Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

109 Overseas territories, endless wealth

With the words of the first emperor fell.

The Daqin Jiuqing system collapsed in an instant, and was replaced by the three-province and six-minister system.

At the same time, the military cabinet was also proposed by Ying Zheng.

Meng Tian and Wang Ben were members of the military pavilion.

"The cabinet manages government affairs, the military cabinet manages military affairs, and assists me in handling all military affairs." Ying Zheng said indifferently.

Meng Tian became the Minister of Military Pavilion?!

This Montessori is going to rise completely.

And this also means that Meng Tian is about to return, so what about the son Fusu?

For a time, everyone thought about the prince!

Although Ying Zheng looks very good now, it can even be said that he will live another life.

But the matter of the heir concerns the future of Da Qin.

This is something that Manchu civil and military all attach great importance to.

It's just that Ying Zheng didn't mention it at all, nor did he say that Meng Tian would be recalled.

Because in his heart, today's Fusu is still unbearable!

In this regard, Su Qing also has his own opinion: "It is better to put hope on the grandson than on the son. 11"

Fusu was greatly influenced by Confucianism.

The character is too weak, and he is not qualified to be the emperor.

And the biggest question is, once Fu Su ascends the throne, what will happen to Su Qing in the future?

And it is very likely that there will be a scene of Confucianism.

Such details.

The civil and military people of the Manchu Dynasty also noticed that they did not mention the matter of the prince Fusu.

But after Ying Zheng finished speaking, everyone fell into contemplation.

Although Cao Zhengchun introduced the system of three provinces and six ministries before.

But now I fully understand it.

The establishment of the cabinet and the military cabinet will lead to checks and balances between the military and the government, and opposition, and His Majesty is in charge of the world.

Coupled with the future county system of the three provinces and six ministries.

Although Daqin is now a county system.

But there is a fatal problem, that is, there are no six departments in Daqin, which leads to the fact that the county has always been dominated by one person. Now that there are six more departments, it has a great impact on the local area.

His Majesty's goal of doing this is not difficult to explain, that is, to completely strengthen the control of every place in Daqin.

achieve absolute centralization.

Once this happens... everyone is slightly startled, then His Majesty's control of the place will probably be stronger than ever before, and the use of national power will also be stronger than ever.

Plus His Majesty's previous plans.

Obviously, this is also in response to future developments.

Otherwise, the local power will be too great, which will lead to local officials embezzling stolen goods and twisting the law, deceiving the top and the bottom.

But this is obviously very good for Daqin's future.

It can also speed up the pace of development.

"Your Majesty!" Everyone said sincerely.

At this time, Ying Zheng said in a deep voice, "Wang Li."

"The minister is here!" As Wang Ben's son, Wang Li was naturally qualified to go to court.

"Can you see the world map before?" Ying Zheng asked with narrowed eyes.

"Naturally." Wang Li said enthusiastically: "I have never thought that there is such a large territory outside Da Qin, and I am willing to conquer the world for His Majesty and bring all the world into the territory of Da Qin!

He thought that Ying Zheng let him fight, and immediately said words of allegiance.

"That's right. 35 Ying Zheng also said very boldly: "I intend to make the land where the sun and the moon shine in the world within ten years, all of which are Qin soil, so that all the people of Qin can live without worry, and be prosperous and healthy.

"Long live Your Majesty!

"Long live Your Majesty!"

Everyone said excitedly.

The three-province and six-ministerial system allows them to see the future development path.

At the same time, the phrase that the land where the sun and the moon shines is all Qin soil makes everyone look forward to it.

They look forward to the day when Da Qin can really rule the world.

"This minister must serve His Majesty to death." Wang Li's face was flushed, and he wished he would take out his sword and go out to kill the enemy.

"I don't need you to die. 35 Ying Zheng looked down at Wang Li and said, "I want you to go to Nanling, rectify my Daqin Building crew, and then bring him back to Xianyang, I will be of great use!

"Master Lou?" Wang Li was stunned for a moment, and then said decisively: "Here.

The other officials were also stunned.

The Daqin Building crew members have never been well-known, and even when they unified the six countries, they were only used to transport supplies.

The combat power is even more general.

Their only role is on the river and at sea.

Do you want to attack overseas and go to sea?!

"Your Majesty wants to go to sea?" Wang Wan couldn't help asking.

He is now the minister of household and in charge of Daqin's money bag. Although Daqin's development is developing rapidly, the treasury is still empty, especially after a large amount of gold entered the Qin palace.

The impact is too great.

Gold has been a strategic hard currency since ancient times, and the output of gold in Daqin is not high.

A large amount of gold was exchanged for energy points, which would naturally make Wang Wan aware of it.

"I have this intention." Ying Zheng naturally planned to go to sea, otherwise it would be impossible to rectify the navy.

"Going to sea is naturally a good thing, but I'm afraid that the treasury of Da Qin will not be able to hold it for a while, so please slow down your majesty." Wang Wan said in a low voice, even if it was a bit of a shame for Ying Zheng, he had to say it.

The others counted silently. Indeed, the Daqin scene is too large now.

Although the things of Shaofu, potatoes and sweet potatoes are good, the funds have not been returned.

Can't do anything big.

There are at least 200,000 sailors in the Daqin Building in Lingnan, and if they want to go to sea, they must build warships.


This warship is extremely expensive.

Think about how exaggerated Xu Fu spent tens of millions of money once he went to sea in the past.

"Do you know, what is there overseas?" Ying Zheng laughed loudly: "Some of them are endless wealth! Let's just say that Sangdao, which is 800 nautical miles away from our Daqin, has many gold mines, including several water mines. "

Water mine!!!

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed instantly.

You must know that there are actually quite a few gold mines in Daqin, but why is gold scarce, because it is too difficult to mine.

But water mines are different.

Water mines are natural sands that naturally come out of the river, and a lot of gold in ancient times came from this way.

For example, during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Duke Heng of Qi discovered Jinsha Water Mine in Shandong. In just three years, his national power began to take off rapidly, and he dominated the world from then on. Most of the gold mines they collected were small mines, one or two tons.

"Your Majesty." Wang Wan's expression instantly became excited: "I wonder what the water and mineral reserves of Nasang Island overseas are like?""

"Can you collect ten thousand gold?"

He asked repeatedly.

10,000 jin is 10,000 catties of gold, and it is actually 100 million yuan if it is exchanged in Daqin.

But this is gold, not copper, and it is also the foundation of national strength.

"What is a mere million gold?" Ying Zheng laughed, "Even if it is hundreds of thousands of catties, it may not be without it. The best thing is that there are people there who are helping Daqin dig gold mines.

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