The city of Juting is like a bright pearl, inlaid on the vast grassland of the Xiongnu.

The scale of this city is not too big, and the permanent population is only more than 4,000 people.

However, for the Xiongnu people, this city with a population of 4,000 is simply a magnificent city!

Juting City belongs to the Zuoxianwang tribe. The news of Zuoxianwang's death swept through the small city like a gust of wind.

The Xiongnu people in the city fell into panic, and everyone was in danger.

In the world of the Xiongnu, except for the tribal leaders and nobles, everything else, including people, was regarded as property.

The death of the leader means that the new leader will take over the city.

No one knows what will happen to them by then.

Huo Qubing led a thousand Huo family soldiers, galloping on the grassland, and finally arrived at Juting City.

The Xiongnu city is very different from the Qin city, and they have almost no walls.

This is mainly because it is difficult to build walls on the grassland, and the replacement of cities is commonplace.

Today's prosperous city may become a ruin tomorrow.

"General, Juting City is ahead, should we capture it in one fell swoop?"

Thirty miles away from Juting City, a scout of the Huo family army reported to Huo Qubing.

Huo Qubing raised his eyes slightly and asked, "Do you know how many Xiongnu people are in the city?"

The scout replied, "General, there are about 4,000 people."

Huo Qubing heard this, his eyes became fierce, and he shouted, "Four thousand people? Just enough for us to kill!"

"Pass the order down, half an hour later, launch an attack on Juting City!"


Following Huo Qubing's order, the soldiers of the Huo family army rested on the spot, enjoying the brief tranquility and conserving their energy for the upcoming battle.

At this time,

In Juting City, Hu Yanruo, the centurion of Zuo Xianwang's tribe, was resting in his yurt.

Although Juting City is composed of large and small yurts, this does not affect its status as a city.

Except for the Xiongnu royal court, which is built with city walls and houses, other cities are the same.


A Xiongnu scout rushed in breathlessly, shouting in panic: "General, something bad has happened! Thousands of Qin people appeared thirty miles outside the city!"

Hu Yanruo was shocked when he heard the news!


He stood up suddenly, his eyes wide open, staring at the scout, and asked: "What did you say? Qin people?"

"Are you sure you didn't see it wrong?"

Juting City is located in the heart of the Xiongnu. Not to mention the Qin people, even the nearby Yuezhi rarely sent troops here.

"General, there is no way I am wrong. The Qin people are very different from us."

After receiving the scout's affirmative answer, Hu Yanruo frowned.

"Send the order, let the warriors get ready."

"Yes! General!"

Just as the messenger conveyed Hu Yanruo's order, Huo Qubing led the soldiers of the Huo family army to rush all the way like a gust of wind. Thirty miles passed like a flash of lightning. In a blink of an eye, the Huo family army had already arrived at the city of Juting.

"Kill! Don't spare a single one!"

Huo Qubing roared, leading the way and rushing towards Juting City.

At this moment,

A large number of Xiongnu soldiers suddenly emerged in Juting City. They held bows and arrows, and shot thousands of arrows at Huo Qubing and others like locusts passing through the border!

Seeing this, Huo Qubing snorted coldly.

The long spear in his hand spun rapidly in front of him like a windmill, and then stabbed forward like a dragon out of the sea.

In an instant!

Light blue airflows shot out from Huo Qubing's long spear.

This airflow shot out like an arrow from a bow, and instantly became extremely huge, like a rocket dozens of meters wide flying close to the ground.

The Huns were dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

In the astonished eyes of the Huns, there was only a loud "boom", deafening.

Accompanied by bursts of screams, countless Hun archers were blown to pieces.

In just a moment, Huo Qubing had already killed his way to the city of Juting.

The long spear in his hand flew up and down, like autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves, constantly harvesting the lives of Hun soldiers.

Blood splattered, blooming in the air like red plums, and broken limbs flew everywhere.

Hu Yanruo, who was watching coldly and had no intention of taking action, almost popped his eyes out of his sockets when he saw this.

This is...

How could these Qin people be so fierce!

Could they know magic?

Fight or flee?

Hu Yanruo had no courage left, but he knew that he could not escape!

His family was in Juting City. If he escaped,

, the fate of his family must be horrible.

"Come here!"


"Tell the family to leave quickly, and the other strong men will follow me to resist the Qin people!"

This is the usual style of the Xiongnu.

Whenever there is danger, the young and strong will go first, and the old, young, women and children will evacuate first.

"Yes! General!"

In a moment!

Hu Yanruo led more than a thousand strong Xiongnu men to fight Huo Qubing!

At this time, Huo Qubing had already rushed into the city.

In an instant!

The two men's eyes met.

"Qin people, I have to admire your courage. With only a few hundred people, you dare to march deep into the heartland of our Great Xiongnu. Do you know that our Great Xiongnu has more than two million people and more than half a million troops?"

"If you know what's good for you, leave quickly. Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Hu Yanruo still had some brains and tried to scare Huo Qubing away with the Xiongnu's troops.

Unfortunately, his brains were obviously not enough.

Since Huo Qubing dared to come, he never took the Xiongnu seriously.

"Great Xiongnu?"


"What a great Xiongnu!"

"Two million people! That's really a lot!"

"The Longxi County of Great Qin has only two million people."

"I'm so scared!"

Huo Qubing sneered.

Hu Yanruo was furious!

But he knew that his task at this time was to delay time.

"Qin people, you..."

However, before he could finish his words, Huo Qubing roared loudly: "Brothers, kill!"

After that.

Huo Qubing clamped his legs tightly around the horse's belly, and the warhorse galloped out like an arrow from a bow, waving the long spear in his hand, and went straight for Hu Yanruo.

Seeing that his plan failed, Hu Yanruo had to bite the bullet and rush forward.


As soon as the two met!


Huo Qubing's long spear pierced Hu Yanruo's throat!

With Huo Qubing's sudden pull.


Hu Yanruo was carried away.

Not long after!


Hu Yanruo's body fell heavily to the ground.

This scene happened so fast that the Huns didn't react.

Their general was killed!

Killed with just one move!

But Huo Qubing didn't stop.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The spear in his hand stabbed the vital points of the Xiongnu soldiers like a pear blossom in the rain.

In an instant!

Behind Huo Qubing lay the corpses of Xiongnu soldiers.

With Huo Qubing as the spearhead, the other soldiers of the Huo family army were also killing with red eyes. They were like a sharp knife, stabbing straight into the city of Juting.

In just half an hour, the fierce battle came to an end.

The Huo family army suffered 35 casualties, and the number of enemies killed was as high as 1,300, and more than 2,500 Xiongnu people were captured.

Among them were many old, weak, women and children!

If it was a fight between Han people, Huo Qubing would never order the killing of these old, weak, women and children.

He stood in front of these captives, looking down at these trembling captives.

At this time,

The captain of the Huo family army asked: "General, how should we deal with these people?"

Huo Qubing's eyes were cold, and he replied: "Is there any need to ask? Kill them!"


With Huo Qubing's order, the soldiers of the Huo family army raised their swords and killed more than 2,500 people, even babies in swaddling clothes were not spared!

As the butcher's knife passed, the blood dyed the earth red, as if telling the cruelty and ruthlessness of war.

But Huo Qubing didn't think it was cruel!

Thinking about the people in the villages outside Didao County, Huo Qubing felt that he was still too kind and should set them on fire.

Looking at the corpses lying on the ground, Huo Qubing raised his eyes.

"Order, the soldiers replenish five days of rations, and after replenishing them, set fire to Juting City."


Huo Qubing was very radical.

He liked to fight back!

The Huns like to rob, burn and kill!


He can do it too!

As Huo Qubing and others left, Juting City was engulfed in flames.

For a moment.

Thick smoke covered the sky, as if a storm was coming.

Huo Qubing didn't even turn his head, he looked firmly in the direction of Zhaoxin City in front of him.


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