"General, there is too much time left for Yan to retreat, they have covered up their tracks, and they have retreated to at least thirty miles away.

Xiao Xiao nodded, since Sufu's 30,000 Yan army mainly consisted of light cavalry, their speed must be their advantage.

Xiao Xiao glanced at the fire scene that had been extinguished, and calmly analyzed, "The Yan army burned a lot of food and grass, which shows that they have enough supplies now. Their purpose is very clear, which is to cut off our food supply and let our 400,000-strong army There is nothing to eat, and the troops retreat."

"The order continues, from here to Yishui camp, build ten earthen cities, each earthen city has 3,000 troops stationed, and Sufu's army is rangers, without strong siege capabilities.

Hancheng took the order to start the layout.

This time, Xiao Xiao's black-clothed army was no longer full of cavalry as before, because it was a heavy burden, and the cavalry had too little effect on crossing the river.

Therefore, among the 100,000 black-clothed troops, there are only 30,000 elite cavalry, and the remaining 70,000 are infantry.

Xiao Xiao asked Yi Kang to stay with 40,000 troops to cooperate with Wang Jian to cross the river at any time, and he brought 30,000 cavalry and 30,000 infantry to deal with Sufu.

When Xiao Xiao was building Tucheng, on Yishui's side, Wang Jian also built boats for crossing the river, as well as some large offensive equipment, such as pontoon bridges and catapults.

In Wang Jian's tent, many generals are eager to try.

"Marshal, now we are fully prepared, and the defense line of Yan State on the opposite side is getting stronger and stronger, and the embankment on the east of Yishui River is almost as high as the city wall, so it is better to attack as soon as possible.

"That's right, Marshal, Yan's soldiers are not good at fighting. Our Qin army is now destroying two countries in a row, and our troops are in full swing! We should attack and take Yan's country in one fell swoop as soon as possible."

Wang Jian waved his hand in dissatisfaction when he listened to the discussion of the people in the tent, and snapped: "What are you arguing about! This commander has made his own decision. Right now, Sufu is constantly harassing our army's supply road. Is there a lot less food?"

After Wang Jian said this, everyone also noticed that something was wrong.

"Indeed, the food that arrived in the end was 30% less."

"Didn't General Xiao go to deal with Su Fu, didn't he find him?"

"Yan country is not good at battles, but Yan country's rangers come and go like the wind, so it is really difficult to deal with.

"Otherwise, General Xiao wiped out 400,000 Huns."

"The 400,000 Huns you mentioned are old people and children are included."

When it comes to Xiao Xiao doing such an unconscionable thing, the generals of the Qin army also kept silent.

Seeing this, Wang Jian also sighed softly, now Xiao Xiao not only has a very bad reputation in other countries.

Even the generals of the Qin State would have a grudge against him, if it wasn't for the King Qin's kindness to him, and Xiao Xiao's absolute loyalty to the Qin State.

It is estimated that Xiao Xiao at this time will not be able to command the 100,000 black-clothed army.

In addition, Wang Jian also noticed that Yi Kang was silent in the first position.

Xiao Xiao was not there, and Yi Kang was attending the meeting on behalf of the Black Army. At this time, his colleagues looked at him with strange eyes.

Yi Kang was also simmering with anger.

At this time, Xin Sheng hurried in from the outside. After he entered, he threw a pile of bamboo slips on the ground.

"Yan Guo's cowardly bastards are really deceiving people too much!"

Someone picked up the bamboo slips on the ground, flipped through the pages, and his face changed drastically, with a look of anger.

"The people of Yan State call me a coward. I haven't attacked the city for so many days, and they still greet the mistress! Don't they know that Zhao Ji has passed away!"

All the Qin generals also looked angry, and many of them put their hands on the hilts of their swords.

Wang Jian suddenly stood up and said sharply: "Enough! This is just some shameless trick of the Yan Kingdom! Seeing that you are being manipulated by others at will, it is a disgrace to my Qin army!

Xin Sheng's eyes were red, he suddenly knelt down on one knee, cupped his fists and said, "Marshal! Please order to cross the river!"

Except for Xin Sheng, most of the generals in the other tents knelt down to ask for a fight.

Wang Jian was also silent at this time. As a general in the army, he knew that the current Qin army had won too smoothly, and if it lost the last game, it would be very tragic.

At this time, Wang Jian even saw Yi Kang stand up and knelt down to ask for a fight.

Wang Jian sighed softly, "Forget it, you wolf cub has been here for a long time, and you really want to eat meat. Tomorrow, Xin Sheng will use your subordinates as the main force to cross the river, and I will send 50,000 people to support you. Cross the river outside to distract the attention of the Yan army."

Everyone was overjoyed and vowed to show Wang Jian the head of Le Jian.

When the generals left, Wang Jian called Yi Kang to stop.

Wang Jian looked at Yi Kang who was not a few years older than Xiao Xiao.

Xiao Xiao is a rare general in a hundred years. Although Yi Kang and Hancheng are not comparable, staying by Xiao Xiao's side also makes the two of them far more capable of commanding an army than ordinary generals.

ask for flowers...

"The army in black is very loyal to the state of Qin. I originally planned to let you be the commander of the supervising team this time. Why do you want to fight. If Xiao Xiao was here, he would never be so reckless!"

Yi Kang knelt down on one knee and said seriously: "Marshal, I, Yi Kang, know that I am not qualified enough, and this call for battle is definitely not for merit. I just don't want the black-clothed army established by General Xiao to be looked down upon by others. Everyone in the black-clothed army You can face ten times the enemy without retreating, but you must not be pointed at by others behind your back!"

Wang Jian understood Yi Kang's meaning, all the Qin generals in the tent today were furious, even Wang Jian himself could not control himself.

If Yi Kang didn't stand up at this time, the gap between the black army and the rest of the Qin army would only grow wider.

Wang Jian finally said: "Forget it, Xiao Xiao, that kid can trust you, so I can trust you too, for tomorrow's battle. I won't send you to supervise the battle team. If you successfully land on the shore, I will build a camp on the shore to defend against the enemy."

"Your subordinates are all infantry. If you go deep from the shore, you will only be led by the nose by the Yan army, so follow my orders and don't go deep!"

"The end will understand!"

Then Yi Kang bowed and left.

The next day, there were bursts of war drums in the Qin army, and the Qin army assembled one by one on the west bank of Yishui.

On the embankment on the east bank of Yishui, the army of Yan State is also gathering on the embankment to defend. A tragic battle of Yishui is about to begin.

At the beginning of the Battle of Yishui, Xiao Xiao also successfully built ten earthen cities this time.

Xiao Xiao called these earthen cities Fengbao, thinking that there were beacon towers in these castles, and once the Yan army came, they could light the beacon fire.

Xiao Xiao, who was wandering outside, could quickly bring 30,000 elite black-clothed cavalry to arrive.

Xiao Xiao inspected each of the beacon castles. These beacon castles were all quadrangular in shape, with a height of three feet five feet and a wall length of hundreds of feet. It was more than enough to accommodate three thousand soldiers inside.

Feng Bao was just Xiao Xiao's plan for Su Fu, and he knew in his heart that Su Fu had no intention of fighting him to determine the outcome, but wanted to harass him infinitely.

So Xiao Xiao asked the cavalry to remove all the armor on the horses, and at the same time remove most of the armor, leaving only some key parts for protection. .

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