Daqin: Start With 100,000 Proficiency

080: The Army Is Under Pressure

Xiao Xiao didn't know how long he had been waiting for this king's decree.

Zhao Kun and the others had already gone to get the soldiers to assemble. Xiao Xiao sat alone in the military tent, took off the Jue Bian, and put on the Qin Armor.

While piercing the armor, he looked at the Qin sword placed on the shelf. I remembered the appearance of my elder brother, and my mother's heart-piercing cry watching Qin Jian.

After putting on the armor, he took Qin Jian from the shelf and put it on his waist sword. Xiao Xiao turned around and left the handsome tent.

Outside the commander's tent, Xiao Xiao took a look and saw that they were all Qin Jia soldiers in black. So densely packed that you can't see the end at a glance.

At this moment, Xiao Xiao's face was cold, and he glanced at all the soldiers. Because roared.

"Let's go!"


Following Xiao Xiao's order, suddenly the cavalry in the distance mounted their horses one after another. All the remaining soldiers turned around neatly, and walked out of the mountain like black dragons.

For three months, these soldiers have undergone special training.

Although many of them are not battle-tested soldiers, since they came here, the standard of their usual training is more effective and obvious than the training they have been exposed to outside.

The most important thing is that under the effect of the halo, the atmosphere of the soldiers has taken on a new look. Whether it is body, fighting skills or momentum, earth-shaking changes have taken place.

If you have seen these soldiers before, you will see them again now. You will definitely be dumbfounded.

Yi Kang rode his horse and followed Xiao Xiao.

And Xiao Xiao looked at the long black team in front of him on horseback, and looked in the direction of Zhao Guo.

Li Mu, here I come!

Zhao Guo.

At this moment in Wang Jian's tent, several generals frowned.

Old General Wang Jian was looking at the map at the moment, his eyes full of gloom.

"Report!! General Si's troops fought with the Zhao army before reaching Ancheng.

"Report! General Zhang's 5,000 men failed to attack and were besieged by the Zhao army in the Zhangshui River Basin."

Bad news came one after another. Wang Jian's brows became more and more furrowed.

The subordinates all looked at each other, their eyes full of anxiety. It has been half a month since I entered the state of Zhao. I thought that there was a famine in the state of Zhao, and the soldiers of the state of Zhao were already weak. Who would have thought that just after the battle, they would lose one after another.

"Li Mu!"

Wang Jian looked at the map, listened to the military report, analyzed the current situation, and kept chanting the word "Li Mu".

After a while, even Wang Jian had to admire Li Mu's military talent.

If they could find a reason for the last battle, it was because Li Mu rushed out suddenly and was caught off guard that led to the defeat. But this time, they came fully prepared, and Zhao Guo had been suffering from famine for half a year.

Under such circumstances, Li Mu can use soldiers like a god. Block the Qin army at the border of Zhao State.

"General Wang, the subordinates are ordered to support General Zhang!"

A subordinate stood up and asked for orders.

"General, my subordinates are willing to lead the troops to attack An County."

Then another general stood up.

But Wang Jian shook his head one by one. Gaze at the map. His plan was to capture An County and the Zhangshui Valley, and attack Zhao's army, forcing Li Mu to retreat. Then after the army advanced, there was a decisive battle between Anyi and Youyou. (bbdh)

At that time, he and General Li Xin will be able to encircle Handan as originally planned.

But at the moment Li Mu is in Anyi, and has seen through his plan.

If you go to An County and Zhangshui Basin again to increase troops. The original 150,000 troops under his command were less than 100,000. Can't pose a threat to Anyi.

This is equivalent to letting Li Mu open his hands and feet.

Wang Jian did not dare to send troops.

The attack on Zhao this time is the best opportunity for Qin State, if you wait for Zhao State to recover its vitality, then you want to take down Zhao State.

It is as difficult as climbing to the sky.

"Report! General, a secret letter from Xianyang!"

At this time, another news came suddenly. Wang Jian was shocked when he heard the news from Xianyang, and quickly accepted the secret letter.

Looking at the contents of the secret letter, Wang Jian set his eyes on the place where the word "Yanmen" was written on the map.

"General, Axia?"

The subordinates looked at General Wang Jian who had been silent for a long time, and asked.

Wang Jian didn't answer for a long time. It's just that his eyes kept wandering between Yanmen and Anyi on the map.

"The whole army obeys orders!"

Putting down the secret letter, Wang Jian raised his head.

Several generals under his command stepped forward one after another. Although I don't know the content of the secret letter, it is clear that General Wang Jian has already made a decision.

"Win Qi led 20,000 troops and went to Lingbei to ambush, and the rest of the soldiers followed the old man to attack Anyi."


"No. 17

Wang Jian watched his subordinates take orders and leave. Hold on tight to the secret letter in your hand.

What he has to do now is to keep Li Mu in Anyi. Can't let him go.

Following the order of old general Wang Jian, the mighty 130,000 troops attacked Anyi. During this period, in the sea of ​​soldiers, some of them headed in another direction.

In less than half a day, the soldiers of the Zhao army guarding Anyi City saw the endless Qin army approaching like a rising tide.

They reported the news in a panic. .

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