Daqin: Start With 100,000 Proficiency

274: Heading Towards Xiangping City

And everyone else respected Xiao Xiao one after another.

When the banquet was over, Xu Fu invited Xiao Xiao to his study, and asked cautiously: "I heard that General Xiao brought tens of thousands of troops this time, and General Xiao came to find Xu at this time, I wonder what he wants Xu to do?" something?"

Although Xiao Xiao drank a lot of wine at the banquet, she didn't look drunk at all.

With clear eyes, he said to Xu Fu: "The next time I come, there is indeed one important thing to get rid of Mr. Xu."

"But it doesn't matter, as long as Xu can help, he will naturally help with all his strength!"

"I hope Master Xu will let me beat Yan."

Xu Fu was also stunned when he heard it, it wasn't that he didn't want to, but that he was originally a subject of Yan, so he naturally wanted to avoid such a thing of killing the old lord.

And Wang Jian didn't ask for help from these Yan officials who didn't escape.

Xu Fu hesitated for a moment and then said: "Now that the state of Qin has pacified the Quartet, it has become a major event. Although Xu was once a minister of Yan, but the foundation of Xu's family is in Dengjin City, it is already the land of Qin. As a minister of Qin, Xu will naturally help with all his strength. Yes, General Xiao just say it."

Xu Fu had already talked about this point, and Xiao Xiao was not polite.

"I came here this time to ask Mr. Xu if there are warships from the Kingdom of Yan here. Xiangping City is close to the sea. When the time comes to attack the city, the opponent will definitely have warships to help." I should know what the opponent's warship looks like It's better to deal with it."

"This... To be honest, there is no warship, but Xu has a copy of the blueprint.

Xiao Xiao took over the blueprints and checked, and found that Yan Guo's ship was not very big, with only two floors, and it was estimated that it could carry about a hundred people.

Xiao Xiao's cutting of swallows in summer will not be affected by heavy snow, but at the same time the sea is not frozen, and this season is not a monsoon season, if the Yan army in Xiangping City takes the sea route, it will only take three or four days at most to reach the vicinity of Dengjin City .

It would be even easier to block Xiao Xiaoliang Road, or to ambush a surprise soldier behind one's own army.

So Xiao Xiao needs to be prepared.

"Besides warships, I would also like to know what places along the coast are suitable for large-scale army landings.

After finishing speaking, Xiao Xiao took out a drawing.

Xu Fu marked those positions on the drawings.

Afterwards, Xiao Xiao also thanked Xu Fu and left, but before leaving, Xiao Xiao gave Xu Fu a token of Shaoshangzao.

Xiao Xiao explained to Xu Fu: "The vanguard of the Qi army is less than eighty miles away from here. If the Xu family wants to avoid the disaster, you can take this iron plate and go to Jicheng to find General Xin Sheng. He will protect you." .”

"But remember not to bring too many people, only the core members of your family."

As the city lord, Xu Fu naturally knew that Xiao Xiao had already taken a lot of risks in doing so.

He carefully put away Xiao Xiao's Shaoshang Iron Plate, and thanked Xiao Xiao for his kindness.

After dealing with the matter of Dengjin City, Xiao Xiao took people back to Jicheng in the starry night, and the Yongzhou Army started the battle against Yan.

News of the Yongzhou army's attack on Liaodong quickly reached Ji Dan.

Ji Dan hurriedly summoned his men, Le Yun, Gongsun Yue, and Chun Yuxian, the three core generals of Ji Dan's subordinates, soon came to the meeting hall.

Ji Dan looked at the sand table in the middle and said: "The Yongzhou army has invaded the country this time, and the number is unknown, but they will soon attack our stockade in the Yanyun Mountains."

Ji Danli's thirteen villages are all around the official road, pinching the main road, Xiao Xiao must take these villages if he wants to successfully reach Xiangping City.

Le Yun said: "Although these villages have a favorable location, they are not large in number. Sooner or later, the Yongzhou army will break through, especially the first three villages. I estimate that they may break through one in a day.

Gongsun Yue and Chun Yuxian looked at Le Yun suspiciously. If the stockade is so easy to breach, then what is the purpose of setting up these plugs?

You must know that it is the end of April, and there is still half a year before the heavy snow in October.

At this time, Ji Dan spoke.

"If the Yongzhou army broke through the three front villages with ease, they would definitely advance triumphantly, and their battle line would be stretched. At that time, we can use the navy to land from behind them and attack the grain road, so that the Yongzhou army will have to to the supplies."

"You can even send a strange army to ambush behind them, and when the battle is in full swing, it will suddenly rush out and catch them by surprise!"

Everyone's faces were no longer nervous but excited.

Ji Dan, Le Yun and others are very young, with an average age of only 27 or 28.

They knew that the Yongzhou army was not the elite of Qin, but the elite of the world.

If they can be defeated or even wiped out, their fame will spread throughout the world.

Such an opportunity is there, even if you know that the risk will be great.

Ji Dan also planned to give it a go.

At this time, the Yongzhou army had come to the first stockade.

This military stronghold of the Yan Kingdom was built on a high ground with a wide field of vision.

Xiao Xiao noticed that most of the structures of this military village are made of wood.

So Xiao Xiao also had an idea in his mind, he asked Zhou Hai to come over first, and then gave him the order.

'..Take your light cavalry and do a patrol around this military camp to see if they are ambushing nearby.


The kelp people checked the surroundings on Thursday, but did not find the enemy in ambush.

Yi Kang said beside Xiao Xiao: "General Xiao, according to the information provided by General Xin, there are only 900 people stationed in this stockade, why don't I take the brothers to rush there and see what's inside?"

Xiao Xiao pondered for a while before agreeing to let Yi Kang lead the attack.

Before the attack, the catapults and eight-ox crossbows of the Yongzhou Army were the first to show off.

Thick crossbow arrows can be easily nailed to the wooden wall, and a huge stone hitting the wall can make the entire wooden wall tremble.

The soldiers of the Yan army hiding behind did not dare to raise their heads, and many soldiers of the Yan army in the village died on the spot after being hit by stones (Wang Wang Zhao).

Yi Kang led the soldiers to attack, and the soldiers moved forward slowly carrying huge shields.

When the vanguard of the siege soldiers approached within a hundred steps of the stockade, the catapults stopped attacking.

The eight-ox crossbow mounted on the chariot is drawn towards the wall by the horses, and they will provide powerful support behind the siege soldiers.

When the soldiers of the Yongzhou Army began to climb the wall with the help of the eight-ox crossbow bolts nailed to the wooden wall, the soldiers hiding on the wall began to fight back.

Stones weighing more than ten catties were constantly thrown out by soldiers of the Yan army, and some soldiers shot bows and arrows at the soldiers of the Yongzheng army below.

And the sergeants who manipulate the eight-ox crossbow are all experienced shooters.

They can accurately hit a target the size of a wine jar with an eight-ox crossbow within two hundred steps.

Soon the soldiers of the Yan Army were thrown out by the powerful crossbow arrows as soon as they poked their heads out, and the whole body was carried away by the huge force star. .

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