Daqin: Start With 100,000 Proficiency

254: Xiao Xiao's Plan

Ying Zheng nodded in satisfaction after listening to Li Si's words, and then he said: "What Prime Minister Zuo said is that since the war has already started, too much intervention will only make the war develop at a disadvantage. Whether Xiao Xiao is guilty or not is irrelevant." We have to wait for him to finish the battle before making a decision."

"Before that, I decided to support Xiao Xiao with all my strength. Wei Liao, you send a general and 10,000 imperial guards to Wuwei, and enter Hexi from Wuwei to support Xiao Xiao."


Seeing that Ying Zheng didn't seem to have any intention of punishing Xiao Xiao, Wei Liao also breathed a sigh of relief.

Now Wei Liao is the only influential general in the North Korean military, so Wei Liao is doing his best to ensure that those generals outside will not be affected by the affairs of the court

After Wei Liao came out, Li Si also walked towards him.

Wei Liao also clasped his fists at him and said: "Just now at the court meeting, thank you Prime Minister Zuo for your help."

Li Si also said with a smile: "It's just a little effort. I also hope that General Wei will not blame us civil officials. After all, Qin's laws and legalist theories are the basis, and many things are difficult to accommodate, but the battlefield is changing rapidly. So I have to wait and find a solution.”

"Hahaha, what Prime Minister Zuo said is true. After that kid Xiao Xiao returns triumphantly, I will definitely take him to the prime minister's residence to thank him."

After exchanging pleasantries, the two left Qin Palace.

In the Hexi Tubao, Xiao Xiao saw Wei Dayong who was coming to support him, so he stepped forward and hugged him vigorously

Wei Dayong grinned loudly, showing two rows of neat Dabai teeth.

Xiao Xiao said to Wei Dayong: "Eight thousand cavalry, did you bring me any good things?"

Wei Dayong also said mysteriously: "Of course, General, I went to A Ji's camp before I came, and got the latest research and development of fierce fire oil from him, a total of twenty altars."

"Twenty altars? It feels a bit insufficient`".

Wei Dayong also quickly explained, "Take it, they haven't fully mastered the process, even the twenty jars of fierce kerosene, they also died, at least one of them died.

Although the people in Aji's hands are all slaves and many of them are female slaves.

But knowing that 30 people died after making these 20 jars of fire oil, Xiao Xiao felt very uncomfortable.

But Xiao Xiao quickly recovered his mood, after all, he now had to face 40,000 Western Huns cavalry.

Xiao Xiao continued: "Move all the fire oil you got to the bunker, and I have an important task for you."

When Xiao Xiao was talking to Wei Dayong, Mo Qi, Liu Fengshang, Qiang Liusheng, Zhou Zhouhai and others were all by his side.

Especially Qiang Liusheng, he is very curious about Wei Dayong who is tall and tall, he thinks his martial arts should be good, and he also hopes to have a chance to learn from him after this battle is over.

After hearing Xiao Xiao's plan, Wei Dayong also said with a bitter face: "General, then you let us fight, we definitely have no objection, but we really have no experience in defeating the battle."

"Why don't you let Xiaowei Mo come, he is not as impatient as me, and it is relatively easy to do such a thing.'

Not to mention that Wei Dayong was not happy when he actually pushed himself out, he laughed and scolded: "You bastard, it seems that no one likes to lose a battle.

Xiao Xiao saw that everyone didn't seem to want to deliberately lose the battle, so he said in a deep voice: "You guys, don't care if your wings are hard for a few days?!"

Seeing that Xiao Xiao was a little angry, everyone was also upset, no matter what to say, they all stood up seriously.

"It's not to let you really lose the battle, but to retreat 20 to 30 miles on purpose. I want to give them a false impression that they can easily take down the bunker.

At this time, let's not think of one thing, "Xiaoqi, which army do you want to let pretend to be defeated?"

"Just Wei Dayong's 8,000 people."

"Then Xiaoqi, you also want to stay in the bunker? No way! It's too dangerous."

The rest of the people also nodded one after another, they didn't want Xiao Xiao to be in danger again.

Xiao Xiao said: "Why are you so nervous? Wei Dayong not only brought fire oil, but also 900 crossbow arrows. In addition, the inner fort has been repaired for me for three or four days. I still don't believe that Tie Duo The Mu that gang can take it down in one fell swoop."

Seeing how confident Xiao Xiao was, everyone didn't say anything more.

Xiao Xiao continued: "Don't worry, we are going to hit the Western Huns hard this time. How can we do it if we don't spend some money? When the Western Huns attack the inner castle with all their strength, I will start to light the fire, and then Wei Dayong, you will come back to support them." We, remember! Don't run too far for me at once!"

Wei Dayong nodded quickly, expressing that even if he had the guts to give him a chance, he wouldn't run away.

Xiao Xiao didn't say anything more, he looked around and asked everyone to go down, leaving only Liu Fengshang by his side.

Xiao Xiao looked at Liu Fengshang and said calmly: "... Before the battle in Qingmu Village, many people died in your village. Now you have arranged some refugees to work and farm for you, but I am satisfied."

Today, Xiao Xiao has a lot of affairs to deal with. He has to deal with both the military and the internal affairs of Yongzhou. It can be said that he is a very busy person.

Liu Fengshang quickly clasped his fists and said: "Naturally, I am satisfied. The refugees are very obedient. We also gave them food and shelter, and we promised that we will not take all the food when it is planted. We will leave 30% for them, which is better than before. I don’t know how much better Zhao Guo is now, and now they are working hard.”

After listening to Liu Fengshang's words, Xiao Xiao also knew that his village is doing well now, and then Xiao Xiao patted Liu Fengshang on the shoulder and said: "For me, you are a rare archer, It's somewhat inappropriate to be the captain of my personal guard, when tomorrow's battle starts, don't deliberately block the knife for me."

"My body armor and my martial arts are not for nothing. All you have to do is kill two Huns for me."


Although Liu Fengshang didn't quite agree with Xiao Xiao's words, he knelt down and agreed.

Xiao Xiao waited until Liu Fengshang left, he took out the purse that Bai Ji gave him from his arms, and kissed it lightly.

Nothing to say all night, to the next day.

The 40,000 horses of the Western Huns began to gather, and Tiedomu, who was lucky enough to escape, came back aggressively to investigate.

Tiedomu put down the altar in front of the army formation, and several Great Witch divisions who seemed to be of high status began to dance continuously, as if they were praying.

Ten healthy oxen were killed, and Tiedomu wiped the blood on his face, making him look extraordinarily ferocious.

Not only Tie Duomu, but his subordinates also wiped bloodstains on their faces with cow blood.

Xiao Xiao quietly watched the actions of those people, without saying a word.

Soon, the sound of horseshoes came from a distance, and Wei Dayong led 8,000 Yongzhou cavalry to the north of the earth fortress. .

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