Xinzheng, the former capital of the Han Kingdom.

In one mansion after another, countless scholars stood inside with swords in hand.

They are all going to do something big today.

At this moment, the leading scholar in a mansion looked at the others, ~raised the sword in his hand.

"There is no way to oppress the Qin Dynasty and destroy our Han country. Now, Qin general Xiao Xiao is going north to slaughter the clan. The people and gods are all angry. We should follow the people's will, regain Xinzheng, and restore our Han country!!"

The leading scholar shouted loudly, no longer having to worry about being heard by people outside the mansion.

Now everyone in the world is against Tyranny, and millions of troops have arrived in Hexi. At this time, Qin State has no time to take care of them, and they don't have to bear it anymore. This moment is the best time to start an incident.

Restoring King Han!!

"Take back Xinzheng, restore my country of Han!!!"

"Take back Xinzheng, restore my country of Han!!!"

Accompanied by the words of the leading scholar, hundreds of other scholars in the mansion raised their hands and shouted loudly.


Then, the gate of the mansion opened. Scholars rushed out one after another and rushed towards the city.

In Xinzheng City, there are no less than a hundred mansions where this scene took place.



On the street, the common people hid in the houses in a panic, for fear of being affected. And the soldiers of the Qin army, holding spears and Qin swords, fought with the rebels one after another.

Soon, rebellion gradually appeared on the city wall, the sound of howling, the sound of clashing swords, and the screams were more than heard.

Since the Qin State captured Xinzheng, the flames of war that had not occurred for more than half a year once again appeared in Xinzheng.

"Who are you waiting for?"

The county guard of Qin Chen who was ordered to guard Xinzheng and his servants looked at the scholars who had entered the mansion and asked sharply.

"You dare to rebel, and I, Qin, will never forgive you lightly."

The sheriff looked at these scholars angrily, trembling with anger.

Since he came to Xinzheng, he has been busy promulgating the laws of Qin and promoting the laws of Qin. Unexpectedly, under the calm conditions in this new Silicon City, a group of rebels had gathered at some time, it was really his plan.



However, the rebellious scholars didn't say anything to the Qin county guard at all, and killed them with their swords. After a while, twenty or thirty scholars killed the servant, and then hacked to death the Qin official who was in charge of Xinzheng.

In Xinzheng Daying, more than 6,000 soldiers of the Qin Army never expected that there would be rebels, and it was so sudden.

Before the military crossbow could be used, the army of rebels was already close. The helpless soldiers of the Qin army had no choice but to fight the rebels with the Qin army one after another.

"Hurry up, this matter must be reported to the king."

The general in charge of the Xinzheng camp looked at the rebels with a scale of at least 20,000 to 30,000, and knew that they would not escape today. Now he just wants to report the matter as soon as possible.


More than 300 cavalry guards didn't care about other things, and under the cover of other soldiers, they rushed towards the gate of the city desperately.

"Stop them, kill!!!"

The chaotic streets and city walls are full of rebels. In the end, only one or two of the three hundred cavalry escaped.

The rest of the rebels watched this scene helplessly, and could only vent their resentment on the Qin soldiers in the city.

less than a day.

The rebels in Xinzheng completely occupied Xinzheng and killed the Qin soldiers in Xinzheng city one after another.

"People of my Han country, a few days ago, the Qin general Xiao Xiao went north to slaughter the clan. The world can learn from it, and the people and gods are indignant. In the future, Xiao Xiao will definitely slaughter our Han people like the Huns. If you don't want to wait for death, you will be killed Follow me against Qin!!"

Notices were posted on the city walls by scholars, and groups of scholars kept shouting on the streets.

Soon, following their words, many people came out of the house and more and more people came out.

Two days later, news of Xinzheng's rebellion reached Xianyang. When Ying Zheng saw it, he trembled with anger.

"Order Wang Jian to send 150,000 troops to take back Xinzheng!!!"

Putting down the secret letter, Ying Zheng looked at Li Si and Wei Liao, and asked, "How about Meng Aiqing?"

"Back to the king, General Meng Wu has led more than 300,000 troops to the border of Chu State, but I am worried that there may not be enough.

·Ask for flowers……………

Li Si bent down and cupped his hands, with a hint of worry in his eyes.

The state of Chu claims to have millions of soldiers. No matter how brave the soldiers of the Qin army are, even if the Chu State has divided 500,000 troops to fight against Wei and Qi.

But for the remaining army, if the Chu State divides its forces, Mengwu's 300,000 army may not be enough.

"Where's Li Xin?"

Ying Zheng calmed down his anger slowly.

"Your Majesty, General Li Xin is already on his way back to Qin, and he will arrive in Xianyang tomorrow."

Wei Liao stood up, bent down and cupped his hands. A few days ago, Yingzheng ordered Li Xin to lead an army of 20,000 back to Qin, and he should have almost arrived in Xianyang.


"Your Majesty, what worries me the most in Qin State is not the Chu army in Chu State, nor the rebel army in Xinzheng. It is the millions of troops in Hexi."

Li Si looked at Ying Zheng and spoke slowly.

The 300,000 troops of Mengwu in Chu State are watching, as long as they don't attack Chu State, Chu State will also not want to attack Qin State.

There are 20,000 to 30,000 rebels in Xinzheng. No matter how they fan the flames, they are only 50,000 to 60,000 characters. In addition, they are not soldiers, but civilians. Xinzheng is nothing to fear.

What is really worrying is the million-strong army composed of Chu, Wei, and Qi outside Hexi. Once the army of one million invaded Hexi and approached Hangu Pass, Qin would really be passive.

Wang Jian returned to the defense, and all Zhao land was taken by the state.

When Mengwu returns to the defense, the state of Chu will definitely take the opportunity to seize the land and attack the city.


Ying Zheng frowned slightly after listening to Li Si's words. The 200,000 troops of the Lantian Barracks have all arrived in Hexi, but they are facing a million troops. Once the war starts, it will be difficult to defend Hexi.

The only option is to return to Hangu Pass and rely on natural dangers to resist the armies of the Three Kingdoms.

"How many days until Xiao Aiqing returns to Qin?"

Ying Zheng couldn't help thinking of Xiao Xiao. Now let's watch Xiao Xiao and see when Xiao Xiao's 100,000 Yongzhou soldiers will return. As long as Xiao Xiao returns with an army of 100,000, at most he will lose the land of Hexi in this battle, and will not hurt the fundamentals.

There was also enough time to unravel the Triple Alliance.

"Go back to the king, there is still one more day!"

Li Si said slowly. .

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