In the dark of night, Zhao Kun ordered the soldiers on the city wall to put out all the torches.


In an instant, the new Silicon City, which was still lit by fire, instantly melted into the night. Looking at the city from a distance, one can only see huge black shadows in the sporadic night.

"Qin Jun has something to do, go and report to Lord Wu An!"

Zhao Zu, who had been observing outside the city, saw this scene, and immediately turned around and gave instructions to the others.

Soon, several soldiers of the Zhao family ran towards the military camp in the distance.

"Report, report to Lord Wu'an, the Qin army on New Silicon City has put out all the torches."

In Zhao Jun's camp. Li Mu and five or six generals have not rested yet. They seemed to be waiting for something, when they heard Xiao Xiao brought by the soldiers, they all got up immediately.

"Sure enough, as Lord Wu An expected, the Qin army has already noticed that our army is deliberately consuming their arrows, and now they must want to go out of the city to get the arrows back."

"The final general is willing to take this opportunity to lead troops to attack Xinsi and destroy the Qin army."

A number of Zhao Jun generals said proudly.

Only Li Mu felt that things were not that simple.

"If we trapped the commander-in-chief of the Qin army in Hemen today, we can indeed take the opportunity to attack at this time. But the commander-in-chief has already returned, how could the Qin army make such a mistake again. No, they must have other purposes."

Li Mu closed his eyes, thinking in his mind if he was Qin Jun. what will do.

When the arrows are exhausted, facing twice as many enemy troops, as well as food and grass, it will not exceed two days at most.

A quick decision! In any case, the Qin army will definitely want the host data.

Night attack, this is a good way. But the other party knows that I am here. Certainly not a simple night attack.

Hit east and west.

"Lead 10,000 soldiers to prevent the new silicon city from sending troops to take arrows, and the rest will attack today and night."

Li Mu opened his eyes and ordered.


A general responded, then turned and left the commander's tent.

"General, Qin army dare to attack at night?"

"Yes, do you want to ambush in advance?"

The rest of the generals frowned and looked at Li Mu. They felt that according to General Li Mu's words, the commander-in-chief of the Qin army was a man who would never be reckless, and this night attack was not a wise move.

"Don't worry! The Qin army will attack at night tonight. This is the only chance they have left. When the news of the Qin army's surprise attack comes from any direction, we will take most of our troops to the other side to ambush.

After Li Mu finished speaking, seeing that the generals under his command were still puzzled, he looked at the map.

"Qin's army didn't have much food, so it couldn't sustain continuous battles. The second is that Commander Qin understood that compared with daytime, the soldiers of Zhao's army were trapped by the darkness at night [I can't send troops freely. This is the only thing he can do with me opportunity to fight."

"If I wait until dawn and I attack Xinsi again, the Qin army can only retreat. If they don't retreat, it will be difficult for them to leave on the third day."

Li Mu explained.

Now that the Qin army raided Yanmen County, facing him leading troops to defend, if he wanted to make a difference, he had to do it within a day. Otherwise, the Qin army would have no food and grass, and they would not need to do anything at that time, and the Qin army would become exhausted due to lack of food and grass.

At that time, if faced with pursuit. The 35,000 Qin army was like meat on a chopping board, allowing him to slaughter.

Of course, Li Mu also thought that this was a tactic to exhaust the army, but then he vetoed it. Now it is Qin Jun, not Zhao Jun, who is most afraid of procrastination. Secondly, he once met Shuai Qin and felt that he had a strong killing intent towards him.

It happened that Zhao Guo had a rare encounter in a century, and when he encountered a famine, there were 250,000 Qin troops to help him contain it. He would never return without success and let go of this great opportunity for nothing.

"The subordinate understands."

"Wu Anjun is wise!!"

Listening to Li Mu's explanation, the rest of the generals immediately understood. They all lamented that Qin Jun's coach is also a person who is good at controlling the situation on the battlefield. Pros and cons can be thought of at any time.

Two hours later, news of the Qin army's raid came as expected.

"Shan, go down and lead the army!"

Li Mu ordered.



Hearing this, the rest of the generals in the military tent took orders one after another. Then he turned and walked out of the military tent.

Li Mu looked at the map with thoughtful eyes.

"This is your only advantage and your last chance."

Outside the barracks of Zhao Guo's army, there is a valley in the distance. There were dense shouts of killing.


"Let the arrows go, and Qin Jun must not be allowed to come over."

A general of the Zhao army drew his sword and roared. Behind him, densely packed soldiers of the Zhao army shot arrows into the night.



It's just very strange that whenever Qin Jun was killed and retreated, he charged again soon.

After a few waves, the Zhao Jun general frowned. Something feels off.

"Quickly report to Lord Wu An that the Qin army is cheating, and this is a feint attack!"

The general of the Zhao army hurriedly asked Li Mu to report the news. Based on his many years of experience, the attack here is definitely not the main force of the Qin army.

Li Mu was not in a hurry to get the news, and continued to wait patiently for news from other directions.

Soon, the generals on the other side also returned to Ji Mu's tent.

"General, we led the soldiers to ambush on the mountain road, but we didn't see the Qin army."

Li Mu couldn't calm down now. So what exactly is Shuai Qin going to do?

Could it be directly... Impossible.

He sent 20,000 archers to the south of the camp. If the Qin army wanted to attack by force, it would be tantamount to death.

"What will happen to him (Zhao Hao)?"

Li Mu stood with his hands behind his back, stepped out of the handsome tent, and looked at the dark sky. There was a bad premonition between his brows.

It was the first time he encountered such a strange general. I can't even guess what he wants to do.

And he didn't believe that Qin Jun's coach would let go of such a good opportunity.

"Stay safe."

Li Mu ordered.

In the absence of the exact Xiao Xiao, Li Mu did not choose to act rashly.

This dark night sky is too restrictive for him, and now the other party is already a desperado. But behind him is the safety of the entire Zhao country. He doesn't need to gamble. As long as tonight is over, Yanmen County is at his fingertips.


Watching his subordinates leave, Li Mu looked at the sky and thought. There are countless possibilities in my mind. But in the end - vetoed.

"If Qin Jun wants to win, he only has the chance tonight, and he can't let it go for nothing."

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