On this road, before reaching the border, a sudden torrential rain hit.

Even though it was daytime, at a glance, the whole sky was gray, as if it was approaching night. From time to time, a white light flashed, followed by a deafening thunder.

Xiao Xiao and the others took a look at the village where they were resting, and they couldn't even see the hills in the distance. It seems that the whole world is going through a catastrophe.

The torrential rain was overwhelming.

"Continue to go!"

It was the centurion among the veterans who said this. Mo is about thirty years old. I saw him yelling loudly.

Hearing this, everyone in the recruit team looked at him in disbelief. If this kind of torrential rain is forced to travel, let alone the border, people will die halfway.

"No, the soldiers' bodies won't be able to hold up if they rush to the road under such a heavy rain!"

In front of the centurion riding a horse, Xiao Xiao looked up and shouted loudly.

The rain had soaked his whole body, and the heavy rain made it difficult for him to even open his eyes.

"If this heavy rain causes floods, I won't be able to cross Hexi or reach the border. If the city is lost, the whole family will be beheaded."


In the heavy rain, Xiao Xiao heard the centurion's words clearly. Breathing became rapid.

Only then did he remember that he had seen a map, and there was a wooden bridge in the west of the river. If the wooden bridge was washed away by the heavy rain, the bridge could only be built when the tide ebbed.

This time and again. The time ranges from fifteen days to ten days.

Xiao Xiao was speechless, looking at the team of recruits. Can only order to continue to go.

And after traveling day and night, I finally crossed the bridge the next morning. Fortunately, there was no delay at that time. Seeing that the water level had risen several times, everyone took a deep breath.

It was almost impossible to get through.

At that time, everyone will bear a death penalty!

While everyone was rejoicing, more terrible things were yet to come.

As the rain was still falling, we hurried on the road in the heavy rain, and we hadn't reached the next city yet. The recruits fell the next afternoon.

Fortunately, Xiao Xiao was present at that time, and suddenly saw an old Qin soldier drawing his sword and preparing to execute the fallen recruit. He hastily drew his sword to block it.

"What are you doing?"

At this time, Xiao Xiao's complexion was pale, and he was also tired from the long journey. But at the moment he was still roaring.

The rain started to lighten a little bit, but Xiao Xiao's eyes started to turn cold.

"Xiao Baifu. He can't walk anymore."

The veteran said. His eyes were full of warning.

Xiao Xiao is a centurion, but they all understand that this centurion is different from other centurions in the army.

So they are called Centurion, but it doesn't mean they are afraid of Xiao Xiao.

All the old Qin soldiers looked over, their eyes full of vigilance. Even the centurion general among the veterans frowned when he looked at Xiao Xiao.

The words are already very clear.

If you can't walk, you can't reach the border, which is still a capital offense!

More than 700 people in the recruit battalion watched this scene, and looked away unbearably. They knew that the fallen recruit was dead.

To everyone's surprise, just as the veteran was about to raise his sword, he suddenly heard Xiao Xiao's icy voice.

"I'm carrying it."


Looking at Xiao Xiao who was carrying the recruits on his back, the veteran looked at the centurion in bewilderment. He hadn't encountered such a situation yet, so he didn't know how to deal with it.

After seeing the centurion shaking his head, the old Qin soldier put away Qin Jian. Continue on your way.

The more than 700 recruits in the recruit battalion watched Xiao Xiao walking alone in the heavy rain with a recruit on his back. My heart suddenly twitched.

If it was before, they were for survival. Xiao Xiao is full of respect for Xiao Xiao who taught them skills.

So now, seeing this scene, they seem to have a little more emotion.

When they came here, they were the outcasts!


Carrying on the back, Xiao Xiao suddenly felt a little lighter, looked to the side and found that it was Pan Jiang, and smiled with red eyes in a sobbing tone: "Boss, I will help!"

Then came another person from the left. It turned out to be Zhao Kun.

Someone seems to be pushing behind him!

Xiao Xiao looked at these people with a smile on his pale face. Suddenly felt the rain on the neck is actually hot.

It turned out that the tears flowed continuously from the slightly opened eye sockets of the sick boy.

"Don't be afraid, we're all here."

Under the heavy rain, Xiao Xiao didn't look back, and didn't know if he could hear him. But it was Xiao Xiao who said this to him.


If it was the first time I saw Xiao Xiao carrying a sick man and felt silly, then in the recruit camp on the second day, dozens of recruits took turns carrying the fallen boy on their backs, with hundreds of people closely following behind. this scene. But these old Qin soldiers have never seen it before.

Everyone opened their mouths, and their hearts were full of shock.

This scene will be unforgettable for them forever!

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