Daqin: Start With 100,000 Proficiency

112: Can The Widow Kill It Now?

In the Xianyang Palace, Ying Zheng, Li Si, and Wei Liao looked at the map and discussed something.

"Your Majesty, Lord Changping has arrived."

A eunuch came in and said.

Hearing this, Ying Zheng and Li Si looked over one after another.

"Mr. Xuan Changping enters the palace!"

Ying Zheng ordered.

Xiong Qi, Lord of Changping, had a surname of Mi, a surname of Xiong, and a given name of Qi. Her father is King Chu Kaolie of Chu State, and her mother is the daughter of King Qin Zhaoxiang, so her identity is naturally a distant relative of Yingzheng.

During the period of King Zhuangxiang, Lord Changping was an official in Qin Dynasty. After Yingzheng succeeded to the throne, Lu Buwei and Lord Changping led troops to suppress the rebellion of Lai Ai. Therefore, whether it is credit or status, Lord Changping is an extremely human minister in Qin State.

Now he was sent to Yingchen to appease the people of Chu, except for some major events, he rarely returned to Xianyang.

And Ying Chen, the former Chu State region, was led by Bai Qi to capture "910" during the period of King Qin Zhaoxiang. From then on, Yingchen was the territory of Qin State.

"Join the King!"

After entering the palace, Lord Changping bowed his hands and saluted Yingzheng.

Ying Zheng nodded, then looked at the crowd.

"Everyone, please tell me what should happen today. Two days ago, the Xiongnu went south, preparing to raid Anyi and cut off our army's retreat. There was news last night that General Xiao, who led the raid on Yanmen, had led his troops to Xinye, but I'm afraid It can't last for many days."

Ying Zheng spoke slowly. Talk about the current situation.

After a moment of silence, Li Si stepped forward first.

"Your Majesty, my lords! Si thinks that the current situation is undoubtedly two, retreat or attack."

Li Si pointed to the map in the hall and said.

"If you retreat, let the two generals Wang Jian and Li Xin lead their troops back to the Qin State. Once they retreat, it will be announced that the attack on Zhao was fruitless. It coincides with the spring plowing. Our Qin State must wait for the second half of the year or the next year. Can continue to send troops to attack Zhao. At that time, the Zhao country has survived the famine and recovered."

"Fighting is to order our Qin army to continue to attack Handan, and then General Xiao Xiao will be in a desperate situation. The 100,000 Huns are aggressive and not good at slaughter. It may not take three or five days for the Huns to rush past General Xiao and arrive in An Yi. In addition, Yan Jun and Handan Zhao Jun will be added. At that time, our Qin State's more than 200,000 troops will be in danger."

Li Si stepped back to his original position after speaking, but his words made everyone frown.

Retiring troops means that the attack on Zhao has failed again, so many soldiers have been injured in vain, and so much food and grass have been wasted. What's even more frightening is that once Zhao's morale is restored, he will attack Zhao again at that time, and there will definitely be countless casualties.

But if they don't retreat, no matter whether it is General Xiao, Wang Jian, or Li Xin's army, they will be in danger, and if they are not careful, they will be doomed. At that time, the Qin Congress will hurt its vitality.

"Can you send another 50,000 troops to Xinye to assist General Xiao?"

Wei Liao asked slowly.

He also had a relationship with General Na Xiao that day at the Tiantai. In my impression, General Xiao is just a young Qin Guoerlang. But this time, they raided Yanmen County first, and then beheaded Ji Mu.

It really startled him.

Now it is heard that General Xiao led his troops to fight against the 100,000 Huns. Even he couldn't help sighing that although he was young, he showed the true qualities of a Qin person.

No wonder I heard that General Shi praised General Xiao in front of the king.

"No, time is running out. Most of the soldiers who can be dispatched today are on the Qin-Chu border. Even Ying Chen sent troops to Xinye, and it will take seven days."

Mr. Changping shook his head. Then he looked at Ying Zheng, cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, I suggest that you withdraw your troops."

"Weichen also recommends withdrawing troops!"

Meng Yi on the side also stood up and offered his own suggestion.

Li Si, Wei Liao and others also nodded. Said that he also supported the withdrawal of troops.

Although it is the best time to destroy Zhao at this time, the risk is too great. Once surrounded by the Huns, not only will Zhao be unable to be destroyed, Qin's nearly 300,000 troops will be in danger, and they can only be slaughtered by the Huns.

"Well, since all the love ministers support the withdrawal, the widow will order the withdrawal."

Ying Zheng nodded. Although it was a pity, there was no need to take such a big risk.

Suddenly Ying Zheng thought of something.

"Is that Hun envoy still in Xianyang? The widow will cut him in half."

Thinking of the words of the Huns envoy that day, Ying Zheng was angry from the heart.

Since the time of King Qin Zhaoxiang, no one has dared to ask Qin for land. However, when he succeeded to the throne, the Xiongnu not only asked for land from Qin, but also gave away people to Qin.

This is simply letting him win the government to pay tribute to the Huns.

"Your Majesty, no, you absolutely must not kill the Hun envoy at this time."

"That's right, Your Majesty, our army of the Qin Kingdom has not yet withdrawn to the Qin Kingdom, if something happens, there will be no room for rescue at that time.

Li Si and Wei Liao stood up one after another and hurriedly prevented Ying Zheng from killing the envoys of the Huns..

Afterwards, Lord Changping and Meng Yi also came out to dissuade them.

Ying Zheng frowned, he knew what Li Si and the others were worried about, and it was nothing more than worrying about something unexpected happening to Xiao Xiao. At that time, the army will be surrounded, and Qin will have no way to save it.

But it was clear, but Ying Zheng felt that Li Si and the others were too careful. Since Xiao Xiao was able to capture Yanmen County within two days, he also killed Li Mu. Whether it is bravery or strategy, it is first-class.

How could it be impossible to stop the Huns' army for three days.

Ying Zheng couldn't help smiling in his heart, thinking of the series of surprises Xiao Xiao had given him, especially Ji Mu, who had a big problem in his heart.

"Don't let the envoy of the Huns leave Xianyang."

Perhaps because of thinking of Xiao Xiao, Ying Zheng's anger subsided a lot.



Hearing this, both Li Si and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

Just as they were leaving, they suddenly saw a soldier running in in a hurry.

"Your Majesty, an urgent letter from Anyi!"

Li Si and the others stopped at the entrance of the main hall and looked at each other.

Under the watchful eyes of Li Si and others, Ying Zheng opened the secret letter.

Looking at it, Ying Zheng's breathing began to become short of breath, and for some reason, because of excitement or some other reason, the hand holding the secret letter trembled slightly.

"Bring that Hun to the widow, 5.3 car cracked!!!"

When Ying Zheng raised his head, a trace of blood had already appeared in his eyes, and he spoke in a sinister tone.

It was said that no matter it was Li Si, Wei Liao, or Chang Ping Jun and others. It can be heard from the words that there is no doubt about Ying Zheng.




Li Si and the others bit the bullet and walked back, but before they could say anything, Ying Zheng handed them the secret letter.

After receiving the secret letter, Li Si and others opened the secret letter curiously, wanting to see what was the reason that made Ying Zheng change his mind suddenly.

Just looking at it, everyone stopped breathing.

"General Xiao..."

Everyone looked at Ying Zheng in shock. For a while I didn't know how to speak.

"Can the widow kill it now?"

Ying Zheng, with a gloomy face, asked coldly.


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