Daqin: Start With 100,000 Proficiency

219-220: Horse Bandits Attack

Xiao Xiao asked Fatty Mi to set up the Yongzhou Merchants Association. Although the Yongzhou Army temporarily went back to farm, this does not mean that Xiao Xiao will not continue to discover strength.

Businessmen, especially wealthy businessmen, are the best fat sheep in Xiao Xiao's eyes.

Xiao Xiao is sure that these businessmen will cooperate with him and provide military pay.

In this way, the king of Qin would not complain to him with food and military pay.

Bai Ce was also surprised when he heard that Xiao Xiao's Yongzhou Merchants Association asked for a membership fee of 5,000 yuan.

You must know that the annual income of the Bai family in Sunan Town is only 30,000 yuan, which is not a good situation.

Bai Ce swallowed his saliva, and then said: "I thought it would be nice if I could help you earn a little money, but now it seems that brother-in-law, you can teach me how to make money!"

Xiao Xiao also smiled without saying a word.

"Don't be so inferior. You have a lot to do. When I arrive in Yongzhou City, I won't take too much care of the city's affairs. Then it's up to you to deal with those old officials and master books."

After Xiao Xiao finished speaking, his ears moved because he heard the sound of horseshoes in the distance.

Xiao Xiao, who has been in the army for many years, has almost carved into his bones the sound of horseshoes.

Based on the slight change in rhythm and the horseshoes on the horses, Xiao Xiao judged that this was a small group of fast Yongzhou cavalry.

I saw Xiao Xiao jumped onto the roof of the carriage as soon as he turned over, and he added a powerful arm crossbow to his hand.

The rest of the Yongzhou cavalry guarding the convoy also took out their arm tension crossbows with the strength of three stones.

Since the creation of the stirrups, more and more Yongzhou cavalry used crossbows to fly bows. The main reason is that with the aid of the stirrups, the cavalry's shooting accuracy and loading speed have greatly increased.

The team of cavalry soon arrived at the convoy at thirty paces, and the leader held a red emergency flag and shouted: "General! It's not good, something happened in Yongzhou." There are horse bandits attacking Yongzhou City.

Horse bandits generally entrenched from the northwest of Qin State to the Hexi Corridor. They had a complex composition, including Huns, desperadoes fleeing from the Central Plains, and small local warlike tribes.

In short, they are a group of robbers, a group of robbers who came and ran faster than the Huns.

In the past, the horse bandits would stay in Tianshui in Longyou and go to Wuwei to plunder, and would not go deep into the territory of Yongzhou.

It is even more impossible to attack Yongzhou City.

Now Xiao Xiao got the information that Yongzhou City was really attacked.

Many of the 40,000 laborers working in the Yongzhou Army were killed.

Mo Qi, Chang Yu led people to fight, and the horse bandits left after leaving fifty corpses.

Considering the large number of horse bandits this time, Xiao Xiao decided to escort the convoy to Yongzhou City as soon as possible. After all, there were his parents and wives in the convoy.

Xiao Xiao was relieved when the convoy entered Yongzhou City.

Mo Qi and Chang Yu also came over to salute, both of them had expressions of guilt on their faces.

Mo Qi and Chang Yu felt that Xiao Xiao could trust him, so he handed over the city to him to manage.

Right now there are horse bandits in Yongzhou, and there are a lot of them, and some of them died, so both of them feel sorry for Xiao Xiao.

Of course, Xiao Xiao would not care too much about it. After finishing the army process, Xiao Xiao hugged her two elder brothers together.

"It's okay, it's not the horse bandits. We just need to suppress them. It just so happens that we haven't fought for a while, so it's good to loosen our muscles and bones with them."

Soon Xiao Xiao took Mo Qi, Chang Yu, Zhou Hai, and Liu Fengshang to the outskirts of the labor camp.

Now there are only 14,000 Yongzhou troops in Yongzhou.

Yikang and Hancheng each brought 3,000 men to garrison two important passes in Yongzhou. Yongzhou City only had 8,000 men, including 4,000 cavalry newly recruited by Moqie Changning.

Xiao Xiao looked at the corpses of the horse bandits, and found that they were really mixed, including people from the Central Plains, Huns, and some people who Xiao Xiao couldn't tell the way.

Xiao Xiao asked two important questions, "How many people are there on the other side, and how many of us died yesterday.

Mo Qi replied: "The number of people is at least 10,000. Yesterday, more than 200 horse bandits died in the battle, and we died 47 people."

Xiao Xiao continued to inquire and found out that the horse bandits were planning to attack the labor camp at that time.

Mo Qi led people to fight around the labor camp. The laborers who were locked in the labor camp could not get out, and many people were shot by arrows.

Soon Xiao Xiao heard the cries of the laborers, "We laborers are human beings too! We must also have dignity!"

"We want medicine! We have many wounded!"

Don't wait for the 500 Yongzhou Army soldiers to stand guard around Xiao Xiao. These 500 people are all fierce soldiers who have gone to the battlefield, and the blood energy gathered in Shikuaishi is very strong.

The workers suddenly didn't dare to shout.

Xiao Xiao looked at Mo Qi.

"Didn't there be a doctor for them?"

"Yes, but many doctors didn't dare to come when they knew they were going to see a doctor in a labor camp. They said that these people were Han people, and they just surrendered to us temporarily. Maybe they cut off the heads of the doctors as a certificate of surrender."

Xiao Xiao stared at the labor camp, passing through it all the way, looking at Yongzhou City not far away.

Fatty Mi followed Xiao Xiao's instructions and expanded Yongzhou City.

The labor camp is located to the west of the Yongzhou Army, with the Sanli construction site in the middle, and then the Yongzhou City whose western wall has been demolished.

If the people in the labor camp rioted, or the horse bandits killed them, it would be difficult for Yongzhou City, which has no west wall for the time being, to stop the enemy.

So Mo Qi's approach was correct, and it was just an accident that some workers were injured.

Xiao Xiao walked towards the labor camp and said at the same time: "Ask more military doctors to come over, and I'm going to inspect the labor camp.

Mo Qie wanted to say something about his safety, but seeing Chang Yu shaking his head at him, Mo Qie honestly chose to shut up.

Xiao Xiao came to the labor camp. Among the noisy laborers, some were former middle-level generals of the Han Dynasty. They saw Xiao Xiao, so they ran away.

Xiao Xiao looked at the people who hadn't run away and shouted loudly: "I know there must be a leader in the distance among you, take me to see him!"

The onlookers didn't answer him, and some even had a joking look on their faces.

"Stop yelling, we won't confess anyone! Qin Jun has no good people, if we tell him, we will definitely be finished."

Xiao Xiao saw that these people were very resistant, so she continued: "I know you still don't trust me now, I can give you five days to think it over."

"Remember, you only have five days, after five days. The fate of these people cannot be adjusted!"

Xiao Xiao shouted loudly, but no one stood up, so Xiao Xiao ignored it, found a wooden pillar and sat down.

After a while, the doctors came, and they began to re-treat the wounds of the wounded.

220: Five Hundred Rebels

And Xiao Xiao's stomach started to growl, so he got up and said, "I'm hungry, let's go get some food, what do these workers eat."

Chang Ning pouted, trying not to tell Xiao Xiao.

Xiao Xiao even knew that the two of them must have done something bad.

So Xiao Xiao took someone to look at a big kitchen pit.

It was found that there was nothing to eat in the cauldron.

"What's the matter?"

Don't hesitate for a moment. Then he said: "The thing is this general, it's not that his subordinates don't give them food, it's true that so many people came to Yongzhou at once, and the food is not enough, so they can only eat two meals a day, one meal a day."

Xiao Xiao was a little angry. Although these laborers were prisoners of war, Xiao Xiao also felt that there was no need to reduce their food.

"Isn't there still the army rations from the previous attack on Yan? Get some here to ensure that they will eat less in their spare time and dry food when they work."


Xiao Xiao thought for a while and felt that it was not enough, so he said: "Go to the Yongzhou Chamber of Commerce and get some big fat pigs back."

Mo Qi opened his mouth, but couldn't speak, because he himself didn't understand why his general let those people eat so well.

Because of the horse bandits, the progress of the fortifications was forced to slow down, and many (bbae) laborers could only stay in the camp to rest.

Those people watched, and a big fat pig was transported to the camp, and they began to salivate.

In the afternoon of that day, pigs were slaughtered in the labor camp for meat. This was the first meat the laborers had eaten in months.

When eating meat, the workers are also talking about it.

"Why do you think this Xiao Xiao is so nice to us all of a sudden? Isn't this meal a meal on the road?"

"Probably not. The work on the construction site has not been finished yet. They need us, so why would they kill us so quickly?"

"Anyway? I really don't feel comfortable eating this meal.

"Not at ease, you still eat so much, you are not afraid of starving yourself!"

The workers chatted more, but cursed less.

The laborers who were shot to death by horse thieves during the day were buried in an open space in the labor camp.

At night, some relatives and friends of the dead laborers will come to offer their condolences.

Between the mounds of dirt on the clearing, there was the sound of howling.

The workers who watched from afar soon were also very touched.

They are all prisoners of war. Now that the Han Kingdom is gone, no one will redeem them. They can only face death in endless toil.

Perhaps being shot to death by a horse bandit is also a good choice.

At this time, a group of cavalry rushed in, and Chang Yu, the leader, ordered to surround the people in the open space.

"Gather all these people and take them all away."

The workers were also very angry when they saw this scene.

"Is there a mistake? You can't even mourn the dead. If you are like humans and animals, then treat us like animals!"

Although the workers were all angry, none of them dared to rush out.

A strong man in the crowd left silently, and he ran to the camp before the tent.

After the strong man stopped, two people walked out from the nearby shadows. They looked at the strong man vigilantly, and they still had daggers polished by stones in their hands.

The burly man cupped his fists and said respectfully, "I want to see Lord Fan Sheng, and I'd like to make a report."

Soon, an old and majestic voice came from the tent.

"Let him in."

The tent opened, and a thin man looked at the strong man vigilantly, beckoning him to come in.

After the strong man came in, he looked at the old man in the tent, and respectfully knelt down to salute.

"Centurion Niu Jianli pays his respects to Lord Fan Sheng."

Fan Sheng looked at Niu Jianli and asked, "Didn't I tell you to find a reliable subordinate? Why are you looking for me at this time?"

Niu Jianli thought for a while, then said respectfully: "Lord Fan Sheng, the laborers have a deep resentment towards Xiao Xiao now, you can take this opportunity to start a riot and leave Yongzhou City!"

"Where can we go after we leave Yongzhou City? We don't have war horses. If we flee hundreds of people, we will be discovered soon. And if we attack Yongzhou City, you think we can take down Yongzhou City without the city walls. ?An idiotic dream!"

Niu Jianli was speechless after being taught by Fan Sheng.

"Relax and do your thing well, when I need to use you, I will naturally find you in School Disciple.

Niu Jianli also bent down and left.

After Fan Sheng saw Niu Jian leaving, he also coughed twice, and then said in a low voice: "The Han Kingdom will perish, and the Seven Kingdoms will go to the third. I hope that in the future, after the Qin Kingdom dominates the world, we can leave a bloodline for the Han royal family." Let me, this old man, die without regrets."

Afterwards, Fan Sheng softly read Xiao Xiao's name. I won't say more.

Outside, Chang Yu gathered all the mourners, and Xiao Xiao appeared in front of everyone wearing a battle armor.

Xiao Xiao first took a look at the laborers. A total of 570 people were summoned, and most of them had pale faces, obviously malnourished.

Xiao Xiao said: "Your relatives and friends died and were killed by horse bandits. In fact, they could have survived, couldn't they?"

"I remember that you all signed a document. As long as Yongzhou City is built, I will give you a piece of land and let you become Qin people. Even if you rebelled, the merits of building the city are enough to offset your punishment for rebellion."

Afterwards, Xiao Xiao said with a sad expression: "It's a pity, those who were killed by the horse bandits today will no longer have this kind of treatment."

Many laborers also began to cry. Born in troubled times, they were already cheap.

Finally, there was hope of survival, but it was ruthlessly destroyed by others.

So soon some young laborers rushed out and shouted: "General Xiao gave us a chance, let us kill the horse bandits!"

"Yes, give us a chance! I want to avenge my brother!"

"I want to avenge my father!"

"Anyway, killing one is enough money, and killing two is also profitable. General, give me a chance! 11

Everyone was filled with righteous indignation and high spirits.

Xiao Xiao looked at Chang Yu not far away.

Chang Yu, who had been training for many days, also felt that these people could be used, so he nodded to Xiao Xiao.

Ever since, Chang Yu incorporated these people into his team, and Xiao Xiao added several hundred people to him.

Now there are four thousand people under Chang Yu's command, including one thousand infantry and the king of cavalry.

On the way back, Bai Ce also expressed his worries.

"To be honest, brother-in-law, I don't really agree with your plan to recruit laborers. They were all rebels in the past. According to the law, they should be killed. Even if the city is built, it should be the same.

"Also, didn't you send 90% of the Yongzhou army back home to farm? Now you only need to call some cavalry back to solve this problem."

Xiao Xiao seemed to be worried about Bai Ce's future, so he said to Bai Ce: "Yongzhou's territory is not small, maybe there are still some soldiers who haven't walked home now, besides, these people will be the main force of farming in the next year. , I will not let them come back casually."


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