Xiao Xiao left the tea house.

Fatty Mi thinks highly of him, but it's like giving away a war horse for free, so he can't not want it.

A few days later, suddenly two messengers arrived in Yongzhou, and a secret letter was delivered to Xiao Xiao. Xiao Xiao took a look and couldn't help taking a breath.

Qin State. Send troops to attack the country of Han! ! !


Fatty Mi said that it would take three months for the war horse to be delivered. Xiao Xiao is not in a hurry either.

In the military order, let him be responsible for delivering supplies.

In other words, Xiao Xiao and his subordinates did not need to follow the army to attack the Han Kingdom in front. Just transporting food and grass back and forth.


"Master, have you offended General Shi before?"

In Xiao Xiao's military tent, Zhao Kun, Han Cheng, and Yi Kang were all there, and Zhao Kun said depressedly.

These days, the soldiers have already skillfully used the mandarin duck formation. Moreover, the individual combat capabilities of the soldiers are also very strong.

It's not that he is bragging, if there were these soldiers in Yicheng back then. He can guarantee that the soldiers of the Han army will be scared out of their wits.

Not only him, the soldiers all knew their deeds, and they couldn't bear to go to the battlefield to make meritorious service.

Everyone has joined the army, who doesn't want to make meritorious service and go home to show their parents!

"That's right. Commander, the soldiers are all looking forward to making military exploits. This allows us to transport food and grass. It's too..."

At this moment, Hancheng looked at Xiao Xiao with a embarrassed face.

Yi Kang next to him also smiled wryly.


"This is a military order, don't complain so much!"

Xiao Xiao looked at the three of them and said.

In fact, he himself couldn't figure it out, General Shi went to Xianyang to ask for people, just to let them deliver food and grass?

The person who waited for the county magistrate to call said that the food and grass were ready. Xiao Xiao got up, put on the black armor, and tied the black armor.

Outside the camp, more than 2,000 soldiers had already been waiting.

Xiao Xiao glanced at it.

"Set off!"


Following Xiao Xiao's order, more than 2,000 soldiers walked out of the barracks in an orderly manner. In the neat long line, spears were erected, and black flags with the word "Qin" waving.

Escorting hundreds of carriages along the way, more than 2,000 soldiers in armor walked through the streets and moved forward on the mountain road. The towns passing by along the way opened their gates one after another.

Many people or vendors along the way saw them and whispered about them.

"I heard that they are planning to attack the country of Han."

"It seems to be true. Look at the grain and grass of so many hundreds of carriages. This is really ready to fight."

"It deserves it. I heard that Han Kingdom sent tens of thousands of soldiers to attack the border a few months ago, taking advantage of our Qin Kingdom's defeat."

"Hiss, doesn't that mean that many soldiers died at the border?"

"Sure, tens of thousands. It is estimated that a lot of cities should have been lost, otherwise why would the king order troops to attack the country of Han?"

"It really deserves it!"


Every time they heard the discussion, Zhao Kun and others were completely speechless. Sometimes I even want to go up and debate.

Han State attacked Qin State, but not a single city was lost. Thousands of people even died, and the person who killed thousands of Han soldiers was right in front of him.

"Why didn't the husband go up and say a few words?"

Zhao Kun looked at Xiao Xiao who was riding a war horse in front of him like a little bitter woman.

How could the husband not be moved when he heard these words?

Two days later. The first batch of grain and grass was sent to Yicheng.

At this time, Yicheng's soldiers had already changed a batch. After the recruits joined the army, the Qin State had already spared manpower. Naturally, old General Yu, who had been fighting one after another, led his troops to the rear for repairs.

"Hey, why do those riders look familiar?"

"Isn't that the recruits from before March?"

"It's really them!"


The soldiers guarding the city did not know Xiao Xiao and others. But the people in Yicheng know it. They fought the Han army in the city three months ago, and they all saw it with their own eyes.

Speaking of which, they did not fall into the hands of Han Jun. My daughter was not harmed. It is all thanks to these little generals desperately defending.

Even the young general in front of him was heard to have fallen on the tower, with several stab wounds on his body. People almost never come back.

"Little General, you are back!"

"are you tired!"

"I heard that the country is going to be attacked, here is something to eat, you take it."


The people in Yicheng are not as good as Yongzhou, especially after they have just experienced the war. But the people of Qin did not forget their roots.

Seeing people like Xiao Xiao, they were grateful from the bottom of their hearts.

Some people knew that they were going to the front line, so they gave them some food they had on their bodies.

"no, I'm fine!"

"Grandpa, no, really no!"


Hearing that the common people thought they were going to fight the Han Kingdom, the soldiers blushed.

They were going to fight the Han Kingdom, and they were only responsible for escorting food and grass.

Thinking of this, the soldiers who should have held their heads high all lowered their heads in embarrassment.

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