Daqin: Start With 100,000 Proficiency

272: Factors That Determine The Battlefield

"No problem at all!"

Wei Liao, as the first commander of the Xianyang Guards, usually has a lot of benefits, so naturally he is not short of this month's salary.

After Wei Liao led the people to retreat, Ying Zheng helped Xiao Xiao up and said with a smile: "You were supposed to be an eagle soaring above Nine Heavens, but I put you in Yongzhou for selfish reasons. It's official business. If you have any complaints, feel free to speak to the Widow now."

At this time, Xiao Xiao also understood why Ying Zheng had to compete swords with him as soon as he saw him. It turned out that he felt dissatisfied that he hadn't fought a big battle during his stay in Yongzhou.

So Xiao Xiao explained to Yingzheng: "My lord, I am not a bloodthirsty person. My biggest wish is to hope that the world will be peaceful and the world will return to Qin. When the time comes, I hope that the king will give me a few acres of good land. It would be nice to let the family farm with peace of mind and watch "687" until the sunrise and sunset."

Ying Zheng smiled and said, "How can there be such a good thing? Do you think that if you conquer the world, you don't have to defend the world? Even if you conquer Kyushu, there are still many things to deal with. You are still so young, how can you expect to be disarmed and returned to the field now?" What's the day!"

Ying Zheng also values ​​talents very much now, especially Xiao Xiao. He is naturally a little unhappy to see that the talented Xiao Xiao actually wants to relinquish his armor and return to the field.

Xiao Xiao continued: "Your Majesty, there are many capable ministers under his command. One more Xiao Xiao is not too many, and one less is not too many."

"So what, four months ago, the widow proposed to attack Yan again in the hall. None of the ministers agreed, and even a general like Wei Liao opposed it. He felt that Wei Guohe should be dealt with most now. Chu State."

"They think that as long as one general and 30,000 people guard Jicheng, they can trap Yan State in Liaodong. Don't forget that there is a sea route in Liaodong, Qi State is already secretly transporting food and weapons to Yan State, and Yan State is also silently If we don’t destroy him as soon as possible, it will become a disaster when we confront Wei Chu in the future.”

Xiao Xiao followed Ying Zheng and listened quietly.

When Ying Zheng was speaking, some maids in the palace were already serving dishes.

Ying Zheng and Xiao Xiao continued to sit down and chat while eating.

They chatted from the things in the court to how to kill Yan.

"The eight-ox crossbow and fierce fire oil, everyone has seen their dangers, and they are indeed very good. However, the craftsmanship is complicated. The craftsmen of other armies are temporarily unable to produce them, and those generals feel that the battlefield is still dominated by manpower. .If you use these things to make great achievements in the attack on swallows this time, you may be able to change their views."

Xiao Xiao carefully cut a piece of beef for Ying Zheng.

This beef was also sent from Yongzhou Grassland, otherwise there would be no beef in the Qin Palace.

After listening to Ying Zheng's words, Xiao Xiao also expressed her own opinion.

"For thousands of years, in addition to people, what has determined the outcome of a war is the mind. Many coaches have used the wisdom on the battlefield for strategies. But Chen intends to open another way. He decided to try to use these new equipment , to see if we can better win the war.”

"After all, if my Yongzhou army can kill fewer people, I will be very happy."

"You are a big killer, why are you still so petty?"

Ying Zheng also began to complain that Xiao Xiao didn't dare to kill decisively, and Xiao Xiao continued to cut the beef without saying a word.

The maid wanted to help, but Xiao Xiao refused.

And this work, if it was done by Zhao Gao when he was eating in the past.

"Why, I feel that Zhao Gao's going to Yongzhou is not a good thing, and it will affect the development of your Yongzhou.

"Eunuch Zhao should have gone to Yongzhou, but some things are related to agricultural products. If Eunuch Zhao changes it at will, it may cause resentment from the people of Youzhou."

Before Xiao Xiao left, Zhao Gao went to Yongzhou, but Xiao Xiao still underestimated how greedy Zhao Gao was.

The development of Yongzhou City is bound to offend some original local forces.

These people got in touch, and his companion in Xianyang, Zhao Gao, received three carts of silver before he left Xianyang.

The main reason for bribing Zhao Gao was to hope that Zhao Gao would adjust some Xiao Xiao's policies after he came to Yongzhou, so that they could continue to earn money.

In fact, Zhao Gao did this, and the impact is that the West City of Yongzhou is currently in great turmoil.

Bai Ce also complained to Xiao Xiao that if things go on like this, the new merchants will probably lose a lot of money, and the reputation of Yongzhou will also be affected.

Xiao Xiao also gave Zhao Gao money, and Zhao Gao did receive the money, but those policies were still implemented according to his ideas.

Seeing that Zhao Gao's neck is so stiff, Xiao Xiao went to Ying Zheng. Anyway, all Zhao Gao's power was given by Ying Zheng.

"When I photographed Zhao Gao, I was originally worried that officials in the DPRK and China would not understand your policies. I didn't expect this guy to pocket so much money."

Afterwards, Yingzheng thought about it, "I remember a man named Fan Huai. He was a senior doctor in the country of Han. He was good at merchants and farmers. He has just descended to Xianyang, and I will let him govern in the next county. The government has done really well."

"The widow feels that such a person is too wronged to be the magistrate of a county. Then let him act as the deputy state shepherd for you. As for Zhao Gao, he also paid a lot of money to come back obediently."

Xiao Xiao also heard from Ying Zheng's tone that Ying Zheng didn't seem to want to kill Zhao Gao.

After all, although a person like Zhao Gao has a bad temper, he is absolutely loyal to his king because of his physical disability, just like A Ji is to Xiao Xiao.

Such people may not be reused, but they must not be killed at will.

Xiao Xiao really hoped that Zhao Gao would be killed now, after all, this guy would put in a lot of effort for the destruction of Qin State in the future!

Xiao Xiao is also thinking about the name Fan Huai, Xiao Xiao feels that this person has something to do with Fan Sheng in all likelihood, 4.69, but Xiao Xiao will definitely not say it.

After eating, Xiao Xiao received the tiger charms and orders for leading the army from Ying Zheng.

All these things were done on the terrace, with the maids cleaning up the leftovers on the desk.

Xiao Xiao felt a little unhappy about this, after all, even Xin Sheng, Qiang De, and others received the Tiger Talisman under the witness of civil and military officials.

How to get here, just follow what I handed over.

Wei Liao, who sent Xiao Xiao out, also asked Xiao Xiao to say: "Don't worry about it, you kid. It's cheap and good-looking. I don't want to think about which general is not accompanied by the Sima in the army when he goes out after receiving the tiger talisman? The tiger talisman is also a warning, letting us generals understand that this tiger talisman can be taken and taken away by the king at will."

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