Daqin: Start With 100,000 Proficiency

251: Don't Give Up, Don't Give Up

Fan Sheng took out the list he had prepared a long time ago, handed it to Bai Ce, and said: "Use this list in exchange for the right to bring the little prince if Xiao Xiao dies in battle. At that time, the old man will only bring a few How about a dead man and the little prince returning to the mountains and forests, never to be born again?"

"Of course it is possible."

Bai Ce casually put away Fan Sheng's list. With this list, as long as Xiao Xiao returns triumphantly, he can follow the list to arrest and behead all those who dare to gather power among the laborers. He was completely obedient and became a commoner of Qin.

Fan Sheng noticed that Bai Ce didn't seem to be worried about whether Xiao Xiao would come back alive, and he also asked suspiciously: "Does Mr. Bai think that General Xiao will definitely come back alive this time?"

"Of course, with eight oxen crossbows, earthen castles, and two thousand elite Yongzhou cavalry, our general can wipe out all the Huns."

"Even if the 30,000 Huns from behind come to support us, our reinforcements will also arrive. If the two armies collide, our general's victory rate will still be very high.

Fan Sheng noticed that Xiao Xiao seemed to want to expand the scale of the war to a larger situation, and he also took a breath.

"General Xiao's reinforcements are only 2,500 people. Compared with the 30,000 Huns, this number may not even be enough to fit the teeth!"

Bai Ce began to pack the tea set while Fan Sheng was speaking, and he responded unhurriedly to Fan Sheng, "The 2,500 people are just for the higher-ups to see, otherwise tens of thousands of soldiers are mobilized at will, even if the King of Qin is protecting them, the result is not easy to say .”

Then Bai Ce looked at Fan Sheng and said seriously: "In addition to Yongzhou City, Yongzhou also has two important gates, one south and one north. The two commanders of Yikang and Hancheng have each assembled 4,000 cavalry and handed them over to Wei Dayong to command. "

Eight thousand Yongzhou cavalry!

Fan Sheng knew that Xiao Xiao's elite would be commanded by loyal people, and these eight thousand Yongzhou iron cavalry were definitely far stronger than ordinary Qin cavalry.

"So that's it. It seems that the old man made the right bet this time."

Bai Ce continued: "Mr. Fan just expects that General Xiao will return with the head of the Huns in triumph, and I heard that the Western Huns have a lot of spices in their hands. This stuff is used to roast sheep. The taste is amazing. Woolen cloth.

In the earth castle, after the failure of Earthly Dao.

Not reconciled, Tie Duomu launched two more attacks, each time the old routine of cavalry archers shooting arrows to cover the infantry's ascension to the city.

Although there is a gap in the city wall that can be dealt with intensively.

But the bows and crossbows of the Yongzhou Army are not vegetarian.

In addition to the eight oxen crossbows, Xiao Xiao has seven hundred sets of three stone arm crossbows in his hand, which can shoot through the body of a Hun soldier within thirty steps.

Xiao Xiao also built a simple platform behind the gap. As long as the Huns came in, they would first serve them with their arms stretched out, and then the mandarin ducks would go up to it.

After two days of attack, the Western Huns returned without success except for leaving 800 more corpses.

Such a situation made Tiedomu very angry. He wanted to slash Scarface with a knife, because he felt that if this family hadn't encouraged them to attack the earth castle.

Now there will be no casualties of more than 2,000 people.

Scarface also panicked, and Tiedomu, who had lost his mind, said that if he was to be chopped off, it must be really to be chopped off.

So Scarface hurriedly offered another item.

"What's this?"

Tiedomu took the parchment in Scarface's hand suspiciously.

"General Tiedomu, this is Kuangzhan wine. After drinking it, people can forget about pain and only know about killing."

"There are such good things, you should take them out earlier, but there are only recipes, no wine?"

Scarface said quickly: "There are some, and there is another altar that I have hidden."

So Tie Duomu asked Bai Bai's men and Scarface to fetch it.

On the side of the earth castle, Xiao Xiao has already got the news from a cavalry who rushed in desperately.

Mo Qi had already brought 2,500 people to a place less than fifty miles away from the earth castle, and they also brought the eight-ox crossbow that had been left in the village before.

With these things in hand, Xiao Xiao felt that he would be more sure of repelling the Western Huns tomorrow.

Xiao Xiao checked the situation of the wounded. After a few days, there were 370 casualties on Xiao Xiao's side, which is not bad compared to Tietamu.

On Thursday, Hai introduced Xiao Xiao to the peace of the injured.

"Most people were injured by the bows and arrows of the Western Huns. Their bows and arrows are very powerful, and the arrows are heavy. They can use inertia to pierce through weak places in armor, or hurt their faces.

·Ask for flowers...0

After Xiao Xiao saw the condition of the wounded, he said to Zhou Hai: "Someone will demolish the houses around the earthen castle, and build some sheds on the city wall to protect the arrows. Besides, what is the situation of our arrows?"

Zhou Hai thought for a while before answering Xiao Xiao.

"The arrow reserve is only 40%. We have collected more than 5,000 arrows from the Huns, but there is no way to get the crossbow arrows for the arm-stretch crossbow. Now we can only maintain 300 arm-stretch crossbows."

"In addition, there are only more than a hundred staff members of the eight-ox crossbow."

After hearing this, Xiao Xiao also had a headache about arrows. In the past few days, they had relied on arrows to stop the Western Huns.

Especially the crossbow arrows of the eight-ox crossbow, this thing is powerful, and the effect of launching it is very shocking, and it also has a great blow to the Western Huns.

Xiao Xiao gave the last bit of wine to the wounded, and then said: "Transfer all the wounded to the inner fort, once the crossbow bolts of the eight-ox crossbow are used up, it is estimated that the outer fort will be difficult to hold.

On Thursday Hai took the order with fists in his arms, and then asked his men to transfer the wounded to the inner fort.

Qiang Liusheng and Liu Fengshang were standing not far away.

Qiang Liusheng was standing not far away during this period of time. In the past few days, he has been at the front line of the gap, killing at least seventy people, and the soldiers in the army also call him a general second only to Xiao Xiao.

Of course Qiang Liusheng knew that Xiao Xiao had killed hundreds of soldiers from the Han Kingdom in the first battle in Lantian, so he was quite satisfied with these titles.

Because of the many days of fighting, the armor made by the Qiang family that Qiang Liusheng originally brought over was also damaged, so he had to put on a still intact Yongzhou army armor.

And Liu Fengshang is not much better, his right hand is wrapped with gauze, which is done by drawing a bow and shooting arrows for a long time.

Qiang Liusheng said to Liu Fengshang: "Meeting such a good general, even if you are in deep siege, you will not abandon your brothers. I don't know where you got your blessings."

Liu Fengshang smiled indifferently, it is our blessing to be able to follow the general, so there is no need to say anything about it.

After Liu Fengshang thought of something, he said to Qiang Liusheng: "Old Qiang, I also tell you clearly that you and General Xiao have the most background officials here, so the two of you must go back alive, otherwise our two thousand A lot of people are dying, and things at home are really worrying."

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