"This time I bought 100,000 cattle and sheep, and you will release them for me when you go to the pasture. Don't worry, I won't just let you two go.

As soon as Xiao Xiao finished speaking, a Yongzhou veteran of about fifty years old walked in.

"General, Hu Shanyong reports with his troops!"

Hu Shanyong is a rare elderly commander in Xiao Xiao's army, and also a rare veteran left by General Yu to Xiao Xiao.

"Chief Hufu is here. You should meet with these two. This time, Chief Hufu will take 1,200 cavalry to the pasture. You two must work together. Chief Hufu is responsible for the safety of the pasture, and you are responsible for grazing. Just do your job.

Although Xiao Xiao made the work distribution of the three of them very clear, both Xianwei Liu and Lieutenant Liu knew that the grassland was respected by force, which was an unchanging truth from ancient times.

Therefore, Liu Xianwei and the two men must listen to Hu Shanyong when they arrive at the grassland.

Lieutenant Liu thought of something and said hastily: "General Xiao, where are our manpower? That's 100,000 cattle and sheep! Even if we bring our family members, we won't be able to fill them all."

"Family members don't need to go. You don't stay there for the rest of your life. This job is on rotation. After three years, I will send new people to pick you up."

Hearing that they were only staying for three years, Liu Xianwei and Lieutenant Liu also breathed a sigh of relief.

"In addition, in terms of manpower, 873's recent fortifications in Yongzhou New City have been built faster than expected, so I will transfer two hundred people to you, which is enough for you."

Liu Xianwei and Lieutenant Liu swore that they would raise cattle and sheep well on the grassland and live up to Xiao Xiao's expectations.

Afterwards, Lieutenant Liu and Cao Cao turned around and left, their faces were also sad, and they were ready to go to the pasture to spend three years in prison.

And the colleagues outside, who still have some friendship, bowed to them from a distance as farewell.

Xiao Xiao laughed lightly after watching Lieutenant Liu and the two leave, and took out a jug of wine from under the table.

"The two of them thought that they would go to the grassland to do hard work for three years, and they said they didn't know how much profit the 100,000 cattle and sheep would bring us to Yongzhou."

Then Xiao Xiao signaled Hu Shanyong to sit down.

Hu Shanyong was originally very dissatisfied with this young general.

After fighting with Xiao Xiao out of the sea of ​​corpses and blood, he already admired Xiao Xiao very much, and felt from the bottom of his heart that Xiao Xiao could already be on an equal footing with General Bai Qi.

Xiao Xiao poured Hu Shanyong a bowl of wine.

In the Qin Dynasty, there were no glass cups, and the Tian doctor class mostly used bottles to drink. Ordinary people regard bowls as ministers.

Although Xiao Xiao is already a seldom made, he is still accustomed to using this earthenware bowl with a white background and a black border.

"Actually, I really can't bear to ask Uncle Hu to go to the pasture. After all, you will be able to return to the field next year. You should play with your grandson at home and enjoy the family happiness."

Hu Shanyong waved his hand, picked up Xiao Xiao's poured wine and drank it clean.

"The grassland was brought down by our Yongzhou army. Of course, it should be managed by our Yongzhou army. As for enjoying family happiness, to be honest, the blood in my heart is endless. After being aroused by this bowl of strong wine, I want to go there even more. After killing the enemy, how about letting me stay in the army for three to five years, General."

Xiao Xiao nodded, and now the Yongzhou Army and Dengjin City have also started transporting kelp and whale oil. Many veterans of the Yongzhou Army were also sent to the team by Xiao Xiao.

Not only the work intensity is low, but also earn a lot.

Xiao Xiao's attitude towards these veterans who are almost fifty years old is to let them know where they belong, and not let them have their lives to fight and die to enjoy the blessings.

Xiao Xiao continued to instruct Hu Shanyong, "Go to the grassland, and you may meet some scattered tribal herdsmen. If you can negotiate, you can gather them to work in the grassland. If they dare the Yongzhou army to attack Don't show mercy."


An important reason why Xiao Xiao chose Hu Shanyong to go to Yongzhou Grassland as the commander of the guards is that Hu Shanyong is old and understands personnel and the importance.

If it was a younger general, he might have cut them all down when he saw those herdsmen on the grassland.

After all, grassland herdsmen have not yet been recognized as Qin people. (bbba) Fatty Mi came after Hu Shanyong left.

Today's Fatty Mi can be said to have made a lot of money with Xiao Xiao.

The labor costs him 30% of the property, but 40% of the materials on the construction site are contracted by him.

This also allowed Fatty Mi not only to get back his capital, but also to earn a full three times.

Xiao Xiao was also very interested in knocking out Fatty Mi.

Today's Fatty Mi has gained a lot of weight, and there are still several valuable jade pendants hanging around his waist, making clinking noises as he walks.

Moreover, Fatty Mi's chin has three layers, and the neck cannot be seen when it is pasted together.

Fatty Mi noticed that Xiao Xiao seemed to be interested in his waist pendant, so he said generously: "Do you want it? I have several at home and I will send them to you?"

"Yes, my second brother-in-law is working with me now, and I haven't sent him any money yet. It just makes up for it."

Fatty Mi then chatted with Xiao Xiao about serious business.

"Speaking of which, why did you let me go to Yanmen County to recruit people this time? Isn't there enough people in Yongzhou now?"

Fatty Mi rushed to Xiao Xiao's request to recruit refugees in Yanmen County, puzzled.

And Xiao Xiao already had the answer to Mi Fatzi's question.

"The crops in Yongzhou have been finished during this period, and with the launch of the sledge, the arable land will double, but in a year's time, Qin State will use troops against Chu State or Wei State.

"At that time, the sergeants scattered all over Yongzhou will definitely go out to fight, so what should we do with the extra cultivated land?"

Fatty Mi also suddenly realized.

"If there are not enough people to deal with these cultivated lands, then these cultivated lands will soon become wasteland again. The prosperity in Yongzhou is only a flash in the pan

Fatty Mi felt that Xiao Xiao was thinking far enough.

"I don't want many people this time, because there are still more than 40,000 laborers to deal with, so I only plan to recruit 30,000 people, and the 30,000 people should be mainly women."

After listening to Xiao Xiao's words, Fatty Mi also agreed. Now Yongzhou has more men than women, and only recruiting more women can stimulate future population growth.

After the two discussed the price and cost of recruiting people, Fatty Mi rushed to Yanmen County without stopping.

Yanmen County is now under the rule of Qin, but years of military disasters and locust plagues have caused the Huns to go south.

It devastated Yanmen County severely.

Every town has an air of defeat.

The streets are full of sallow and emaciated people.

After Mi Fatzi's caravan arrived, Mi Fatzi saw that the streets of the county were full of refugees, and the dogs were so hungry that their bones could be seen, and they were unable to walk. , he also sighed and said, "At first, I thought it was a very shameful thing to be a human tooth. Now it seems that it is doing good deeds and accumulating virtue."

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