Daqin: Start With 100,000 Proficiency

104: If He Dare To Detour, I Dare To Dig His Ancestral Grave

"General, 100,000 Huns went south! To reach Xinsi yesterday!"

In the black-clothed army, Xiao Xiao was in the commander's camp with Yi Kang and Han Cheng, when suddenly a soldier ran in and spoke.

Hearing this, Xiao Xiao, Yi Kang, and Han Cheng were all shocked.

The Huns went south?

Xiao Xiao looked at the map, looked at the position of his army, and looked at the position of the Huns, and instantly understood the Huns' intentions.

"General, you must quickly report to General Wang Jian and withdraw immediately."

"The Huns want to surround us."

Yi Kang and Hancheng are not stupid either. Now that the army of Qin State is playing the siege of Handan, the army of Xiongnu appears behind them, and their purpose is to cut off the retreat of their army.

Xiao Xiao nodded.

"Tell Zhao Kun to rectify the soldiers immediately, and immediately prepare to evacuate to the town, and make repairs when they arrive at the town.

Looking at the map, Xiao Xiao ordered, and then was about to tell General Wang Jian the news. Just when he looked up, he saw that the corresponding soldier had tears in his eyes and his lips were trembling.

As if thinking of something, Xiao Xiao stood there in a daze, her eyes gradually turning red.

Swallowing, Xiao Xiao shook her head, as if unwilling to accept it.

"Where's Zhao Kun? Tell him to come in and see me."

When she said this, Xiao Xiao's voice trembled slightly.

"Where's Zhao Kun?"

"Please speak!!"

Han Cheng and Yi Kang were not much better at the moment, they all panicked and came to the soldier and asked.

In the end, the orderly uttered a word with sobs.

Mrs. Zhao led the soldiers to defend Xinsi, and I came back to report the news alone.

Xiao Xiao looked at the tearful soldier. Hearing these words, he raised his head and closed his eyes, covering them with his hands.

"Impossible, you lied to me!!!"

"That's right, why did the surname Zhao do this? Without a military order, why should he die?"

"Ms. Zhao said to buy time for the general to retreat. We can't let the Huns surround the army."

"What qualifications does he, Zhao Kun, have to do this!! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo~!"

Han Cheng and Yi Kang collapsed, with tears all over their faces, shouting in pain.

It's just that no matter what they do, Zhao Kun will never come back.

"Let the soldiers assemble."

Xiao Xiao sobbed, wiped away her tears, said to them with wet eyes, and then walked out of the military tent.

When they came to Wang Jian's camp, Xiao Xiao told Wang Jian the news.

"What? One hundred thousand Huns want to cut our army's back, and immediately ordered people to gather the army and prepare to retreat!"

Upon hearing the news, Wang Jian immediately analyzed the Huns' intentions. Then he ordered.

"It's a pity, the Huns will chop them up sooner or later."

"Obviously we're all in Handan. Sigh~!"

The rest of the generals in the military tent sighed one after another.

The troops have already arrived in Handan, and as long as the rest of them take down Handan, the state of Zhao will be destroyed.

Who would have thought that the Huns would suddenly go south at this time.

At this time, Mei Xiao shook her head just as the messenger came in.

"General, there is no need, the Huns give it to me. General, just continue to attack Handan."

Xiao Xiao looked at Wang Jian. He opened his mouth slowly, his eyes full of sadness.

retreat. Perhaps this is the safest way at the moment.

But now Xiao Xiao is not ready to retreat. Zhao Kun and the backbone of the five thousand soldiers have been with him since Yicheng.

Now let him retreat and leave the remains of the soldiers who died with him on the streets of Xinsi.

He Xiaoxiao couldn't do it even to death.

"This is no child's play. A 100,000 Xiongnu army cannot be resisted."

Wang Jian frowned, looked at Xiao Xiao and said.

This is not the day when Zhao Jun besieged the city, just defending in the city. Now if we continue to attack Handan, we can't let the Xiongnu's soldiers and horses appear behind the army.

"Yes, General Xiao, don't be arrogant."

"The Huns must have already made a plan to withdraw their troops first and wait for the Huns to come. It would be too risky not to retreat at this time."

"Subordinates also suggest withdrawing troops, if our army supplies..."

Whether it was Wang Jian or the other generals, they all persuaded Xiaobie to use his loyalty. They all knew that the guards in Xinsi were all Xiao Xiao's subordinates.

But if you keep the green hills, you don't have to worry about no firewood. As long as the troops are withdrawn, this revenge will be avenged sooner or later.

They all know that Xiao Xiao's current age is easy to get emotional. It shouldn't be, but no one will blame it.

What's more, in the world, there are a few who dare to act arrogantly when the 100,000 Huns are aggressive.

"Xiao Xiao understands, so... Xiao Xiao is willing to use the head as a guarantee.

Hearing this, Xiao Xiao nodded, paused, looked at Wang Jian, and looked at the generals.

Facing such a stubborn Xiao Xiao. Everyone frowned. It seemed that Xiao Xiao was being too impulsive.

This is related to the attack on Zhao's more than 300,000 troops. No kidding.

But first, although Xiao Xiao's title is not high, she has more power than them, and they dare not blame her. The second is that the first attack against Zhao this time was Xiao Xiao's first attack, and even Li Mu died under Xiao Xiao's hands. Nor can they refute.

And Wang Jian was staring at Xiao Xiao at the moment, thinking about whether to withdraw the army.

It is to withdraw troops for stability. Still continue to attack Handan.

One is to fall short and to waste all previous efforts. The other is to seek wealth and honor in danger, and destroy Zhao Guo in one fell swoop.

'..What is General Xiao's strategy?"

Seeing Xiao Xiao's serious expression, Wang Jian asked, now this matter is a matter of success or failure, and there is no room for carelessness.


Under the eyes of all the generals, Xiao Xiao took two steps forward and pointed to a place on the map.

"Xinye's 100,000 mountains are a good place to defend, but I'm afraid it won't last long, and if the Xiongnu army detours, they can also reach the rear of our army."

Wang Jian nodded first, and then shook his head (amazingly). Seriously.

"Yes, taking Handan can take as little as ten days and as many as several months! Xinye alone is difficult!"

"In case the Huns detour from Gan County to Anyi."

Xiao Xiao suddenly sneered when he heard what General Wang Jian and the generals said. Then move your fingers up slowly.

In the eyes of everyone, Xiao Xiao looked at the location on the map, and quietly said: "If the Xiongnu army dares to detour, I will go directly north. I will dig up their ancestral graves and cut up their relatives. Let the Huns Cut off children and grandchildren."

The entire camp fell into an eerie silence.

Hearing those faint words, even General Wang Jian took a breath, and looked at Shaoku in front of him with horror.

Digging ancestral graves, this is something that no one in the world would do.

How much hatred and hatred is there to make a person do such a thing regardless of the world.


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