Daqin: Start With 100,000 Proficiency

281: Ji He's Helplessness

Xiao Xiao shook his head slightly, and then said: "The fault of this battle is not entirely your fault, it is ours. I found out that the opponent actually dug the Earthly Dao to lead to both sides of the slope, and I knew that if the opponent had reserved stone paint, they would use it until now." Otherwise, so many people would not be piled up on the slope.”

After Xiao Xiao finished speaking, he asked Qiang Liusheng to go down to rest, and Qiang Liusheng was also helped up by Wei Dayong, turned around and left.

During the daytime siege, Xiao Xiao injured more than 600 people and killed nearly a thousand people, most of whom were burned to death by stone paint.

There were more than 1,500 casualties, almost catching up with the sum of the previous casualties~.

Xiao Xiao also knew that this would deal a great blow to the Yongzhou army, but he would not leave this army village lightly.

Xiao Xiao is now on the horse. He looked at Guaizitun sharply, and then said coldly: "I will take this army fortress within three days!"

Compared with the Yongzhou army's siege, it is unfavorable and morale is low.

Yan Jun's side celebrated loudly at the beginning, and many people even sang loud and clear folk songs from the north.

Of the 300 people who went out of the city to take charge of the sneak attack, less than 50 survived in the end.

Ji He asked the officer to write down all the names of these fifty people, and told them that they would be promoted to the title three times, and each of them would be rewarded with three hundred coins.

Afterwards, Ji He asked them to bring some food to them and took them to a large yard behind.

There are specially captured soldiers who will serve them.

In order to defend the village, Ji He used almost all methods.

All the people in Guaizitun were conscripted into the battlefield.

Their food was also taken away, and they were only rationed a small amount of food every day.

Anyone who dared to resist would be hanged on the spot, and Jihe also specially asked people to collect food and wild animals that could be hunted in all the villages within a twenty-mile radius.

This is done in order to be able to stick to it for a longer period of time.

Jihe also made various promises to his sergeants, saying that as long as these promises are guarded at Guaizitun, King Yan will definitely fulfill them when they return to Xiangping City.

After Ji Herang went down with his two lieutenants to inspect the defensive loopholes in the city wall, he walked into the small room where he lived alone.

Ji He entered the room and closed the door, then leaned against the wall weakly, his hands were still shaking, which was a sign of exhaustion.

Ji He curled up under the wall, biting the cloth forcefully, and let out a silent cry.

In the battle with the Yongzhou Army, although his side had the upper hand, Ji He knew how terrifying those people were.

Once the fire oil is stuck, it will continue to burn, and the soldiers who are burned will be in unbearable pain, and will continue to run and roll, spreading to nearby people.

Ji He had killed more than a dozen of these hopeless subordinates in succession.

Not only that, there are now more than 300 seriously injured soldiers in Guaizi Tun, but Ji He is almost out of medicine.

So the more than 300 people could only wait silently in each tent to die.

Before the war started today, Jihe originally had 1,700 soldiers who could fight.

Now there are only more than 1,100 people left.

One of the reasons why Jihe gave such a high reward to the fifty or so people who came back alive was that he hoped that when Weizitun couldn’t hold on, these fifty people could lead him to break out of the encirclement.

"I can't hold it anymore, I really can't hold it anymore, big brother, it's not my brother. I don't want to fight to the death. Looking at the charred corpses and the soldiers who have no half of their body still crying. Brother, I really can't hold on It's gone!"

The window has the sun's Yuguang falling and standing on the wall, while the river just sits in unlit shadow.

In Ji Dan's temporary palace in Xiangping City, Ji Dan has already received news that Guaizitun has been guarding for seven days.

Looking at Gongsun Yue and Le Yun who were standing not far away, Ji Dan had some joy in his eyes.

"Jihe really lived up to my expectations. He has already killed more than 2,000 enemies, and the Yongzhou army is now being dragged in Guaizitun."

After listening to Ji Dan's words, Le Yun knew it in his heart.

The reason why Jihe was able to defend for so long was not only the geographical advantage of Guaizitun, but also because he possessed the regular army of Bo State that he had originally brought out from Jicheng.

In addition, Jihe also has eighty altars of stone lacquer, which can quickly set fire to an area, and it is Jihe's last resort.

Le Yun cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, if Ji He didn't mention in his letter that he used stone lacquer, it means that he can still guard for a while. If he used it, then he wouldn't be able to guard Guaizitun for long. ."

After hearing this, Ji Dan also sighed softly, "Yongzhou Army has tens of thousands of troops suppressing the border, and there are only 3,000 kidnappers. Even if Ji He escapes alone now, the widow will not punish him."

…ask for flowers………

"The king is holy!"

Le Yun and Gongsun Yue knelt on the ground one after another. What they were most worried about now was that Ji Dan couldn't bear the pressure and started killing people indiscriminately. This would be a very fatal blow to Yan Guo.

Ji Dan suddenly thought of Chun Yuxian who was hundreds of miles away.

"By the way, is there any news from Chun Yuxian? Last time, he was the only one of the three fleets that planned to attack Liangdao successfully. He should start to act now, right?"

Le Yun also hesitated for a moment, and then continued: "Well, my lord, we lost contact with General Chun Yuxian after the bloody battle at the beach that night."

"However, with the advantage of our fleet, we can send a small team to infiltrate the rear of the Yongzhou Army. I believe we will be able to get in touch with General Chun Yuxian soon."

"Very good, you go down to do this matter as soon as possible, I will make the Yongzhou army fall into a state of being attacked by the enemy.

Ji Dan thought of the invincible Yongzhou Army, although he suffered a loss in his own hands, he felt much happier.

As for Xiao Xiao this time, Bai Day's defeat didn't show any effect on his face.

After Xiao Xiao patrolled the camp as usual, he went to find the messenger Liu Sheng.

Arriving outside Qiang Liusheng's camp, Xiao Xiao saw Wei Dayong standing there.

"Why are you standing here without telling him my order?"

"General, he won't let me in, so I plan to wait here for a while and then tell him. This guy is really, isn't it just a loss, and it's not like we can't win back.

Wei Dayong was about to say something, but Xiao Xiao patted him on the shoulder and signaled him to go down and prepare for his own affairs.

Then Xiao Xiao tent came over.

Qiang Liusheng was carving wood by himself, and when he saw Xiao Xiao coming in, he was about to get up, but Xiao Xiao waved her to signal her to continue doing her own thing.

Xiao Xiao walked across to Qiang Liusheng, found a comfortable position and sat down.

Qiang Liusheng continued to carve the wooden block in his hand with his head lowered.

After a while, a simple fat-headed doll was carved by him.

Xiao Xiao also never thought that Liuqian, who is rough and rough, would have such a careful side.

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