And those businessmen who were locked up also looked bleak, they knew that most of their identities would change from free people to slaves.

They didn't know that a group of Yongzhou army was approaching the stockade at this time.

Xiao Xiao took a few people and sneaked into the vicinity of the sentry post, only to see Xiao Xiao took out an arrow with a fire pocket on it, and it would not be destroyed when shot.

As soon as Xiao Xiao let go, the arrow flew out and landed on the straw pile next to the merchant.

Soon the straw pile was ablaze.

The businessmen shouted when they found something was wrong.

For a while, panic began in the village, and many people shouted to get out of the water.

Xiao Xiao felt that there was enough movement, so she retreated into the grass and came to the position above the suspension bridge.

Five eight-ox crossbows are ready, and this time Xiao Xiao brought ten new eight-ox crossbows.

If it was an old bed crossbow, Xiao Xiao estimated that he could only bring two at most.

Soon Xiao Xiao's subordinates pulled the trigger, and the crossbow bolts with ropes flew out, and finally eight crossbow bolts were successfully embedded in Kubi 11.

After two more shots, a total of twenty-seven ropes appeared on the cliff.

Xiao Xiao originally planned to go first by himself, but on Thursday Hai was unwilling. If something happened to Xiao Xiao, then the Western Expedition would be a big loss.

Zhou Zhouhai was holding two wooden planks by himself, hanging on five ropes, and slowly moved towards the opposite side.

Everyone watched with bated breath as Thursday Hai crossed the cliff.

In the cottage not far away, the horse bandits found water and started to put out the fire, and the fire was gradually extinguished.

Xiao Xiao stared intently at Zhou Hai successfully crossing the cliff, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief, after that, every rope was tried.

After the short spear specially used as a siege chisel is embedded in the cliff, it will become very stable, but even so, Xiao Xiao will not let the tall Qiang Liu rise over.

"You stay here, take the rest of the people, and act immediately when you see us grabbing the other end of the suspension bridge.

Some reluctant Qiang Liusheng had no choice but to clap his fists and agree.

Soon after Xiao Xiao came over, fifty masters including him were in ambush in the undergrowth minister.

Two half-drunk horse bandits came over to inspect the side of the cliff.

Suddenly they saw the dense ropes hanging from both ends of the cliff, and they opened their eyes wide!

The next moment, two arrows flew out from the grass and accurately pierced their throats.

Then two soldiers of Yongzhou Army jumped out and killed them with Qin sword.

After pulling the body into the grass, Zhou Haiwang asked Xiao Xiao what to do next.

"Don't worry, it makes them drink a little more. That way we'll encounter less resistance."

So everyone continued to hide in the grass, waiting patiently.

At Zishi, after many horse bandits were drunk, Xiao Xiao and his men approached the sentry post at the head of the suspension bridge.

Because of the celebration in the stockade today, there are only ten people standing guard at one end of the suspension bridge.

A soldier who looked at the wooden wall in a little sleepiness suddenly saw that there were more feet in front of his eyes.

As soon as he looked up, he saw a stranger standing in front of him!

Zhou Zhouhai didn't give the other party a chance to shout, she covered the man's mouth, and then pierced his heart with a sword, making the other party lose the ability to resist within a few breaths.

When Zhou Hai killed a vigilant horse bandit, two patrolling horse bandits appeared above his head.

Two arrows flew over precisely, killing the two of them.

Then Xiao Xiao, who was wearing a dark tights, rushed out and quickly climbed up to the top of the sentry post.

At this time, on the second floor of the sentry post, there were still three people warming up around the fire.

The three people were taken aback when they saw Xiao Xiao, and then quickly picked up the weapons beside them.

But Xiao Xiao's speed was faster than theirs. He pulled out two throwing knives from his waist and threw them out.

Two people fell down after being hit by the flying knives, and another person yelled, picked up a spear and stabbed Xiao Xiao.

Xiao Xiao turned his head to the right side to avoid the short spear, and then he took a step forward to bully him!

Xiao Xiao slammed into the horse bandit, and a one-foot-long short knife appeared in his hand.

Xiao Xiao stabbed the short knife into the horse bandit's body, and then led him to rush out directly above the sentry post.

Two people fell onto the grass from the second floor of the sentry post.

Xiao Xiao rolled twice on the ground to remove the momentum.

Afterwards, Xiao Xiao turned his head and looked to the rear. Song saw that Zhou Neihai and another Yongzhou Army sergeant also rushed out from Shaogang. Both of them carried ten dead horse bandits in their hands.

After taking care of the ten people at a sentry post, Xiao Xiao began to send signals to Qiang Liusheng on the other side of the cliff.

After seeing the signal, Qiang Liusheng rushed out with 400 soldiers.

The horse bandit, who was a little drunk because of drinking, broke out in a cold sweat when he saw the soldiers rushing out suddenly, and the alcohol in his mind completely dissipated.

On Xiao Xiao's side, the shouts of horse bandits came from behind them. Some horse bandits' guard posts were on the cliffs, and Xiao Xiao had no way to deal with them.

Soon the people in the village were alarmed, and arrows shot from the guard post on the cliff continuously.

After Xiao Xiao shot a horse bandit to death with a crossbow in his arm, he had to lower his head to avoid the arrow.

At this time, Xiao Xiao saw crossbow arrows that looked like ordinary short spears flying from the cliff.

The effective shooting range of the eight-ox crossbow is within five hundred steps, and the horse bandits on the cliff will not exceed the shooting range.

Soon five of the horse bandits on the cliff were nailed to death with short spears, and the others didn't dare to raise their heads when they saw their companions dying so badly.

And after Qiang Liusheng successfully took down the sentry post, he helped 663 to cross the suspension bridge.

There are fifty people on Xiao Xiao's side. In addition to controlling the suspension bridge, the most important thing is to control the exit gate.

The Yongzhou army who entered the gate quickly killed the horse bandits nearby.

At this time, more people rushed out of the village, their faces were ferocious, and they looked like they were not afraid of death.

Xiao Xiao appeared at the gate and shouted: "Mandarin Duck Formation!"

The Yongzhou army, who cooperated tacitly, quickly formed an formation, aiming at the outside with small shields and long spears.

As soon as the horse bandit came over, he hit the shield first, and then a spear protruded from behind to stab him

In addition, the Yongzhou army also used bows and crossbows to shoot at the horse bandits, and the casualties of the horse bandits continued to increase for a while.

As casualties increased, the momentum of the horse bandits also weakened significantly.

Many people began to hesitate and dare not move forward.

Xiao Xiao raised a gun and stabbed a horse bandit to death, then shouted loudly.


The shield soldiers in the front row roared and pushed forward heavily!

A dozen or so horse bandits were pushed to the ground, and then they were stabbed to death with spears stretched out.

In the eyes of those horse bandits, the neat advance rhythm of the Yongzhou army was impossible to resist, and the defeat began like this.

The horse bandits who rushed out quickly gave way to the stockade, and Xiao Xiao ordered his subordinates to disperse in a small formation of seven to search for the horse bandits in the cold.

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