Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

146 In the lower right corner, gold is everywhere!

146 In the lower right corner, gold is everywhere!

After being recognized by the system, Ying Zheng made a decisive decision!

In the past, Zu Long decided everything by himself, no matter right or wrong, but now that he has a system, he will only do things that Su Qing approves. In his opinion, Su Qing's words are unconditionally correct.

In fact, Su Qing didn't mean to think about Da Qin completely.

Zulong East Tour, are there any disadvantages?

there must be!

It takes a lot of effort and wastes money, and consumes the national treasury to build ships and steam engines. The investment in the Ministry of Industry is a large number. Let’s say, can tourism be free of money? Especially Zulong, who likes to make a big show.

There are also favorable places, this Zulong knows more clearly.

For Su Qing, the most important thing is that this Eastern Tour is harmless, that is, it will not have a particularly big impact on the national situation, and that's enough.

Su Qing is sure that most of it is for his own sake, and it was the same before, but he and the first emperor belonged to a prosperous relationship, so he must give Zulong the best attention every time.

This time, it was because he wanted Zulong to increase his luck. After following the host until now, the effect of money is not enough. If you really want to upgrade and absorb energy points, you still have to rely on luck.

A person is a bit of luck.


It can be said that the development of Daqin has always been carried out internally, and the frontiers are in a passive defensive posture, and if the first emperor's eastern tour can open up a precedent for the development of the frontier, then the people are simply united, and the luck is on the body of the first emperor. !

This is what has always been in the blood of the Chinese nation. There may be internal disputes, but as long as it is foreign, it will be unprecedented consistency.

The Western Regions side is a bit difficult, but the islands in the lower right corner are really a matter of minutes, but before Daqin was unable to go, and now the internal and external troubles are basically gone, it is time to set off.

This kind of expedition is a personal expedition, and the bonus to luck is doubled!

Su Qing himself is also looking forward to how many luck bonuses there will be at that time, and whether it will directly reach the fifth level!

The first emperor was also in high spirits, because just now, Ba Shi Wuzhi sent someone 30 million yuan to pay the agency fee for this month, because the potatoes and sweet potatoes were about to mature, and they were going to run the business.

The food lifeline is now completely in the hands of Zulong. As long as this line is there, theoretically, the money will be endless.

Moreover, this year is a Baishi Wuzhi merchant, and next year there may be hundreds of Baishi Wuzhi. The interest value of potatoes and sweet potatoes is unlimited, just like bidding, I am afraid that the highest price will get it.

This trick is too ruthless. Only businessmen authorized by the Great Qin Empire are allowed to operate potatoes and sweet potatoes, but in fact, this kind of grain yielding several thousand catties per mu will not be lost at all. This year, the King of Qin is showing everyone how much profit there is.

Next year is the time to really collect the big money.

Merchants raise the army, this is the kingly way!

The money was directly allocated by Ying Zheng to Gong Suqiu, and told him to build a king ship.

What this means is...

Gong Shuqiu is completely stupid, His Majesty is going to personally...

He didn't dare to say anything, and he didn't dare to ask any more questions, he just said he obeyed the order and went to design the king ship.

Like Gongshuuqiu, Ying Zheng also summoned a number of ministers to express his desire to travel east with the army.

He called Meng Yi, Wang Wan, Wang Ben, Feng Quji and others together to formally express the news that he would find Xu Fu in person at Dongxia.

This will be said sooner or later, and will be said directly at the court meeting, but before speaking, he must let these confidants manage him well, so that there will be no worries.

Several civil servants kowtowed heavily, His Majesty gave them such a heavy task, they will go all out!

Feng Quji suggested whether the first emperor should travel in secret? After all, there was too much movement during the last Eastern tour, and too many people appeared. As a result, the first emperor returned to Xianyang and killed a lot of talents to settle down.

"It doesn't matter, I just want to see, who dares to make trouble when I'm not around."

To be honest, Ying Zheng was not worried at all. Hei Bingtai and Jin Yiwei would report to him at any time. The intelligence network spread all over the counties and counties of Daqin. Even if these ministers played at home every day, there would not be any trouble.

The power he gave Jin Yiwei was that anyone who had the intention to kill the Qin Dynasty would be executed without mercy on the spot!

And Ying Zheng knows that the system can communicate with the exchanged characters remotely. Ying Zheng will not completely trust these important officials, but he absolutely believes in the feedback given by the system. Yu Huatian and Cao Zhengchun will not lie to him. The two of them are Will always be in Xianyang.

Feng Quji looked at each other in dismay. Indeed, from the last time they visited the East to the present, they suddenly discovered that the people around them were loyal and benevolent people, and Zhao Gao, Li Si, Zhang Han and many other officials who were different in appearance had been killed.

The First Emperor can indeed feel at ease on his tour of the East. The Emperor behind him is so powerful that there are too many things they can't imagine.

When the smoking black ship came out, it meant that Da Qin was absolutely unshakable.

And they just need to do their jobs well.

Ying Zheng took out a world map and swiped on it with a pen: "This is the territory of the Great Qin, and this is where I am going this time."

He drew an island in the lower right corner, not connected to the land, but with a galloping sea in the middle.

All the ministers nodded, this can actually be guessed that the first emperor built the ship, isn't it for this day?

According to Zulong's mind when he unified the seven kingdoms, and such a weapon, he will try it out himself, and he will continue to kill!

"This island, I named it Fusang, and there are 10,000 taels of gold buried in the ground."

Everyone was shocked. Sure enough, there were immortals with 310 holdings. Zulong was in Xianyang, and they all knew that there was an island tens of thousands of miles away??

And know that there is gold!!

You must know that there is no such concept as an island in the Qin Dynasty. In their thinking, this area on the map is just like another world that has been opened up. There are immortals in this world who cultivate immortals and become enlightened.

Therefore, the emperors in history usually went to such places to seek immortals. In addition, due to the weather, the islands have been shrouded in clouds and mists. In the eyes of people in this era, this is a vision of heaven and earth.

When the First Emperor wanted to go to sea, it was not for the sake of cultivating Taoism and becoming immortal!

This also makes everyone look down on the mystery of this kind of island. Before, everyone felt that the immortal island should not be offended. If you want to enter, you must sacrifice something.

But Ying Zheng seemed to know exactly what was in there and what was going on.

At this time, Su Qing told Ying Zheng, and Ying Zheng also told the important minister:

"Daqin is more than 400 nautical miles away from Fusang, and about 1,000 kilometers away.""

Su Qing continued to Ying Zheng: "But this is only the first step. After the compass is in place, it will not be a problem to open up a sea route."35

"Don't say it's a fusang, even if it's a few continents, it's not a dream!!!

(PS: The author has returned to his hometown in the past two days and has no time to update. There is time in the future, I hope everyone understands, thank you for your support~~~).

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