Daqin: Start With 100,000 Proficiency

191: Wang Ben Attacks Xinzheng!

On the other side, under Xinzheng City.


"Big wind!

The sound of orderly slogans kept ringing, and a large group of black sergeants marched forward in unison.

Wang Ben led an army of 150,000 to surround Xinzheng.

Among the army, many sergeants pushed some huge catapults forward together.

In addition, there are strong bows and crossbows exclusive to the Qin army, and the phalanxes dedicated to crossbow arrows advance side by side.

Siege weapons such as ladders were also in place one after another.

In the sky, the clouds are dense, as if a torrential rain is about to strike.

Seeing this battle on the city wall, the rebels gradually felt fear in their hearts, and suddenly regretted participating in the rebellion.

The vast majority of them are just ordinary people, and the reason why they participated in the rebellion was that they were deliberately instigated by someone with a heart to make a fuss about the Xiao Xiaotu clan.

They "380" may have no idea what consequences they will cause by doing so.

But at this moment, the arrow is on the string and has to be fired, and there is no room for them to regret it.

For traitors, no one can tolerate.

Not to mention, they also killed all the Qin troops stationed before.

This kind of behavior is enough to destroy the three clans!

"My lord, how did the Qin army come so fast and dispatched so many troops, can we hold it?"

Before the battle started, some people were already timid, and some timid people were overwhelmed by the large number of Qin troops below, and couldn't help asking.

It is well known that the Qin army is good at fighting. Now that the 150,000 Qin cavalry are coming, can they hold it with just 50,000 or 60,000 of them?

Although many people did not speak, the fear in their hearts kept emerging.

The scene of Qin's capture of Xinzheng before was still vivid in his mind. Although they successfully rebelled and temporarily captured Xinzheng, they faced the previous situation again.

But this time, they might not even have the chance to surrender.

If you can't keep Xinzheng, there is only one dead end.

"What are you afraid of? The city walls of Xinzheng have already been reinforced. We rely on the city gates to guard, condescending, occupying the best position, and they can't attack.

"You just need to obey the orders and stick to the city gate, our reinforcements will arrive in a long time.

"If there is anyone who surrenders lightly, they will be killed without mercy!"

A man with the appearance of a general replied in a cold voice.

This rebellion was planned by these people for a long time, and it did not happen quickly, so they also made full preparations.

As long as they can stick to Xinzheng and wait until reinforcements arrive, there is still hope.

In their view, although Qin is strong today, it is not invincible.

If reinforcements arrive, not only can they defeat the Qin army, but they can also secure Xinzheng.

Under the city, among the Qin army.

Wang Ben in armor looked coldly at the city wall of Xinzheng, which had just been knocked down and rebelled not long after, and the anger in his heart kept rising.

He raised his hand and shouted in a cold voice: "Command, the catapult is ready!"

Immediately after his words fell, the sergeant was ordered to rush away.

Orders were passed down one after another, and the catapults began to fill the boulders.

Before long, all the catapults were ready.


After the catapult was loaded, Wang Ben waved his hand and ordered directly, which kicked off the prelude to the siege battle.




Following Wang Ben's order, the boulder on the catapult was instantly thrown away.

Boulders slammed into the city wall of Xinzheng fiercely with an unstoppable momentum.

The catapult is worthy of being a siege weapon. After being projected by these catapults, these previously motionless stones instantly become "meteorites".



The boulder from the catapult slammed down on the city wall of Xinzheng, making loud noises.

These so-called reinforced city walls cracked instantly wherever they were hit by boulders.

Even the reinforced city walls cannot withstand such an attack.

But the cracks didn't spread very far.

After all, what is projected is only some stones, not shells filled with gunpowder, which will not explode.

Otherwise, these city walls can't resist at all.

However, in addition to the damage to the city wall, some rebels were hit by boulders and died on the spot.

These boulders can't even resist the city walls, let alone these mortal bodies.

In addition, most of these rebels have not undergone systematic training. Although they lived in times of war, they are no strangers to war.

But after all, they haven't been on the battlefield many times in person, and they have no experience in such things.

Of course I don't know where to hide.

Some rebels even ran around with their heads in their hands because of fear..

This approach does not allow him to avoid the boulder's attack, but increases the probability of being hit.

After a while, he was hit by a boulder, fell to the ground instantly, and could no longer escape.

Seeing this, the other rebels were so frightened that they lay down on the spot and did not dare to move.

This is just waiting to die in disguise.

Although the catapult is powerful, it is a sharp weapon for siege.

But the cost is expensive, and the transportation is also extremely inconvenient.

Wang Ben did not bring many catapults when he attacked Xinzheng this time.

In addition, the stones launched by the catapult are consumables, and they are very heavy, so it is difficult to carry them on a large scale.

Therefore, the attack of the catapult did not continue to project soon after it was used.

However, although the catapult could no longer be used, Wang Ben was not idle.

When he ordered the catapult to attack, he had already given the order to charge.

Tens of thousands of Qin troops have already charged towards the city wall of Xinzheng.

The defenders on the city had no time to take into account the charge of the Qin army because they were suppressed by the catapults.

At this time, although the catapult stopped to attack, the Qin army was already approaching the city.

Ever since the Qin State implemented the military merit title system after Shang Yang's reform, everyone is martial and warlike, and they all want to chop off the heads of armored enemies to gain military merit and be promoted to titles.

At this time, these rebels on the city wall are all military merits in the eyes of the 150,000 Great Qin soldiers.

The 150,000 Great Qin soldiers all rushed up red-eyed, for fear of being caught by others.

For the rebels in Xinzheng City, these 2.9 battles were a life-and-death battle.

But for the Great Qin side, this is not a life-and-death battle at all.

It's more like a blessing from heaven. These rebels have not undergone formal training, and their combat effectiveness is simply not on the table for Daqin's army.

These 50,000 to 60,000 rebels are 50,000 to 60,000 heads, and 50,000 to 60,000 military merits!

And it's the kind of free, no one would think too much, and even a little too little.

After all, this time Wang Ben led an army of 150,000, and the rebels in the city were only 50,000 to 60,000.

This scale is indeed a lot in the past, and it is a large-scale rebellion.

But for the 150,000 Great Qin Sergeants, it was a bit small, not enough at all. .

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