Daqin: Start With 100,000 Proficiency

202: Military Merit Conversion

Xiao Xiao came to the side of the young soldier who was the same age as him.

The soldier was pierced by a gun in the abdomen, Xiao Xiao held the wound for him with a cloth, then hugged his head and said resolutely: "Hold on brother, we won! You can go home with money to see your relatives, Do you have a wife? It doesn't matter, I'll find it for you!"

Perhaps it was Xiao Xiao's words that inspired him. This soldier who lost a lot of blood miraculously survived in the end.

After this battle, Xiao Xiao's men killed 12,000 enemies and captured more than 7,000.

There are no more than a thousand people around Su Fu.

And Hancheng was found, where they hid their war horses, the people in the millet belly had become infantry, and now it was a question of whether they could walk back to Yan Kingdom alive.

On Xiao Xiao's side, the more than 4,000 people in the first line of shield car fortifications suffered the most casualties. Only 600 people were able to continue fighting, and 1,400 people were wounded, and the rest died.

Xiao Xiao asked his subordinates to restrain the corpses, then looked at the corpses by himself, and left after a long time.

As for the 11 corpses of Yan Jun, Xiao Xiao asked people to dig several big pits and buried them. Next year, the grass here will definitely grow, and it will be extraordinarily lush.

Han Cheng was a little frustrated, because he thought that he had killed the opponent's chief general.

He didn't expect to be a stand-in, which also made Wei Dayong laugh for a long time, because Wei Dayong cut off the heads of three commanders, and he had more military achievements than Hancheng.

Xiao Xiao walked up to the two of them, saw a jar of wine between them, and drank it.

"Didn't you say that alcohol is not allowed in the army? Where did this wine come from?"

"General, it was snatched from the Yan army."

Xiao Xiao felt that the wine was quite strong, so he asked Hancheng to collect all the wine and give it to the military doctor.

Many wounded soldiers still need surgery, and these wines can help them relieve pain and perform disinfection to a certain extent.

At least it can increase their chances of survival.

Wei Dayong stood obediently, waiting for Xiao Xiao's order.

Xiao Xiao took off his helmet, because he had killed too many enemies, some of his hair was sticking to the helmet with blood, and his scalp hurt a lot from being pulled.

"I heard that you beheaded three thousand commanders this time."

"It's all about the wise generals, and they will be able to achieve such high military merits soon."

Xiao Xiao thought for a while and continued to ask: "But judging from your promotion, you can transfer up to three times, that is, the military merit of one and a half thousand commanders is enough, and the rest of the military merit will be useless. Killed many Yan soldiers."


Wei Dayong couldn't think of it for a while, not only other things, but all Qin soldiers thought that after a battle, it was great luck to be able to make three rounds.

After three turns, an ordinary soldier becomes a centurion, and has the lowest title of duke, returns 50 acres of land, farming cattle and other rewards, he is not an ordinary person, but a nobleman of Qin up.

But what about the extra military merit? No one will save it for you. Even if you save it, whether you can survive to the next battle is a question.

Wei Dayong blushed, unable to think of what to do.

Xiao Xiao patted him on the shoulder, "If you can't figure it out, don't think about it, your brain is not used to do this. I have already arranged it for you, see that businessman who is chatting with the wounded soldier? Tell him your military achievements, I believe he will confess you as an ancestor."

Wei Dayong walked over suspiciously, and after chatting for a few words, he immediately laughed.

Qin State itself is not a rich country. If the soldiers have made military achievements, if they are all paid, the whole country cannot afford it, so there are more titles and land distribution.

However, Qin cannot support it, but merchants can. If the trouble of the Huns is gone, those merchants can easily obtain a lot of wealth from the grassland. Wool, herbal horses are all needed by Qin.

Fatty Mi even sent Xiao Xiao a cartful of cheese, which was a good thing.

So Xiao Xiao knows that merchants are rich, even under the heavy tax of Qin State, they are still rich.

But merchants have no status. Among the six countries, only merchants in Qi have a higher status.

And most of the merchants are not as good as farmers.

They looked at the wealth of the house after house, eager to improve their social status.

And the best way is military merit.

Although the military achievements will be reduced by half if transferred to others, businessmen don't care. What they want is to breathe the air of the same street as the scholar-bureaucrats, and want to wear luxurious clothes and accessories.

For these inner satisfactions, they are willing to pay a lot of money.

Wei Dayong used his extra military merits to exchange for two houses, both of which are big houses, one in Yongzhou and one in Xianyang, and there are also 10,000 coins.

Wei Dayong never dreamed that he, the son of a barefoot farmer, would not become a rich man one day.

The Sima of the marching army also appeared behind Xiao Xiao at this time, and said: "General Xiao, although you are favored by King Qin, I will report this matter to you."

Xiao Xiao also had a calm face. He took out a small piece of pot helmet left over from eating, wiped off the dust, and talked while eating.

"It's okay, you are doing this kind of thing, you can report it as you like. Don't tell me too much, besides, what I did today violated military discipline?"

Marching Sima shook his head.

667 "No, it is possible to pass on military merits, and these merchants also provided shield vehicles, food, and medicines, which belong to the sequence of the army and can be transferred to military merits."

After a pause, Sima marched thoughtfully and said: "It's just that General Xiao gave all the surplus military merits of the Yongzhou Army to merchants in exchange for money, food, real estate, cattle and horses. Other Qin troops from all walks of life will probably follow suit when they see it, and the military merits will be halved in the future It is estimated that the regulations will be changed even lower.”

Xiao Xiao didn't seem to care about Sima's words, he slowly chewed and tasted the taste of the pot helmet.

The pot helmet was very dry, and Xiao Xiao felt her throat hurt a little when she swallowed it.

So he stared at the water bottle of Marching Army Sima, and took it away before he could react.

Marching Sima's expression changed slightly.

"The world has been fighting for hundreds of years. Do you think there are still so many wars? In ten years, at most ten years, the king will rule the world. What did you let my brothers do?"

"They can't do anything, they can only kill? But if there are only Qin people in this world, who can they kill?"

"So it's better to take advantage of the room for maneuver and save more money for them to retire, shouldn't it?"

After Xiao Xiao happily said what was in her heart, she opened the kettle and took a sip. .

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