Daqin: Start With 100,000 Proficiency

277: Blood Stained Beachhead

Just as Cang Qianhe said, the other two beaches are also facing the Yan army's attack.

After Yan Jun Chunyu Xian led his troops to the beach, he found Qin Jun's ambushes. When a round of arrows rained down, Yan Jun also killed or injured two or three hundred people.

Chun Yuxian shouted loudly: "Turn the boat over, and block the arrows!"

Everyone hurriedly followed Chun Yuxian's order, and when the second wave of arrow rain arrived, the casualties were much smaller.

The Qin army shot four rounds of arrows in total, and the leader Qin general felt that it was almost done, so he personally led the people to charge over.

This Qin general is just a commander of a thousand commanders, and it is rare to bring 6,000 people to fight this time.

He intends to wipe out all these Yan troops on the beach, so that his official title will be more stable.

But this Qin general obviously underestimated Chunyu's ability to appear.

Chunyuxian saw the Qin army rushing up from a distance, so he decisively "three eight zero" ordered the big ship behind him to prepare to use the trebuchet.

Chun Yuxian was also encouraging the soldiers of the Yan army, "Although there are many Qin troops, we have nowhere to go! Cut through all the boats! Kill them!"

"Come on!"

"Fight with Qin Jun!"

Although the Qin army had 6,000 men, Chun Yuxian also brought 3,000 men ashore. Although the three rounds of arrows rained down, more than 500 men were killed or injured.

I realized that these people were all soldiers trained by Chun Yuxian for many years, and they were very loyal to Chun Yuxian.

Falling into a dangerous place at this time, an astonishing fighting power broke out.

Chun Yuxian had a short sword in one hand and a battle ax in the other, and he was wearing a close-fitting leather armor, so he rushed forward immediately.

A long spear stabbed Chun Yuxian, but he avoided it with his dexterity, and then he swung the battle ax in his hand and cut off the opponent's right leg.

Then Chunyuxian blocked the other person's Qin Jian with a dagger, and swung the battle ax in his right hand continuously, slashing at the opponent's head one after another.

After finishing off the two of them, Chun Yuxian was also stained with a lot of blood.

Tonight is a new moon night, and the dark clouds are very heavy, which is very suitable for quietly landing.

After Chun Yuxian beheaded more than a dozen people in a row, he knelt on the ground and panted heavily. He didn't know why the other party was waiting for him here so early.

At this time, he could only fight hard to kill.

The catapults on the big boat threw huge stones into the melee crowd indiscriminately.

The remaining small boats continued to transport soldiers to the flanks of the battlefield, and after those soldiers landed, they rushed towards the bloody battlefield.

The two sides fought fiercely, and the dark clouds in the sky were getting thicker and thicker. Gradually, heavy rain fell, and countless people continued to fight in the bloody quagmire.

Without swords and guns, they used their fists, and some people picked up rocks and smashed them hard.

The clothes and battle armor on some people can no longer be seen clearly, and many people are indiscriminately attacking what they can see in front of them, everyone.

Chun Yuxian was also fighting hard, his dagger had been cut off, but he was lucky to pick up a spear.

Chun Yuxian raised his head and wiped off the blood that blocked his vision. He suddenly saw in the distance that General Qin was leading a reserve team of more than a thousand people to prepare to enter the bloody Shura field.

General Qin himself did not expect that 6,000 people fighting more than 3,000 people could reach such a point.

But now the Qin army could no longer get away from the battlefield, so General Qin could only send the last of his men up, and he was not in charge himself, so he drew Qin Jian and hoped to kill a few more Yan troops to influence the battle situation.

Chunyuxian cut the spear short with a battle ax so that he could throw it.

Then he spotted the Qin general clenched the spear in his hand.

I saw Chunyu Xian took a deep breath, and then he threw the spear in his hand vigorously!

The short spear flew in an arc in the air.

General Qin raised his sword and was about to kill an exhausted Yan soldier in front of him.

A powerful momentum directly knocked him off his horse.

When General Qin came to his senses, he found a short spear stuck in his chest.

Then General Qin watched in horror as a man covered in blood and mud was walking towards him with a battle ax in his hand.

Chun Yuxian didn't hesitate at all, he raised the ax and directly chopped off the man's head.

Then Chunyu Xian rode on the horse and held up the head of General Qin!

"General Qin is dead, and the Qin army is powerless to recover! All soldiers, kill me!"


The morale of those Yan soldiers was greatly shaken, and they used their remaining strength to kill the enemy in front of them.

On the Qin army's side, the commander died, and the rest of the people could only form a formation to resist.

The flimsy line of defense they had just organized was broken through by the fierce soldiers of the Yan army..

As the casualties continued to increase, the bravery of the soldiers of the Yan Army was fully aroused. Many soldiers of the Yan Army used their bodies to block the guns, and then their companions would rush up and hack that person to death.

The morale of the Qin army continued to decline, and when it reached the critical point, some people would start to flee.

This kind of defeat spread rapidly like a dike burst, a large number of soldiers turned around and ran away, even the supervisors in the rear couldn't stop them, because they still had to face the soldiers of the Yan army who were advancing bravely at this time,

Chun Yuxian fought from night to day. He exchanged more than 1,600 deaths in battle for 2,700 deaths from 6,000 Qin troops, and more than 3,000 people were defeated and fled.

Ji Dan, who was far away in Xiangping, laughed happily when he saw the news, and went to visit Chun Yuxian's family with the money in person.

Cang Qianhe was very angry, when he rushed to the seaside, only the corpse with the armor removed was left there.

Chun Yuxian's more than 2,000 people had disappeared at this time, and they hid in the mountains and forests, waiting for an opportunity to move.

Xiao Xiao also got this battle report, but three days have passed since the end of the battle.

Although only more than 2,000 people successfully landed, what Xin Sheng was more concerned about was that the Qin army would fail in such a well-prepared battle.

Because the Qin general who commanded the army had already had his head cut off, so Xin Sheng just beheaded all the centurions who fled back, and all the defeated soldiers were also imprisoned, waiting to be released on 4.6

This is how Qin Jun dealt with the losers.

Xiao Xiao put the battle report aside, and then said to Zhou Zhouhai and Yi Kang: "It's only 2,000 people. The Yan army photographed a total of 8,000 people to go ashore this time. As a result, we sent troops to ambush all three positions. In the end, only two Thousands of people landed, this is not a big deal."

"Cang Qianhe is not a mediocre person either. Now he still has 20,000 soldiers and horses in his hands. 20,000 vs. 2,000. If this is still not working out, I don't even need to ask Xin Sheng for instructions. I can cut off his head myself." ."

After a pause, Xiao Xiao looked at Yi Kang and Zhou Hai, and said with a smile: "If the performance of the two of you satisfies me, Yi Kang will take down the military stronghold within three days. And Zhou Hai, you will do what you say." Come on, the whole village was really burned to the ground.”.

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