Daqin: Start With 100,000 Proficiency

186: The Wind Is Rustling, The Water Is Cold, And The Strong Man Will Never Return

Inside Zhangtai Palace.

When Ying Zheng was full of interest, he found that Xiao Xiao was silent, as if he had something on his mind.

Ying Zheng couldn't help but asked in doubt: "Ai Qing, what's the matter?"

Xiao Xiao heard the words, shook her head and said, "No...it's nothing!"

"Yan country is only a small country, so it is natural to be afraid of my great Qin tiger and wolf teacher."


Ying Zheng Lang Lang laughed loudly and said, "It's all thanks to the General!"

"Besides, I have another happy event to tell Ai Qing."

Xiao Xiao heard the words, nodded and said: "Please speak, Your Majesty.

Yingzheng said with a smile on his face, "The envoys of Yan State came to Qin State this time, in addition to presenting the map of the Dukang area, they also brought a great gift to the widow."

"It's your enemy Heng Yi!"

"Heng Yi!"

Hearing this, Xiao Xiao's murderous intent "seven nine seven" suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Heng Yi, and himself are sworn enemies, and his brother died at his hands!

And Qin Wang Yingzheng, when he felt Xiao Xiao's murderous intent, he couldn't help but feel secretly shocked.

Seeing this, Yingzheng comforted him: "Aiqing, there is no need to be upset. Now, the country of Yan has already beheaded the committee member in order to beg for surrender from the Great Qin! 17

"In a few days, his head will be sent to Daqin."

"At that time, Aiqing will definitely be able to see the tragedy of this enemy with her own eyes!"

Xiao Xiao slightly calmed down the killing intent in her heart, cupped her hands and said: "The talented minister has been very disrespectful, and I hope the king will forgive me."

Ying Zheng waved his hand and said, "Your love, don't worry about it. I can understand it when I hear about my enemies."

"During this time, Ai Qing will wait in Xianyang City first!"

"If there is any news at that time, the widow will inform you from School Disciple."

Xiao Xiao heard this, cupped her hands and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Yan Xiadu.

Prince Dan came to Dao Hengyi's mansion.

When Prince Dan said all the things he asked for, Hengwei couldn't help showing a look of color on his face.

Take his own head and offer it to Qin.

If it was someone else, he would have already been kicked out of the mansion by him.

But the person who came this time was Prince Dan.

"General, this is a great righteousness, and I ask the general to fulfill it!"

"Whatever the general asks, Dan will try to meet.

"I only wish the general would grant Dan's request."

Prince Dan bowed his hands and begged again and again.

Heng Yi was in the country of Yan, although he was very angry when he heard that Prince Dan wanted his head to be dedicated to the country of Qin.

But when he calmed down, he felt a little more helpless.

If Prince Dan forcibly took his head, why should he do this, because School Disciple came to kill him.

But Prince Dan did not do this, obviously giving himself enough of his identity.

Seeing this, Heng Yi sighed helplessly and said: "His Royal Highness, Heng Yi has nothing else to ask for, but to take down the head of my subordinate and set up a tomb for my subordinate."

Prince Dan said with a firm expression: "Please rest assured, General, Dan will definitely bury the General generously, and his mother, wife and children, etc. in his family, Dan will treat him as family and treat him kindly."

Hearing this, Heng Yi nodded slightly and said, "So, I'm relieved!"

"I am an enemy with Xiao Xiao of the Qin State, if this son is not eliminated, it will be a great disaster for the Yan State.

"If possible, please Jing Ke to assassinate them together."

Prince Dan nodded slightly, presented his sword respectfully, and stepped back.

About half a moment later, there was a burst of laughter in the room, and then everything became quiet.

When Prince Dan appeared in the room again, Heng Yi had already killed himself.

Prince Dan ordered someone to take off Heng Yi's head, and after saving the body, he went to the Prince's mansion immediately.

"Cifei brother, Cifei brother."

Shouts sounded outside the door, and Prince Dan hurried forward.

"Brother Cifei, Heng Yi's head is here, I don't know when Brother Cifei plans to leave."

After looking at the bloody head wrapped in white cloth in Prince Dan's hands, Jing Ke felt a lot of emotion in his heart.

Heng Yi died, and someone collected his body, what about me?

Jing Ke couldn't help laughing bitterly, and then a decisive coldness burst out of his eyes, and he said in a cold voice: "If everything is arranged properly, Your Highness, Jing Ke can leave for Qin at any time.

Prince Dan was very excited when he heard the words, and hurriedly said: "That's great!"

"At that time, Dan will definitely see Brother Ci Fei off in person."

"By the way, Dan has already found the person Brother Cifei wanted earlier!"

Hearing this, Jing Ke nodded slightly and said, "Young Master, please invite him in.

Come, let Qin Wuyang come in!"


Not long after, under the guidance of the servants, a very young man appeared in the room..

When Jing Ke saw Qin Wuyang's immature face, he frowned slightly and said, "Your Highness, is this the person you are looking for?"

Before Prince Pill could speak, Qin Wuyang took a step forward and said, "This must be Senior Jing Ke! I'm going to Qin Wuyang."

"I killed someone when I was twelve years old! I didn't have any feelings!"

"I heard that the senior assassinated King Qin this time, and Qin Wuyang is willing to accompany him to die!"

When Jing Ke heard this, he looked at Qin Wuyang in surprise, and asked, "Aren't you afraid?"


Qin Wuyang laughed loudly and said: "What's so scary? Why didn't senior ask the King of Qin if he was afraid of me?"

Such words greatly changed Jing Ke's view of Qin Wuyang.

Unexpectedly, at such a young age, Qin Wuyang would have such courage.

Jing Ke nodded appreciatively and said, "It sounds like you didn't have any feelings in your heart when you killed someone!"

"He is a rare warrior!"

"So, you go with me!"

Prince Dan was beside him. After putting Hengyi's head into a wooden box, he took out a map and a dagger from his pocket.

"Brother Cifei, this is the map of the Dukang area of ​​my country of Yan."

"This dagger was obtained from Mrs. Zhao Guoxu by spending a hundred taels of gold. Its sharp edge can cut iron like mud.

"And on the blade of this dagger, 3.2 has already tempered the poison of the world!"

"Anyone whose clothes are wet with blood will die!"

"Brother Fei, please be careful."

Hearing this, Jing Ke looked at the dagger in Prince Dan's hand in surprise, and took it over carefully.

"His Royal Highness is so dedicated, Jing Ke will definitely live up to His Highness' high expectations!"

"Everything is up to Brother Cifei!"

Accompanied by Prince Dan, Jing Ke and Qin Wuyang left Yanxiadu slowly in a carriage.

Passing through the land of Yishui, Prince Dan bowed his hands and said: "Brother Cifei, it's a good journey."

In order to further express the sadness in his heart, Prince Dan still did not forget to squeeze a few tears.

Jing Ke heard the words, not only did he not have any fear in his heart, but he couldn't help laughing loudly: "The wind is rustling, the water is cold, and the strong man will never return..."

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