Daqin: Start With 100,000 Proficiency

155: The Xiongnu Chose To Retreat Five Hundred Miles North

Ten days later, the Xiongnu tribe.

Man Danyu stood on a hill with his men, looking into the distance with an uneasy expression. It has been ten days, why the envoy he sent has not come back, this makes him have a vague premonition in his heart.

"Qin Kingdom!"

Muttering something in his mouth, Man Chanyu frowned slightly, and seemed to see countless black-clothed Qin men in front of him again in his mind. They held Qin swords and slashed at him, Xiongnu Erlang desperately.

"Order the tribe to retreat five hundred miles."

Man Danyu said to his subordinates.

Then, under the puzzled eyes of his subordinates, he turned and walked towards the tribe.

"What? Five hundred miles?"

On the grassland, the two leaders of the northern and southern tribes were surprised when they heard what Man Danyu's subordinates said.

Regardless of other matters, the two leaders of the northern and southern tribes drove their horses and ran all the way to the Manchanyu tribe.

"Chan Yu!"

"Chan Yu!!"

As soon as they arrived at the tribe, they saw that the Huns of Mandanyu's tribe had packed up their things. The two leaders sighed and came to Mandanyu, covering their chests and saying.

"Have you packed your things?"

Man Danyu asked when he saw the two chiefs of the northern and southern tribes.

"Shanyu, Malha doesn't understand why we have to retreat five hundred miles north.

"That's right, Shanyu and Zili don't understand either."

The leaders of the two tribes in the north and the south looked at Man Chanyu, wondering why they had to go north five hundred miles.

Now coincides with the beginning of spring, which is the best season for herding sheep. The fertile grassland in front of them is enough for the Huns to live comfortably.

They don't understand why they have to leave here.

Hearing this, Man Chanyu sighed, ordered his subordinates to continue packing their things, turned around and walked slowly towards the hill.

Marha and Zili followed Mandanyu.

"I told you that it is time to send people south to Qin for peace talks."

While walking, looking at the clansmen packing up their things, Man Chanyu said with a melancholy expression. Who wants to (bbfg) get out of here if they can. Abandon this fertile grassland.



Malha and Zili nodded.

Man Chanyu also told them about sending envoys to Qin for peace talks, and they were all willing to form an alliance with Qin. I hope that what happened last time will not cause a war, at least not in the spring now.

"It's been ten days, and the man hasn't come back yet.

Man Danyu stopped and turned to look at Marha and Zili.

Hearing this, Marha and Zili were stunned, their mouths slightly opened. They haven't come back in ten days, so they must all know what this means.

There is a high probability that it is impossible to come back. That is to say...

Qin! No peace talks.

"The state of Qin is too arrogant. He destroyed Han and Zhao one after another. Now the remaining Yan, Wei, and Chu are staring at it. Why dare they not negotiate peace."

"You know, this is the grassland, not the mountains where they are. Here, we Huns are invincible."

Their eyes were full of anger, Malha and Zili clenched their fists, as if they wished to destroy Qin.

That battle was indeed their nightmare, and those desperate Qin people really made them terrified. But the First World War was also because in Dashan, their Hun Erlang's strength was not brought into full play.

The state of Qin is too arrogant, is it possible that they still want to come to the grassland to fight the Huns?

"I also believe that our children are the strongest in the grasslands, but you also met that day, those Qin people are desperate. Now our grassland warriors are still having nightmares at night

Man Danyu ignored the angry words of the leaders of the two tribes in the north and the south.

No matter how strong a person is, he dare not face a group of desperate lunatics. Their prairie warriors can hunt wolves, and they can be like goshawks on the prairie. But since that day, none of the Hun warriors wanted to face those lunatics again.

For a while, listening to Man Chanyu's words, even though Malha and Zili were angry, they could not help but become more sober.

"Okay, let's retreat five hundred miles one after another, and wait for our warriors to inspire confidence again. Sooner or later, we will return here."

"That's right, at that time we must make Qin pay the price."

After hesitating for a moment, Marha and Zili finally chose to retreat five hundred miles.

They looked at the southern sky with gloomy eyes. Under the distant sky, the country called Qin State forced them to retreat five hundred miles today.

This enmity, sooner or later, they will find Qin, and get it back bit by bit.

"Then go back and prepare, the sooner the better. In addition, School Disciple contacted the merchants who have been trading and told them the news. We will retreat, and we will rely on him for what we need in the future."

Man Chanyu opened the mouth and said.

"Marha leave first!"

"Zili will leave first!!"

Malha and Zili quickly turned around and rushed to their own tribe.

Man Danyu looked to the south.

After retreating five hundred miles, he did not believe that Qin State dared to go deep into the hinterland of the grassland, and if the time came, Qin State would still refuse to give up. He will let Qin know who owns the grassland.

He also wanted the soldiers of the Qin State to know what it was like to watch him being burned to death.

If possible, is it those Qin soldiers in black?

As long as they dare to come to the grassland, Mandanyu can guarantee that he will skin them and burn them alive.


Looking at the southern sky with cold eyes for the last time, Mandanyu turned back just now. .

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