Son of Heaven, the Son of Heaven told me to stay, stay in the Weiyang Palace…”

Listening to the concern of the two good sisters, Bo Ji was not good at not saying, and could only tell the truth in a nutshell.

And every time he says a word, the blush on the side of his cheeks increases, so that it forms an incomparably charming and gorgeous color.

“In this way, His Majesty spoiled you last night, no wonder he didn’t come back on time.”

Hearing this, Guan Shu’er suddenly realized, and said with a smile.


When mentioning the two words of pet luck, Bo Ji may have remembered some picture, and couldn’t help but snort at her good sister.

“Bo Ji, you can be regarded as surviving in the palace, you don’t have to be a palace maid for a lifetime, congratulations as a sister.”

Saying that, Tao Qiji’s eyes flashed with envy, and he said joy to Bo Ji.

As a palace maid, if you want to survive in the deep palace, you may not be able to wait for ten or twenty years, and determine your future fate.

“Yes, maybe the next time we see Bo Ji, do we need to call you a long envoy, or a beauty?”

A good sister can get the favor of the Son of Heaven, and Guan Shu’er, who is even happier than herself, said with a mocking look.

The rank of knight in the deep palace is very important, from the empress, the lady beauty, to the good person, the seventh son, the eldest envoy, etc., representing the level of status.

“How good it would be if you were to be favored by the Son of Heaven, so that you can only be a palace maid for the rest of your life…”

Looking at Bo Ji, one of the three sisters, when he remembered himself again, Tao Qiji couldn’t help sighing, more or less very lost.

“I have never forgotten the agreement between the three at the beginning, when the time comes, try to talk to Your Majesty.”

Also a woman with a quick mind, Bo Ji saw the loss of her sister Tao Qiji, forgot her shyness just now, and said instead.

For that agreement that year, the three sisters were blessed to share it, and they still valued it.

“Bo Ji, really!”

As soon as she heard that Bo Ji wanted to help them say a few words in front of the Son of Heaven, Tao Qiji rekindled her hope and immediately said with joy.

If Bo Ji, who was favored by the Son of Heaven, mentioned a few words when he went to Weiyang Palace, it was far better than their thousands of words.

“Don’t worry, it’s true, when did I lie to you.”

After all, among the thousands of palace girls in the deep palace, it is too difficult to get ahead, and Bo Ji has nothing to blame Tao Qi Ji.

“If that’s the case, it’s really good, we three sisters will never be separated.”

Even though she was favored by the Son of Heaven last night, Bo Ji did not forget them, and this was Guan Shu’er’s happiest day in the palace.

“Yes, we are still the same as when we first came to the palace, always and forever together, never separated again.”

Hearing this, Tao Qi Ji nodded gently, and the happy mood was still a little lost just now.

“By the way, Bo Ji, did His Majesty seal you for anything today?”

Suddenly remembering the important link, Tao Qiji put away the smile just now and asked very seriously.

The favor of the Son of Heaven does not mean that he really comes out, and he also needs formal canonization, which is a more important title.

“Not yet, what’s wrong?”

Rarely seeing Tao Qiji’s serious scene, Bo Ji felt quite puzzled, and said with Yin Hong’s lips.

The Son of Heaven told himself to take a good rest, and also allowed him to come back from the Weiyang Palace, and there was nothing wrong with canonization in the future.

“If you think about it, we are just ordinary palace maidens, and our maiden family is not an official, nor are we influential nobles.”

“Just said that there is no canonization today, that means that there is only one possibility…”

The next words were too shocking, and although Tao Qiji still held on to the only remaining hope, he couldn’t help but worry for a while.

“Hey, yes, who called us ordinary palace maidens, powerless.”

Remembering the identities behind the three of them, it was really a little ordinary, and Guan Shuer also felt the same way.

“No, Your Majesty won’t do this!”

When he remembered the gentle side of the Son of Heaven and the concern that he did not fake, Bo Ji, who was still a little shaken, suddenly returned to his previous calmness.

Immediately, he shook his neck slightly, and the Son of Heaven did not look like a weak emperor.

“Bo Ji, don’t be stupid, if you really want to be canonized, you have already been canonized, where will you wait until now.”

Now there was no envy or joy at the beginning, but Tao Qiji felt sorry for Bo Ji and persuaded.

In the past kings, it does not mean that there are no examples, after waiting for a lifetime, you may not have a reputation, and you can’t go out to the court casually.

“It’s better to listen to Qi Ji Bo Ji.”

Looking at Bo Ji, who insisted that the Son of Heaven would be canonized, Guan Shu’er hesitated and confided.

“I believe that Your Majesty will not!”

Today’s relationship with the Son of Heaven is still vivid, but it brings Bo Ji an inexplicable sense of security, and said categorically.

“Your Majesty’s edict…”

Just as Tao Qiji and Guan Shu’er wanted to further persuade, the voice of the female official of the court suddenly sounded.

“Your Majesty’s edict, is it possible?”

After taking a look at Bo Ji, who firmly believed that the Son of Heaven would be canonized, and now he was relieved, Tao Qiji and Guan Shu’er were both gods.

“Bo Ji has both talents and virtues, is intelligent and understands the Sacred Heart…”

“Therefore, he is canonized as a long envoy and lives in the Jiahua Hall.”

Holding a bamboo tablet in her hand, the court lady first read a lot of rhetoric, and then about the content of canonization.

“Your Majesty, it really doesn’t look like a thin-hearted emperor!”

When she listened to the contents of the canonization, Bo Ji pursed her small mouth, and for the first time became dependent on the Son of Heaven.

From now on, he will never waver even half a point and fulfill his duty to serve the Son of Heaven.

“It is rumored that His Majesty even beheaded Na Huhai directly…”

“But for Bo Ji is very generous, if there is really canonization today, what kind of emperor is it?”

If they were purely holding the idea of coming out before, Tao Qiji and Guan Shu’er are now curious about the Son of Heaven who they have never met.

PS: Fourth more!

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