Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

148 I want to tour the east, who dares to stop me?

Above the main hall, the Qin Emperor sat majestically on the dragon chair, the emperor's aura pressed the courtiers to dare not say a word.

In the hall, Meng Yi walked to the center of the hall to report.

"Your Majesty, a hundred thousand troops have been assembled. 99

"Awaiting His Majesty's orders at any time!

Meng Yi's work, Ying Zheng is still very relieved, and the 100,000 troops have been assembled.

Just waiting for Qin Huang's order!

When the ministers heard the news, they murmured in their hearts.

What is the emperor trying to assemble his army for now? Who is he going to fight?

Ying Zheng was very satisfied. Now that everything is ready, he is only a shareholder.

Now it is only necessary to inform the civil and military officials at the court meeting and declare the world.

Ride the wind and waves, Zulong travels east!

With a wave of Ying Zheng's high-spirited sleeves, Meng Yi immediately understood.

"Your Majesty has decided to go on a tour of the East.

"Ride the wind and waves, raise the prestige of our country!"

There was an uproar in the hall.

"The 100,000 troops were dispatched for the Eastern Tour? 313"

"Go to sea?

"how come?

Because of this news, the peaceful courtroom made waves.

Who would have thought that the emperor would go on a trip again, now that Daqin is developing.

How can this be done without a monarch?

Immediately someone jumped out and persuaded:

"Your Majesty, no! 35

"My Daqin is at the time of development, and the palace cannot be without a master for a day. 99

"Besides, going to sea is too risky, if..."

"I'm scared!"

In ancient times, people were in awe of the ocean, and no one knew what would happen at sea.

The seemingly calm sea is like a sleeping beast. No one knows when it will wake up and what kind of waves will it make?

How many lives were swallowed? How many bones were hidden?

The Qin emperor actually decided to travel in person, and the senior officials in the court were naturally reluctant.

Someone took the lead, and more people followed, but they were mostly civil servants. Now that the court is up and down, there have been too many changes since Emperor Qin returned to the palace.

It is the occasion of rapid development, everything is prosperous!

The Eastern Tour was completely unnecessary in their opinion.

But how could they understand the ambitions of the Qin Emperor, and they would be satisfied with the status quo, and they would eventually perish!

The Great Qin Empire cannot stand still, what Emperor Qin wants is to overlook the world!

The world that Emperor Qin knew was completely different from what these courtiers knew.

Their eyes are still in the place in front of them, which is extremely short-sighted.

If you want the world, it must be a complete world.

Wherever you go, it is the king's land!

Emperor Qin ordered that all nations come to worship!

This is the goal that Ying Zheng wants to achieve, not only can sweep the six countries, but also have the existence of the system Su Qing.

What is the fear of Daqin's iron hoof in that overseas land?

Set foot on the unfamiliar land and educate the people of the world.

Ying Zheng's name should be remembered by everyone.

Emperor Qin's Eastern Tour, who would dare to stop him?

"I agree with you!"9

"My minister agrees!"

"The emperor's travel is a major event, and it needs to be considered in the long run!

The generals including Meng Yi frowned when they looked at this group of pedantic people.

The soldiers of Daqin are all warlike in their bones, how heroic would it be to create a new world with Emperor Qin (bbci)?

The 100,000 soldiers were ready to go, but now they were stopped by this group of civil servants.

Meng Yi held back his anger, looked at Emperor Qin, and was about to speak.

Seeing Emperor Qin waving calmly, Meng Yi took a deep breath and finally shut up.

"The sincerity of the ministers can be seen in the world!"

"I've seen it all.

"The matter of the Eastern Tour has been decided, and there is no need to discuss it again."

Indifferent words, but there is an unquestionable tone.

The courtiers really can't figure out what magic power is in the sea, which attracts the emperor to pursue such a pursuit.

Just as he was about to speak again, Meng Yi was one step ahead.


"Go sailing to the east and ride the wind and waves! The Ancestral Dragon personally conquered and raised the prestige of our country!

The shocking words resounded throughout the hall.

The courtiers were all shocked by this bold statement, and Ying Zheng also raised his lips.

This Meng Yi is very likely to come, and today is to announce the world, not to discuss with anyone.

In the whole world, no one is worthy to discuss with Emperor Qin, except for Su Qing, of course.

Only Su Qing is like an old friend of Emperor Qin, who can chat at will.

Others are only worthy of orders.

Daqin is the Daqin of Ying Zheng, and his subjects are Daqin's subjects.

Following Meng Yi's words, the courtiers also knew that the emperor was determined to go to sea this time.

What the Emperor Qin decided, in the end, no one could stop him.

The aura of looking down on the world made his words unbearable.

The courtiers were hesitant to speak, and seeing that the general situation was set, they could only agree.

"Go sailing to the east and ride the wind and waves! The Ancestral Dragon personally conquered and raised the prestige of our country!""

"Go sailing to the east, ride the wind and break the waves! Ancestral Dragon personally marched, and raised our country's prestige! 99

As a minister, some things can only be persuaded, not blocked!

Ying Zheng stared at the courtiers who were on their knees, without saying a word, the wind was light and cloudless, showing the style of an emperor!

I thought to myself that this Eastern Tour was finally on the agenda, and I was going to go to the vast sea soon.

Even Qin Huang was very excited.

The news of Emperor Qin's eastern tour spread out from the palace.

Caused a huge sensation, the common people passed on from face to face, the emperor traveled, this is not a trivial matter!

Soon no one in Xianyang knew about it, no one knew it,

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