The two took a carriage to the river outside the city!

There was a huge wooden shed next to the river.

Inside the shed, there was a busy scene. Craftsmen were busy polishing wood and drawing blueprints. The sounds of various tools came one after another, like a moving symphony.

"This is the new warship we built for the Qin Empire."

Lu Ban pointed to the huge wooden frame in the shed, on which a huge ship was outlined with thin ropes and wooden strips.

"We call this warship the 'Qinhai Giant Wave'."

Ying Mo walked closer to take a closer look and saw that the hull was exquisitely designed with smooth lines, and the bow was carved with a ferocious dragon head, as if to devour all obstacles.

On both sides of the hull, huge oars are neatly arranged. One can imagine how these oars will drive the ship to break through the waves when sailing on the sea.

"This ship is not only majestic in appearance, but also powerful in function."

Lu Ban proudly introduced, "We have adopted the latest shipbuilding technology, the hull is stronger and can withstand greater wind and waves. At the same time, the weapons on the ship have also been upgraded, and the bows and arrows have a longer range and greater power. Most importantly, the ship is equipped with a compass to ensure accurate navigation on the sea."

After listening, Ying Mo nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, this is exactly the warship our Great Qin Empire needs. With such a warship, our Great Qin fleet will be more powerful and unstoppable."

Lu Ban smiled and said, "My lord, don't worry. , this is our 500th warship. "

"The craftsmen of our Craftsmen's Mansion are still working hard to build more warships."

Ying Mo patted Lu Ban on the shoulder: "I believe in you. The Craftsmen's Mansion has always been the pride of my Great Qin Empire. Every weapon and every warship you have made has made great contributions to our Great Qin Empire. This time, I also expect you to create miracles. "

Lu Ban was deeply inspired, with a firm light in his eyes: "Please rest assured, my lord, our Craftsmen's Mansion will live up to your trust!"

After leaving here,

Ying Mo went to Zheng He's training place to check!

Now that the warships are in place, he wants to see how effective Zheng He's training is!

Although the time is not long, only two months!

But according to the training time of recruits in later generations!

The recruits are almost all trained in two months.

The next step is to accumulate experience!


Ying Mo came to the naval camp.

"Who is coming?"

The recruits on duty are new recruits, and they don't know Ying Mo!


Ying Mo's temperament and the guards behind him have told them that the identity of the visitor is not simple. But Zheng He has ordered that no matter who wants to enter the camp, they must show their identity and get his permission! "Let Zheng He come to see me!" Ying Mo is very satisfied with this. As soon as the voice fell! The new recruit was shocked and bowed and said, "Your Highness the Crown Prince!" "No need to be polite!" "Please wait for a moment, Your Highness the Crown Prince. I will report to the commander-in-chief now!" Soon, Zheng He came running over. "Greetings, Your Highness."

Ying Mo nodded: "How is the naval training going?"

Zheng He replied respectfully: "Reporting to Your Highness, the naval training has achieved remarkable results. The soldiers have mastered basic sea navigation skills. Recently, we have strengthened actual combat simulation training to cope with possible future maritime conflicts."

Ying Mo nodded with satisfaction and said: "Very good, I am full of confidence in our navy. Zheng He, as a leader of the navy, you have a great responsibility. I hope you can continue to strengthen training, improve the combat effectiveness of the navy, and lay a solid foundation for our maritime cause."

Zheng He quickly responded: "Yes, Your Highness! I will do my best and live up to your trust."

Ying Mo nodded slightly, turned his eyes to the distant sea, and a surge of ambition surged in his heart.

He knew that the ocean was a field full of infinite possibilities. Only by mastering maritime hegemony can the long-term stability of the country be ensured.

"Zheng He."

Ying Mo suddenly spoke, "."

Zheng He bowed and said, "Your Highness, please speak."

Ying Mo said slowly, "I will give you another ten days, and I will go to sea with you personally!"

Zheng He heard this, and a trace of excitement flashed in his eyes.

He knew that this was an unprecedented opportunity and a huge challenge.


Ying Mo is with them!

It can be seen how much Ying Mo values ​​this matter!



Ying Mo ordered Li Si, Teng and others to prepare a 100,000-man army.

Food and Wu Qi's equipment and food seeds, etc.

As everyone knows,

Ying Mo's decisions have always been accurate and well-thought-out, and this time is no exception.

They began to get busy, each doing their own job, preparing for the upcoming great journey.

Li Si, as the prime minister of Qin, knew the importance of food and grass.

He personally supervised to ensure that every grain was clean and full, providing enough energy for the soldiers.

He allocated granaries and arranged transportation to ensure that there would be no shortage of food for the 100,000-strong army.

Although Teng was promoted to the right prime minister, he was a military general and was responsible for the preparation of weapons and equipment.

He personally selected to ensure that every piece of equipment was strong and durable enough to withstand the enemy's attack.

He also ordered the craftsmen to work day and night to make new equipment to deal with possible accidents.

At the same time,

Ying Mo also ordered the preparation of food seeds.

He knew that it was not enough to eat only food at sea, and there must be vegetables.

It was unknown how long it would take, so preparing vegetable seeds became a necessity!

Ten days passed in a flash!

The day of the expedition finally arrived!

Ying Mo stood on the platform and looked into the distance. His eyes flashed with a firm light, as if he had seen the dawn of victory.

Below the platform were hundreds of thousands of navy soldiers with high fighting spirit!

They also had firm eyes!

"Soldiers of Daqin, are you ready?"

Ying Mo's voice echoed in the open field.

"Always be prepared!"

"Always be prepared!"

"Always be prepared!"

Everyone answered in unison, loud and firm.

Ying Mo nodded, he took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled.


At Ying Mo's command, 100,000 troops set out on the journey in a mighty manner.

The sea breeze whistled, the flags fluttered, and the golden sunlight fell on the armor of each soldier, reflecting a dazzling light.

They stood on this boundless sea like towering mountains, welcoming the upcoming challenges.

The giant ship broke through the waves, and the sea water rolled over the bow, forming white waves.

On the deck, the soldiers were neatly arranged, their faces full of perseverance and determination.

Their eyes were as sharp as swords, as if they could penetrate all obstacles in front of them.

Ying Mo stood at the bow, looking at the distant sea.

His heart was full of pride and ambition. He knew that this journey would be the most important one in his life.

He wanted to lead his soldiers to conquer the vast sea and plant the flag of Daqin in every corner of the world.

The sea breeze was getting stronger and the waves were getting higher.

However, this did not make the soldiers retreat.

They knew that only after experiencing the baptism of wind and rain could they become stronger. They held their weapons tightly, ready to meet any challenge.


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