Daqin: Start With 100,000 Proficiency

152: The Huns Sent Envoys Again

The next day, Xiao Xiao escorted King Zhao and his clan, who were still more than ten miles away from Xianyang.

"Look, it's the army in black, who is in the carriage?"

"Hiss~! Really, I didn't expect the rumors to be true, Zhao Guo was really destroyed!"

"That's right, the person who can be escorted by the black-clothed army must be the King Zhao!"

The common people and merchants along the way exclaimed when they saw the black cavalry led by Xiao Xiao. Especially after looking at the carriages in the middle of the cavalry, I was even more amazed.

They had vaguely heard the news that Handan had been captured two days ago, but after seeing it with their own eyes, they were even more shocked.

Zhao Guo is really destroyed!

"Five Nine Three" "General!!!"


On the way, I met again the soldiers in charge of recruiting from the Black Army. They were riding horses, followed by hundreds of young men. After seeing Xiao Xiao, they laughed and shouted.

"Thanks for your hard work!"

Xiao Xiao also looked at these soldiers with a smile, and then looked at the teenagers who were looking at him curiously.

He also showed a kind smile to those teenagers. These people will all become part of the Yongzhou Black Army in the future.

But Xiao Xiao is not in a hurry to say anything. They will meet again when he returns to Yongzhou.

"It's almost time to arrive in Xianyang, let the soldiers pay attention."

Xiao Xiao said to Hancheng.

Zhao Ren is bloody, maybe that brain-dead chivalrous man will come out to rescue him. Even if it is close to Xianyang, there can be no sloppy.

"General, don't worry!"

Han Cheng smiled.

They didn't know that when they were about to arrive in Xianyang. In Xianyang, a Hun envoy hurried into the Xianyang Palace.

"Tozaha, pay homage to King Qin!"

This time, seeing King Qin, the envoys of the Huns were no longer as proud as they were last time. He knelt down on one knee and covered his chest with one hand, which was the most revered etiquette of the Huns.

That day Handan was attacked by the Qin army, and the Xiongnu couldn't hold back their anger any longer, so they hurriedly sent envoys south to convince the King of Qin.

On that day, the Xiongnu were afraid of the battle of Xinye.

In their eyes, the Qin people were more ruthless than the Zhao people. In the past, Li Mu led the Zhao people, most of them were clear fields and solid walls, and they couldn't stick to it. How can it be like the people of Qin in those days, who fought with you as soon as they came up, and wanted to die with you.

So when I saw Qin State attacking Handan, I was afraid that Qin State would settle accounts with them and the Huns.

"Dare to ask the envoys of the Huns, what is the matter of coming to our Great Qin?"

Li Si pretended not to know why, and asked full of doubts.

He knew why the Huns came, not just him, because everyone in the temple knew why the Huns came.

But knowing doesn't mean saying it.

That day when the Huns opened their mouths, they asked Qin for land and dignitaries, but they were very deceptive.

At this moment, I am watching the Huns come to surrender and ask for peace. Don't worry about venting your anger!

"Torzaha was ordered by my leader, Shanyu, to come to Qin to explain the last misunderstanding. I was deceived by the Zhao people and the Yan people at the beginning. Please don't take it to heart!"

The envoy of the Huns looked at Qin Wang Yingzheng's curious face, and said sincerely.

After seeing Ying Zheng nodding his head, he was immediately overjoyed, thinking that this friendship with Qin would be successful. He quickly stated the conditions of their Huns.

"Our Shanyu is willing to donate tens of thousands of high-quality furs and thousands of sheep and horses to the King of Qin every year as a token of friendship. I also hope that the King of Qin will accept it with a smile.

Tozaha lowered his head, he felt that this sincerity was enough to impress King Qin.

One must know that when Li Mu defeated them ten years ago, they had never sent envoys to ask for peace like this, and they would not sacrifice their things for the sake of peace.

Things and face have been given enough to the King of Qin, and he believes that the King of Qin will accept their sincerity..

They did kill many soldiers of the Qin army back then, but they were nothing compared to the dead Huns.

"I am very satisfied with this sincerity!"

In the main hall, Ying Zheng laughed.

Tozaha raised his head and looked at Ying Zheng's smiling face, also showing joy.

Sure enough, as expected.


Tozaha wanted to continue to say something, but was suddenly interrupted by Ying Zheng.

"The journey is tiring, and the envoys have worked hard. The king's house will arrange for the envoys of the Xiongnu to go to the post house to rest for a while."

Ying Zheng looked at Wang Guan.

Hearing this, Wang Guan stood up, bowed to Ying Zheng and nodded. Then he turned to look at the envoy of the Huns, and stretched out his hand as a gesture of invitation.

"That's... that's fine, then Tozaha thanked the King of Qin first!"

After thinking for a while, Tozaha nodded, performed a Hun etiquette again, and then followed the palace to exit.

Originally, he wanted to hear King Qin's answer directly, but considering that he was not in a hurry, and Yingzheng's appearance just now was not fake, he was indeed very satisfied with their Huns' attitude and behavior. It's done.

That's why he chose to go to the post house to rest first, and talk about it tomorrow.

It's a big deal to give a little more. That's fine.

It's just that Tozaha, who had just left the palace, never expected that not long after he left, a group of more than two thousand cavalry appeared outside the palace.

If Tozaha was a little later, he would definitely be able to see this scene.

The soldiers of this iron cavalry were all dressed in black, and the leader boy had stripes tattooed on his black clothes.

If he saw it, he would definitely recognize that these people were the black-clothed army that terrified them, and it was these people who fought to the death with them in the sea of ​​fire that day in Xinye.

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