"I'm a general, not a food grower. If you want to grow food, let Yongzhou Mu do it. It's okay. Why give me this task!"

Xiao Xiao was also complaining non-stop in the big tent. At this time, there were only Yi Kang, Han Cheng, and Wei Dayong in the big tent.

At this time, Yi Kang came out and reminded Xiao Xiao in a low voice, "General, have you forgotten that before you attacked Yan, the king specially ordered you to be the shepherd of Yongzhou, and now the one of the Yongzhou army is only a temporary substitute."

As soon as Xiao Xiao heard this, she immediately remembered that when King Qin sent Zhao Ji's body back to Yongzhou, the then Yongzhou pastor was dismissed on the spot because he used Zhao Ji's ostentation wrongly.

He is in his fifties, and he still has to take his family with him to farm in Hanzhong.

At that time, Xiao Xiao felt sad when she saw it.

Although the task could not be completed, Xiao Xiao estimated that at most he would return to Sunan Town to farm for a few years, but delaying the attack on Wei is always bad.

"Forget it, isn't it just farming and getting more millet? Let's go back now just in time for the grain harvest, and pass an order that within three days, the Yongzhou army will return to the court.


Within three days, the Yongzhou army processed the whale meat and prepared to take it back.

Originally, the Yongzhou army had enough food to eat, and the quartermasters and sergeants in charge of logistics were not very concerned.

After Xiao Xiao passed by and took a look, he hung them up and beat them up, on the grounds that they were disrespectful to the dead Pao Ze.

Xiao Xiao summoned the Yongzhou army who needed to deal with whale meat and said: "You guys, you guys are enjoying the big fish and meat these days. Don't you want to think about the dead brothers? Knowing that the centurion's pension How much is it? Three old cows, Shuanzi in Yongzhou is the only one in his family, and his parents are both fifty years old. Do you think the family can survive with only three cows? 11

"So I asked you to dispose of these whale meats, not for your military rations, but for sale to Xianyang! If you don't get more coins, how will Shuanzi's parents live~||."

The Yongzhou army was united, thinking of the parents of their dead comrades-in-arms and brothers, they could only cultivate the barren fields by themselves, and there was no way to enjoy family happiness.

What's even worse is that I still have to eat the food handed in by others.

For a moment, everyone bowed their heads in shame.

And Wei Dayong, whose emotions were completely mobilized, took out two harpoons with red eyes, saying that he wanted to catch all the big whales in the sea.

There were a lot of people responding at once.

Xiao Xiao also agreed to stay two more days for fishing, and transferred two thousand people to Wei Dayong, and instructed him.

"Don't just think about catching fish, by the way, let me train these two thousand landlubbers into white stripes in the waves."

There is no big lake in Qin, and it doesn't rely on the sea. Even if the people of Guanzhong know how to swim, if they come to the big rivers, lakes and seas, they probably won't be able to get up when a big wave comes.

So Xiao Xiao decided to take advantage of this rare opportunity to let Wei Dayong quickly train more soldiers who can swim.

If you want to form a navy in the future, these will be the backbone.

In addition, Xiao Xiao came to Dengjin City, hoping that Xu Fu could mobilize the local people to dig kelp.

After hearing Xiao Xiao's words, Xu Fu immediately asked suspiciously: "Why, General Fu, are you going to raise pigs? Those things are not for pigs to eat. 27

Xiao Xiao also coughed twice after listening.

"Well, it's about the confidentiality of the army. City Lord Xu, don't ask too much. After the kelp is dried, I will collect it at the price of two coins per catty. If my idea is feasible, I will also let it People came over and continued to buy.”

Xu Fu said that there was no problem, and even wanted to give Xiao Xiao the kelp he collected for free.

In the past, when all countries went to war, after breaking the city, they would massacre or massacre the city for three days.

What happened to Xiao Xiao in the past few days proved that he is not that kind of person, besides Fu, he also wanted to do something for Xiao Xiao.

But Xiao Xiao thanked Xu Fu for his kindness, but insisted on accepting it at the price of two cents per catty.

Soon Xu Fu's order spread throughout the city of Dengjin.

Xu Fu was well-known in the city, and buying kelp was profitable, so a large number of people went out of the city to dig kelp. In five days, Xiao Xiao received more than 8,000 catties of kelp.

The Yongzhou Army specially set up a purchasing station in front of Dengjin City Gate to purchase kelp.

The people of Dengjin City came here with heavy kelp, and then happily left with coins.

Before leaving, there were some children muttering that these soldiers are so stupid that they have to spend money to buy things to feed the pigs.

The soldier of the Yongzhou Army who was in charge of the registration turned dark and slapped the child on the buttocks. Seeing the child run away howling, he felt better.

Xiao Xiao also learned that the Yongzhou army had great opinions on the behavior of collecting pig food.

So Xiao Xiao went directly to the cook to ask for seasoning and a big pot.

Xiao Xiao first cuts the boiled kelp, then puts a variety of garlic cloves and wild vegetables, and adds condiments that can replace vinegar and sesame oil. Shicha cold kelp is ready.

Xiao Xiao made a bowl by herself, and after eating two mouthfuls, she found that the taste was not bad, so she asked the cook to come over to eat too.

But the cook just shook his head and refused to go over.

Wei Dayong behind Xiao Xiao didn't talk nonsense, he went over and pressed the cook's head and stuffed it into the cauldron.

Wei Dayong didn't let go until the chef's mouth was full of kelp.

The cook, who was originally desperate, found that the taste of this thing was not bad after chewing it twice, so he also made a bowl of it himself.

The centurion and thousand commanders of the Yongzhou army who had been peeping outside for a long time saw this food, and it seemed that it was really delicious, so they all ran in to look for bowls and chopsticks.

Afterwards, there was a dish of cold kelp in the Yongzhou army's meal, and everyone selectively forgot that this thing was for feeding pigs.

As a result, Xiao Xiao had to increase the price of buying kelp, otherwise, before the army returned to Xianyang, the guys in the army who could eat better than pigs (Li's) would wipe out all the kelp.

On the fifth day, Wei Dayong hunted big whales for a total of ten days, and Xiao Xiao also bought 30,000 catties of kelp.

Almost everyone in Dengjin City received money from Xiao Xiao to buy kelp, and many people also used the money to buy a lot of meat to go home.

Therefore, when the Yongzhou Army left, many of the more than 20,000 people in Dengjin City spontaneously sent out to see them off.

Walking back to Guanzhong from the seaside is not a short road.

Moreover, only 30,000 of the Yongzhou Army were infantry this time.

Xiao Xiao thought about it, and in order not to delay Yongzhou's development plan, he decided to lead 20,000 cavalry to set off first, and bring some whale oil and kelp to Xianyang to return to his command.

And Yi Kanghancheng and the two men took the infantry and agreed to rush to Yongzhou City within two months.

Xiao Xiao's marching speed along the way is not particularly fast. It took more than half a month to reach ten miles outside Xianyang City. .

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