"Where is it, we are from Qin, so naturally we have to help each other. It is very important for us to win this place. It is General Wang who is brave and resourceful, so it will be so fast!"

Xiao Xiao looked at each other, and they both looked at each other and smiled, and they understood each other's meaning.

After these two battles, the Qin army was victorious, but Xiao Xiao's name was remembered by the people all over the world. He is the famous god of war, and everyone was terrified when they heard the word Xiao Xiao!

Not only his terrifying and cold-blooded, but also because of his amazing fighting power, the black-clothed Yongzhou 100,000 army ~ he led is even more frightening.

This battle spread all over the world, and everyone knew the horror of Xiao Renshu.

But after a few battles, there was no place to send troops to fight for the time being, Xiao Xiao understood that all the soldiers needed to rest and returned to the Yongzhou barracks.

After setting up the soldiers, Xiao Xiao found Bai Ji.

"Bai Ji, go back to Nansu Town first, and go back to see you when you are free."

Xiao Xiao looked at his fiancée, who were alone in a bedroom. He was afraid of wronging Bai Ji, so he deliberately found a bedroom.

But the conditions here are limited, and he can't guarantee more things at all. Bai Ji, a delicate and rich young lady, can stand by his side when he is spurned by the world, this kind of love. Can't help but move him.

For such a fiancée, how could Zhi Zhi have the heart to let her suffer a little bit of grievance.

So after this battle is over, Xiao Xiao hopes that Bai Ji will meet Nansu.


Bai Ji pouted.

Since Xiao Xiao has nothing to do, and now that the millions of troops have retreated, she naturally knows that one of her daughters is not well enough to stay outside.

Thinking of everything in the past few days, Riji couldn't help but blushed when she came to look for him alone.

Bah bah bah~!

What are you thinking, it is his blessing to live and die with him for hundreds of years.

"I'll come back to you!"

Xiao Xiao looked at Bai Ji at this moment, and said in the most gentle tone.

When facing Bai Ji, his heart is always easy to touch, everyone scolds me, it is enough for a woman in this life to be old enough.

I can't say any love words, and I don't understand the woman's mind, so I can only look at them affectionately and say a few more words between the two of them.

"Who wants you!"

Hearing Xiao Xiao's words, Bai Jiqiao blushed suddenly, and looked away in a little panic.

Xiao Xiao didn't explain too much, after putting away her smile.

"I will return to Nansu when the mountain flowers are in full bloom and before they wither.

Facing Bai Ji, a slight whisper symbolizes a man's commitment, at least Xiao Xiao has already made a mental decision. No matter what, he would accompany Bai Ji to see the wild flowers all over the mountains.

the second day.

In the end, accompanied by Bai Ji's three elder brothers, in Xiao Xiao's sight, she gradually disappeared.

"General, are you reluctant to part with Madam, or you can go back with her.

"That's right, anyway, we have nothing to do recently, it seems that you haven't seen your wife for a long time, how can you let her go!"

"Yes, General, you don't miss Madam!"

Suddenly heard the ridicule of the soldiers around her, Xiao Xiao scolded: "When you have wives in the future, you will know!

After finishing speaking, Xiao Xiao shook his head and walked towards his tent.

Also on the same day, one hundred thousand black cavalry set off in a mighty way, and after three days of driving, they finally returned to Yongzhou.

Back in Yongzhou, the soldiers relaxed a lot. However, when the common people saw them entering the city, they had complicated expressions on their faces. They knew that Xiao Xiao led the troops to win the battle, which was a good thing for Qin.

But Xiao Xiao was extremely cruel, even women and children were not spared, and even the whole family was slaughtered. They were a little afraid of such a cold-blooded person.

Yi Kang was very angry when he saw the people on the street bowing their heads and making a detour in silence. They threw their heads and blood for Qin outside, but they didn't expect to see such a scene when they came back, how sad it is!

"These people really have no conscience..."

Just as Yi Kang was about to speak, Xiao Xiao stretched out his hand to stop him: "There is no need to say too much, the clean is cleared by itself, don't let the people think that we are doing this to make them grateful."

"But, general, look at what we have done for them. Their current attitude is as if we are sinners. Those Huns killed so many of our soldiers. When they went south, the places they passed were like hell. People in the world Are they all so blind? Can't they see this?"

Yi Kang was very unfair, he didn't stand up for himself, but for Xiao Xiao, he felt it was very unfair, these people are really too ignorant, they don't understand anything, and they still talk nonsense.

‥Ask for flowers...‥

"Okay, we don't do things for others to see, we just want to have a clear conscience, don't say too much, go back and rest quickly."

Xiao Xiao persuaded.

He doesn't owe anyone anything in this world, only his brothers and relatives.

As for how people in the world treat him, he has already made preparations.

Back in the barracks, the soldiers also rested one after another. No matter how physically fit a person is, he couldn't stand the constant running around for days. Now he just wants to lie on the bed and have a good sleep so that he can recover his strength as soon as possible.

Because of Xiao Xiao's return, Yongzhou has attracted a lot of discussion. Most of them are scolding him, but there are also a few people who think that he is doing it for the Qin country and to let the people of the Qin country live in peace, but this is not understood by many people.


Li Si, Meng Tian, ​​Wang Guan and others all knew that Xiao Xiao's matter with the Tu family was approved by King Qin at that time, otherwise he would not have taken such a risk to do such a thing, but many people in Baiguan felt that Xiao Xiao violated Heavenly Dao, you don't deserve to be a general at all!

They once advised the king of Qin to execute Xiao Xiao because he was too cruel, but now he returned and repelled the allied forces of Chu, Wei and Qi.

Many people disliked him and wanted to get rid of it quickly, but they couldn't find a chance, and now they dare not go to King Qin to advise him!

Whenever I think of the hundreds of thousands of men, women and children of the Huns, all of them were slaughtered because of Xiaoxiao's words. Those self-proclaimed noble officials trembled.

If this person is slaughtered, he will not be able to take a picture.

At least not to be messed with now!

"Trash, it's all trash!"

Yan Guo, at this moment, Prince Pill is like a ferocious beast, his eyes are a little bloodshot.

No one could understand how refreshed he was when he heard that Qi, Wei and Chu had a total of millions of troops attacking Qin. He thought that Qin was bound to suffer this time, and he thought he could get away with it.

Who would have imagined that a million-strong army would be so unbearable that they didn't even reach Hangu Pass.

"No wonder, no wonder."

The violent Prince Dan kicked over the table like a lunatic, and the jug and the like rolled all over the ground.


Prince Dan closed his eyes, raised his head in great pain, and roared angrily.

"Yingzheng, don't think that you can be safe without a million troops!!"


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