Daqin: Start With 100,000 Proficiency

241: The Horse Bandits Surrender To The Western Huns

Xiao Xiao thought for a while, and then said to Zhou Zhouhai: "Take care of those old people. If the pictures are true, take them back to Yongzhou to raise them."


Xiao Xiao clicked on School Disciple again. Except for the people who had to guard the village, Xiao Xiao had assembled a total of 2,600 people. These people were all veterans who had followed Xiao Xiao for many years, and everyone was armed and wearing battle armor. .

Soon Xiao Xiao led the group of people out of the stockade and headed towards the first hiding place to kill.

The wind and sand in the Hexi area is strong, blowing out many hills with a large area, but the terrain is not high.

A camp is in Jin-zi among the hills.

There are more than 8,000 people here, and they are the few remaining horse bandit villages in Hexi.

There were also two people chatting in front of the camp gate.

"These days, life is becoming more and more difficult. Ever since King Heifeng was killed. We robbed their treasures. I don't know how many people died. Now the Yongzhou army is here again. I heard that they have broken Two villages, and a group of Huns."

"It's the Yongzhou Army, the most powerful army in the Qin State! When the Qin State destroyed Han Zhaoyan, the Yongzhou Army was there. Even if Xiao Xiao is not in command this time, it is not something we can resist.

"I don't know if your bosses have discussed a countermeasure. If it doesn't work, let's break up now and go our separate ways. If you are lucky, you may not be caught by them."

The two little Luos were chatting, but they didn't know that the whole camp was being seen by a knight standing in the distance.

Xiao Xiao was wearing a face scarf in the cold night wind, and the wind made a whirring sound as the wind blew through his scarf.

Xiao Xiao led his men to chase for four days, and finally found the last hiding place of the horse bandits after finding two hiding places.

Zhou Zhouhai came to Xiao Xiao's side and said: "The general let us find it, shall we do it tonight?"

"Naturally, tonight is the time to attack quickly, but we have also walked for four days. The soldiers and horses are very tired. Let's rest for a while and attack when the master is most tired."


Zhou Hai turned around and went down to carry out Xiao Xiao's order. He sent a team of cavalry to guard the surrounding situation, and then most of them huddled together to sleep.

Qiang Liusheng also held a long spear and a Qin sword tightly, and he was also inexplicably excited about the upcoming battle.

At the same time, in the village of the horse bandits, the leaders of several villages were arguing endlessly together.

"Didn't the first-line leaders say that? The Yongzhou Army didn't have many men this time, probably around two or three thousand men. We have more than eight thousand men here, and this is our territory in Hexi, why can't we have them.

"Just because they are soldiers and we are thieves, do you think that the Black Wind King was killed by the elite of the Yongzhou Army? As far as I know, there are a lot of recruits in the Yongzhou Army that killed the Black Wind King."

"According to what you say, the Black Wind King has been completely used by others for training?"

"Almost that."

"Then let's play a fart, hurry up and pack up, let's break up!"

At this moment a man stood up with a scar on his face. A five-inch-long hideous scar ran across his entire face. He looked at the crowd and said in a deep voice, "Don't be kidding, there are more and more caravans going to and from Hexi in the past few years. You are willing to pay as much profit and wealth as there are here." go?"

After being said by the man, everyone also silently kept silent.

"We horse bandits in the west of Hexi, you and Qin Guo's well water are not considered river water. Occasionally there are small frictions, but it's because we are too close to Tianshui County and Wuwei County, and a fool like Heifeng actually went to Yongzhou to find that Xiao Xiao with nothing to do. Xiao’s trouble, it’s all right now, he took the initiative to come over and wipe us out.”

"Scar, stop talking nonsense, tell us what to do now, we have been cold for three days, and we haven't talked about a solution yet. If this continues, we will definitely end the game

A gleam flashed in Scarface's eyes, and then he took out a dark parchment roll from his pocket.

"You want a method, right? I just discussed this with the Huns today. I don't know if you are interested.

The other five horse bandit bosses were also attracted by Scarface's words and turned to look at him.

On the parchment that Scarface took out, it was written: The Western Huns decided to completely control Hexi and prevent Qin from entering the Western Regions, so they will send 10,000 people here tomorrow. After Dunhuang.

The rest of the horse bandit bosses were a little dissatisfied with Scarface's act of beheading and playing later.

‥...seeking flowers...0

But now it is impossible for them to surrender to Qin, so the Western Huns are their only choice.

After that, the five horse bandit bosses cut their fingers and pressed their fingerprints on the parchment.

Scarface was also careful, put away the sheepskin roll, and then said: "If you have no objections, tomorrow we will meet the army of the Western Huns. We have nearly 20,000 people with them. It is the Yongzhou Army in Hexi." Twice as many! It is not our opponent."

Then the five horse bandit bosses got up and went back to rest.

And there was a smug smile on Scarface's face.

During the past few years of being suppressed by the Black Wind King, Scarface has also been looking for opportunities to fight back.

Now that the Black Wind King is dead, not far from here is the Black Wind King's stronghold: Tubao. It was also breached by someone led by Scarface.

Scarface originally thought that he would become the new king of the Hexi region, but he did not expect that the Yongzhou Army would come.

Scarface killed too many people, and even once slaughtered three villages in Wuwei County.

So he also knew that Qin State would definitely not let him go, so he took refuge in the Western Huns without doing anything.

In the middle of the night, the horse bandit camp fell into silence.

The sporadic guards were also drowsy looking at the pillars.

Xiao Xiao picked up twenty people and touched them quietly. He planned to take down the gate first, and then let the main force rush in, so that the casualties would be much smaller.

Several horse bandits guarding the gate were scattered around the gate.

Liu Fengshang set up the bow and arrow fluently, one of them.

With a slight sound of strings, a horse bandit was shot and killed silently.

Following this, several horse bandits were shot and killed at the same time.

Xiao Xiao put away the crossbow by herself, and then asked people to lean on it as soon as possible.

Scarface suddenly woke up in his sleep. He had a dream. In the dream, he had countless wealth and more than a dozen stunning beauties.

But behind him are the corpses of countless people.

Suddenly, several of those corpses stood up and gave him a sword from behind.

Scarface suddenly opened his eyes, and he quickly got up, picked up his scimitar and looked around. .

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