Daqin: Start With 100,000 Proficiency

126: Jealousy Distorts People’S Hearts

In the White House, the imperial edict should be announced.

Two eunuchs came to Xiao Xiao with a plate covered with red cloth and Juebian on it.

Carefully take off the bean that Xiao Xiao is wearing. Replace it with the Juebian that belongs to Shaoshangzao.

This scene caused everyone to hold their breath and watch in shock.

Even Mayor Cao, who was behind the eunuch, was stunned at the moment.

Make less. Nansu, a remote town, unexpectedly produced a young master.

Looking at the black-clothed boy, he looked at that the bean had been replaced by the bean made by the young master. Everyone gasped heavily, shocked. Coincidentally,

Even the people watching outside the White House swallowed their saliva at this moment. No one knew just now that when they heard the words 'Shaoshangzao', their hands trembled unnaturally. They could all imagine that when the news spread throughout Nansu Town in the future, everyone would tremble because of that boy.

After booing and inquiring for a while, the eunuch led his men to turn around and leave.

Although they are gone. But the people in the White House and the people outside the White House are still in a trance at this moment, especially looking at the boy in black.

Only the old grandma had seen the scene. She looked at Xiao Xiao and couldn't help sighing.

Decades ago, there was also a person like Xiao Xiao, who conquered the city for the Qin State, fought for the Qin State, and after becoming famous, he was promoted step by step to be a minister. At that time, no one dared to provoke him

No one is not afraid of him.

Every time we march and fight, the people speak with admiration and admiration.

However, in the end, he died in the temple of Qin State.

At this moment, in the eyes of the old grandma, Xiao Xiao, who was dressed in black, was standing there, just like him decades ago. Holding the edict, the expression on his face was neither sad nor happy.

Gradually, the figures of the two slowly overlapped. The old lady suddenly discovered that both of them were talented, and both of them fought for the Qin State, led the soldiers, made great contributions and became famous all over the world.

So much alike, these two are so much alike!

A moisture appeared in the eyes of the old grandma, and she was suddenly a little scared.

Afraid of the young man in front of him, just like him decades ago. He defeated the people of the world, but died in the temple.

"Help me to rest!"

The old lady turned around slowly, and with the support of a servant, she tremblingly left the courtyard.

She didn't persuade anything, and she didn't say anything.

Because she had done these decades ago, she understood at that time that some people's destiny is to lead the army to fight, they are born to be generals, and they are destined to become famous all over the world.

Compared with other places, the battlefield is their safest place.

Xiao Xiao originally wanted to talk to the old lady, but after learning that the old lady was unwell and went to rest, she couldn't bear to disturb her.

Finally, he came to Bai Ji's mother and expressed his thoughts.

Soon, another forty or fifty soldiers in black came to the White House.

They are all Xiao Xiao's subordinates.

"Bring these few boxes of gold back to the barracks, and let Yi Kang distribute them to all the soldiers, and the soldiers who died in battle will be sent to their homes."

Xiao Xiao looked at several open boxes, which were full of gold. After obtaining the consent of his mother-in-law, he spoke to the soldiers.

He saw the eyes around him, envious and shocked.

However, he was not happy at all. Everyone in the world knows him as Xiao Xiao, and the common people all say that he is Zuo Geng and Shao Shangzao.

But no one ever thought about it. After each title, how many brothers who were born and died with him turned into bones, and how many soldiers ended up with only ashes left.



The soldiers in black all looked at Xiao Xiao, wanting to say something else.

They all made meritorious deeds and were rewarded. The general should keep it to himself.

But looking at Xiao Xiao's slightly flushed eyes. They all knew that Xiao Xiao must have thought of the brother who died in battle.

The soldiers did not speak again. What's more, this is not the first time Xiao Xiao has done this.

Several boxes were quickly loaded into the carriage prepared by the White House. Dozens of soldiers in black were transported non-stop to the Yongzhou barracks.

Arrange it all. Xiao Xiao held two volumes of imperial edicts, one offering a reward, and the other an edict giving him a two-month holiday.

ask for flowers

Xiao Xiao divided the title deed of the 10,000 mu of land into two parts. One for Bai Ji's mother, one for my own mother, Aunt Liu, the current godmother, and fellow villagers.

He has never enjoyed the life of glory and wealth, nor does he want to.

The blood feud of his elder brother, three, Zhao Kun, and a famous soldier weighed heavily in his heart. Now he is the head coach of the Black Clothes Army, but he is watching helplessly as an enemy is still alive. This allows him how to enjoy it with peace of mind and how to face his soldiers.

The third brother is gone, Xiao Xiao will arrange for Aunt Liu, the godmother, at least to let Aunt Liu have no worries about food and clothing. There are also parents, Xiao Xiao naturally wants them to live a good life.

The last one is Bai Ji. Back then, I had nothing, and the dowry was just a few furs. Jin Zi Xiao Xiao didn't stay, so Tian Tian naturally hoped to make up for her as a dowry gift.

In the distance, Bai Ji watched Xiao Xiao arrange one thing in the distance. Little did they know that Xiao Xiao gave hundreds of acres of fertile land to her mother for her sake.

At this moment, Bai Ji came to the gazebo and looked helplessly at Miss Cao and the others.

"Now I really can't blame my little sister. Although she is his fiancée, my little sister couldn't control him when he was on the left. Now it's the little sister. My little sister doesn't dare to control her anymore.

The implication is that I am his fiancée, and now that he is Shaoshangzao, then I am Shaoshangzao's wife.

Don't even think about it when he was on the left, but now it's less advanced, so don't even think about it.

Bai Ji pretended to be wronged. Miss Cao and the others were at a loss for words for a while, and their fingers were a little red when they touched them. Their jealousy made them unable to control the jealous expressions on their faces, and their hearts gradually became distorted.

Less Mrs. Zao!!

Thinking of this name, they were mad with jealousy. This means that even Miss Cao's father is inferior to Bai Ji now.

Why, why is this girl Bai Ji so savage and willful. She can also become Mrs. Shao Shangzao.

It is clear that Ji is not worthy. They deserve it.

That's Mrs. Shao Shangzao!

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